Pack 934 Updates 9/30/16

Hello Friends!
I hope everyone has had a fantastic week and is ready for a wonderful weekend.  I also hope everyone’s popcorn sales are exploding!  I can’t wait to get the latest update on how the pack is progressing next Tuesday night, at the end of our den meeting.
Speaking of den meetings.  Everyone will meet downstairs (at least to begin the meetings.) The room breakdown is as follows:
                      Webelos II – 120 (Boy Scout Room)

                      Webelos I  – 119
                      **Bears – 122 or Youth Commons (if renovation is complete)
                      Wolves – 121
                      **Tigers – 117 or 122 (if Bears are in Youth Commons)
**Bears and Tigers locations are dependent upon renovations which are scheduled to be completed Monday.  I will confirm and update, or you can just look for your Den’s sign outside the rooms.

–Bear Den (3rd Graders)– Attention Parents – We will be working on our Whittling Chip Requirement during our Den Meeting. Please ensure each Child has an attentive adult with them during this Den Meeting to help with this requirement. We will provide everything needed for the requirements so please do not bring pocket knives to the meeting. Parents – If you would like to present your son with a pocket knife we ask that you do this AFTER the Den Meeting at home and not at the Church. We have a large Den and safety is our top priority.  – Ty Brown

We would also like to encourage the Bear Den parents to please review the Whittling Chip information on the pack website.  Our goal is to have NO INJURIES while learning.  Please help us to meet this goal. 

We have two new event sign-ups so please see below for details and visit me at the sign-up table (in the hall) Tuesday evening. 

Event Sign-Ups

Wake Forest Football Scout Night Saturday, October 8th.  (Deadline October 7th) Tickets are $15 per person and include admission to the football game, a Wake Forest Football scout patch, and a group photo on the field after the game. All scout groups in attendance will be recognized on our video board, and will be seated together for the game.

Airbound Trampoline Park-  Tuesday, December 6th.  (Deadline November 22nd) This is the only time the pack will get together in December.  We will have cake and 1 hour of jump fun. More details will be available at the sign-up table. 

📆Upcoming Dates:
October 4th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm/ Popcorn Money Turn In
October 11th – No Den Meetings – Leader’s Meeting
October 13th-16th – Parent/Son Camporee
October 18th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm/ Popcorn Forms and Money Due
October 25th – Pack Meeting 7:00 pm
November 1st – Den Meeting 7:00 pm
November 4th-6th – USS Yorktown Trip
November 8th – No Den Meetings – Leader’s Meeting (Youth Commons)
November 10th – Popcorn Delivery Day (details to come)
November 15th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm
November 22nd – Pack Meeting/ Popcorn Money Due/ Pie Throw
November 29th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm
December 6th – Airbound Trampoline Party 6:30
Have a great weekend,