Here’s some information about the Lock-In this Friday evening.
7pm – 7am
7:00-7:25 Belt Loop Session 1.
7:30-7:55 Belt Loop Session 2.
8:00-8:25 Belt Loop Session 3.
8:30-9:00 Pizza snack in Fellowship Hall
9:00-10:00 Games in Family Life Center (Gym).
10:00 – 10:15 setup bedding, brush teeth etc
10:15 – 11:45 Movie in FLC.
6:30am Wake-up, pack up.
7:00am Out the door! Breakfast is on your own.
Uniform of the evening is Class B (any scouting t-shirt). Scouts do not need their handbooks.
A parent is required to spend the night if their scout is a Tiger. For all other ages, a parent should spend the night. If they can’t, that parent needs to arrange with another parent in their Den to be responsible for their son.
We will be sleeping on the floor of the FLC. It gets chilly in there overnight, so sleeping bags are recommended. Also you may want to bring an air mattress or cot.
Any questions let me know.