Den Meetings, Rechartering and Trustees’ Workday This Week

Hello Everyone,
We have den meetings next Tuesday, 3/17/15, in the Cub Scout area at Mt Tabor UMC at 7:00 pm. Please be sure to tell your den leaders if your scout has earned any additional scouting awards outside of den and pack activities by this Tuesday.
We have a fun and fast volunteer opportunity for your scouts. Next Saturday, 3/21/15, Mt Tabor UMC is having a Trustees’ Workday.   This is a brief session to spruce up the outside of the church before the Easter services in a couple of weeks. It is my understanding that this workday may be a way to satisfy some outstanding den requirements.
For the workday, the current  plan is:
  • 8:15 am – Meet at Biscuitville on Robinhood Rd (or)
  • 9:00 am – Meet in the church courtyard (participants can decide if they want to start at Biscuitville or in the church courtyard)
  • The group will pick up any small limbs & trash, do some light raking and spreading mulch around the shrubbery in the courtyard, around the administrative building and side yard between the sanctuary and parking lot/cemetery and add pine needles in the memory garden.
  • 10:30 am finish
Our church contact said that he has enough adults to do the mulch spreading but could use help with the raking, limb clean up and the pine needles. Those coming should bring rakes. This is a class B uniform event (cub scout t-shirt). The rain date is 3/28/15.
At the sign up table this Tuesday, we will continue to feature the Pack Hike, Rechartering and will be adding a new sheet for the Trustees’  Workday. Please be aware that the deadline for Rechartering is this Tuesday. We also have sciworks patches for any scout who attended the sleepover Friday night but didn’t get his patch.
We look forward to seeing each of you on Tuesday evening,