Hello Everyone,
We hope to have ice & snow free den meetings this Tuesday, 3/3/15! We will meet in the scout area at Mt Tabor UMC at 7:00 pm. The Cub Scout Sciworks Sleepover is this Friday, 3/6/15.
The Pinewood Derby Winners from last weekend are listed on the Pack Pinewood Derby Webpage! Congratulations to all the boys who participated for wonderfully made cars and good sportsmanship. The Scouts will get their Pinewood Derby awards at the Blue and Gold Banquet.
Please run, do not walk to the sign up table this week, we have a lot to catch up on! This Tuesday is the deadline to signup for the Blue and Gold Banquet. Pack rechartering is coming to a close. If you have not rechartered, please take care of that on Tuesday. The cost is $60.00. We are also beginning signups for the Pack Hike and cookout at Hanging Rock rescheduled from April 18th to April 25th at 2 pm.
As you are planning your summer calendars, please don’t forget – Cub Scout Resident Camp is June 17th-20th at Camp Raven Knob and Cub Scout Day camp is July 13th-17th at a local location to be announced soon. Both of these opportunities will help your scout to get a jump start on his new rank and are required to earn the Pack Cubmaster’s award. We hope to have flyers and more information on these camps from the Council Office soon.
See you on Tuesday,