Dear All,
I hope everyone is having a fabulous week. I wanted to remind everyone that next Tuesday, May 17th at 7:00 PM will be the last den meeting until August. If your scout’s den had homework in order to meet their badge requirements, you still have time before Tuesday. We are also having a pizza party from the Old Hickory Council. The council is giving us this party based on our excellent Friends of Scouting donations. Thank you all for donating to scouting. The pizza party will take place at the end of the den meetings in the family life center.
Although, it will be the last den meeting for a while, we do have several summer activities scheduled and hope that many of the scouts can participate. Just think of all that energy they can expend while getting to be with friends!
Sign ups:
Spring Family Camping Trip, May 20th weekend (deadline Tuesday, May 17th)
Dash Game and Sleepover, June 3rd (deadline Tuesday, May 24)
Yorktown Trip, November 4th weekend (deadline Tuesday, May 24th)
Cub Scouts Day Camp July 11th-15th (on-line registration at tentative deadline July 1st)
Summer Movie Night July 9th (deadline July 1) See new sign-up sheet at table
Upcoming Calendar Events:
5/17/16 – 7:00 pm Den Meetings – Den Rooms & pizza party in the Family Life Center
5/20/16 – Spring Family Camping Trip – Stone Mountain Campground
5/24/16 – Rank Advancement – MTUMC Sanctuary
6/3/16 -Dash Game & Sleepover (6:00 PM parade, 7:00 PM start of game)
6/15/16 – 6/18/16 Cub Scout Resident Camp at Camp Raven Knob
7/9/16 – Summer Movie Night – Burkhead UMC (Time to be announced)
7/11/16 – 7/15/16 -District Cub Scout Day Camp at The Children’s Home
8/30/16 – 7:00 pm Den Meetings – Den Rooms
Look forward to seeing you Tuesday,