Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! The Wake Forest basketball game was a lot of fun! The Deacs won!! (That always makes it more fun.) Scout Sunday was a success as well. For those scouts that attended Sunday, please let them know how impressed we all are with their behavior, manners, and respectfulness. We must have the most well behaved pack in the state!
There are a few changes to our den meeting rooms, so please pay careful attention this week.
Tigers – 117 (Same as usual)
Wolves – 121 Cub Scout Room (same as usual)
Bears – Fellowship Hall (upstairs, next to the kitchen)
Webelos I – 122 (says Girl Scout Room, but we won’t tell the boys)
Webelos II – 120 Boy Scout Room (same as usual)
Webelos II Parents – Shannon and Bill will be in the Youth Commons to assist with paperwork for bridging and to collect money. They can ONLY ACCEPT CASH OR CHECKS.
For those who are new to Scouting, the Pinewood Derby will not last from 8-3. You will be assigned times by den to race. The top 3 racers in each den will receive a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place pin. All the cars that placed are then invited to come back later in the day to race against each other. Of course, everyone is invited to come watch any and all of the races. There will be concessions as well. The very last race of the day, is for friends and family. Anyone who would like to build a car and race it is invited to do so in the last race of the day. The times for each will be detailed soon.
If your family is going skiing next Monday, February 13th, you will be receiving an email a link to register each individual in the family. Please look for that email around mid-week.
February 7th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm
February 11th – Collect Scouting for Food bags (Meet at Mt. Tabor UMC 12:00
February 13th – Pack Ski Trip (for the family) MUST arrive by 9:00am
February 14th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
February 17th – Pinewood Derby Weigh-In 5:00 – 7:00 pm
February 18th – Pinewood Derby 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
February 21st – Den Meetings 7:00 pm
February 28th – Pack Meeting and Arrow of Light Ceremony for Webelos II
March 4th – Blue and Gold Banquet 6:00 pm
March 7th – Den Meeting 7:00 pm
March 10th – SciWorks Sleepover
March 14th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
March 21st – Den Meeting 7:00 pm
March 28th – Pack Meeting 7:00pm – Mad Science will have a presentation
Pack Ski Trip – Monday, February 13th ($25-$30) Deadline 2/7
Blue and Gold Banquet – Saturday, March 4th ($6.00 per plate if purchased in advance.)
SciWorks Sleepover– March 10th ($30 for scout and parent) Deadline 2/7
If you have any questions, as always, please email, text, call, or see me at the sign-up table.
See you all soon,