Hello Scout Friends!
This Tuesday, 4/28, is our pack meeting in the family life center at 7:00 pm at Mt Tabor UMC. After our awards and announcements, the boys will adjourn to the courtyard for our annual pie throwing night. This is most definitely a Class B Uniform night.
Please review your scout’s popcorn sales documentation because each filled page on your popcorn form equals one free pie to throw at our den leaders! You can also buy more pies for $5 a pie. We are taking cash, check and charge for the pies, however, if using cash, exact amounts are encouraged as our change will be very limited. This is a cub scouting fundraiser. The money is used for scouts that need financial help attending scouting activities including camps.
We will have three tables in the courtyard. One for purchasing pies, one for picking up the pies and one for leaders’ supplies (paper towels/wipes).
I know the boys will be excited but please help us keep them from being too rough on the leaders or from trying to put pies in each other’s faces. There are popup trash cans around the perimeter, we need to make sure we put all the pie trash ends up in those cans so we can get it cleaned up when we are finished.
At the sign up table we have:
This meeting is the deadline to sign up for Resident Camp.
- We still have Registration forms for District Day Camp.
- If your scout is going to Day Camp or Resident Camp, please fill out an Outdoor Programs Parental Permission Form. We have them at the sign up table and they are on our pack website.
- If you need a copy of your scout’s medical form for day camps, let me know. I have to have time to make copies. Also, if you signed up for Resident Camp and I have medical forms for you and your scout, I automatically make medical forms copies for you.
- We are signing up for the Spring Family Camping Trip – $25 per family. Don’t forget to check our Spring Family Trip Volunteer Sheet to note if you can help before and/or during the trip.
- We also have Camp Cards at the table – Sales Price $5/Card and $2.50 per card sold in credits to use on pack events!
On the horizon:
- Next Meeting: May 5th: Bike Rodeo – if a scout doesn’t ride a bike yet, scooters (non-motorized) are fine to bring. Class B Uniform.
- May 19th Recruitment Game Night – Invite a Friend; Class A uniform
- May 26th – Rank Advancement in the Sanctuary – has a different start time than usual
6:30 pm
; Final deadline on turning in your Camp Card Money to Stacy. Last official meeting of the scout year.
- Resident Camp – June 17-20
- Day Camp – July 6-10 or July 13-17
First Den Meeting of the Fall – Tuesday, August 25 (WSFCS first day of school is Monday, August 24th)
Take care-