Pinewood Derby

The annual Pinewood Derby is this weekend.  This is going to be a little bit longer than usual, I hope you will read it all.

Friday, 2/8 6pm – 8pm: Registration and impound
Saturday 2/9 Raceday!  Races are by rank:
8am – 9am  Tigers
9am – 10am Wolves
10am – 11am Bears
11am – noon Webelos I
noon – 1pm Webelos II
1pm – 2pm Championship.  Top 3 finishers of each rank
2pm – ?  Parents/Leaders race.  This has relaxed rules from the boys race.

Food will be available in the morning.  Please read this note from Sheri Nebinger:

Hi all, We (the Cub Scouts) are stepping up to provide food for the PWD.. I am going to get some food.. What I need from you is to help sell the food… We will start at 830 and sell food until 12 noon or until it runs out..  Please let me know if you can volunteer for an hour or more or less.. I will take what you can give..  8am -99am-1010am-1111am-12  Thank you.. Sheri N.