Dear All,
I hope you are all well. On Tuesday, 11/24/15, at our pack meeting, we will have our last popcorn money turn in at the sign up table. Many of us need to turn in our money.
We will be setting up a table outside the Family Life Center so we don’t disturb the Bobcat Ceremony or the Mad Scientist. If your child is getting a Bobcat Award, please feel free to turn in your popcorn money after the Bobcat Ceremony, during the Mad Scientist portion of our meeting.
Thank you to those of you who contacted me and turned in your popcorn money early since you knew that you were going to be traveling this coming week for the holiday. If you are traveling during our pack meeting and haven’t turned in your popcorn money early, please contact me as soon as possible so we will make other arrangements, all money must be turned in by December 1st. Please remember that we are not taking money at the Airbound Party.
See you on Tuesday Night!
Take care,