Dear All,
This week: We are having den meetings in the scout area at Mt Tabor UMC this Tuesday, April 21st, at 7:00 pm.
Cub Scout Awards: Please inform your den leader of any
scout awards that your son has earned in addition to den and pack activities by this Tuesday.
Sign ups: The sign up table is busy this week with final sign ups for the Pack Hike and cook out for this coming Saturday, April 25th at Hanging Rock.
We begin sign ups for the Spring Family Camping Trip to Stone Mountain. This trip is $25 per family. We are also beginning our Camp Card Fundraiser. These cards really sell themselves and earn credits for your scout use to decrease your cost on scouting events. Sign ups continue for Residence Camp (June 17-20) and Day Camp (July 6-10 or July 13-17).
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