Cub Scout Den Meetings this week Reminder

Hello Everyone,

We have Den Meetings this Tuesday, September 16.  During this week’s Den Meetings, please make your den leader aware of any belt loops, awards, pins, badges or other cub scout related accomplishments that your scout earned since last May.  Our first Pack Meeting is next week and we need to get everything ready for the boys!

This Tuesday, September 16th, is the last night to sign up for the Hiddenite trip this coming Saturday, September 20th.  More details will be coming out shortly regarding this trip.

Please check in at the sign up table during this Tuesday’s meeting for new information and future events.

The Pack Meeting assignments for next week are as follows:
September Value: Cooperation
Pack Meeting Setup: Webelos I
Pack Opening: Webelos II
Pack Skit: Bears

The Den that is responsible for setting up the pack meeting needs to come to the meeting early to get the room arranged.

Have a great week!
Pack 934