Cub Scout Meetings This Week – Reminder

Dear parents,

It’s a new cub scouting year! As previously stated in Kim’s message last week, this coming Tuesday, Aug. 26th, we will have our first Den meetings at 7:00 pm.    Some rooms may have changed but we will get you to the right place Tuesday night. We are excited to see you and your scout(s) there.

 Sept. 2nd will be our Kickoff night.  We hope that your scout will invite others to come, check us out and hopefully join!  We will be meeting at 7:00.  

 Kim has football tickets to the Wake Forest game on Sept. 6th.  If you ordered tickets you may pick them up from her on Tuesday night.  If you did not order tickets but would like to go, they are reserving a few seats near us.  The cost is $16 and you can sign up Tuesday night. They are finalizing the details for the campout on the baseball field that evening.  Since the game is at 6:30, they are making plans for us to be able to drop off our camping gear prior to the game.  You will not be able to park at the baseball field until after the game though.  As the details are finalized and sent to Kim, she will forward them to you.  As perviously mentioned, if you have game tickets already you are welcome to stay at the campout for no additional charge, but please let Kim know as soon as you can.

We are looking forward to a fantastic year in Scouting!  See you Tuesday night.
Pack 934