Dear Friends,
We would like to take a moment to say “thank you” to all the parents and scouts that participated in the Pinewood Derby this year! Because of you all, the derby was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship for all who were there! The boys were all kind and respectful of each other! There were some really cool cars and a LOT of really fast cars!
Speaking of cool cars….the results are in on who won coolest car in each den. The big reveal will be at our annual Blue and Gold Banquet on Saturday, March 4th at 6:00 pm! Please don’t miss this night of food, fun, and celebration, saying goodbye to our scouts and leaders who are going on to Boy Scouts and bringing in the new Leaders. We also celebrate Pack 934’s birthday at Blue and Gold every year. It’s the 87th birthday of our Pack, and still going strong! We will have an ice cream bar to celebrate!
For those who are not aware, usually we have our Webelos II Arrow of Light and Bridging Ceremony on the same night as Blue and Gold. This year we are doing things a little differently. We will have our Webelos II ceremonies on Tuesday, February 28th during our pack meeting. We will give out all other den awards first, then have a Bobcat Badge Ceremony. We will then go straight into the Webelos II Arrow of Light Ceremony. (This will all take place in the Mt Tabor UMC sanctuary.) The Webelos II parents will be dismissed to go to the Fellowship Hall, all other scout dens and parents may follow (We ask that the Webelos II parents get to sit in the front.) The Boy Scouts will then bring in the Webelos II for the bridging ceremony. (The younger boys may really think it’s cool to watch, so I encourage you all to stay and support our fellow cubs bridge up to Boy Scouts!)
SciWorks sleepover is March 10th. If you signed up, and did not go last year, please see me to get a SciWorks health form. I have them at the sign-up table.
I have included all the events for the rest of the year for those parents who need to plan ahead. I know a lot of people need to request off work for events.
February 21st – Den Meetings 7:00 pm:
Tigers – 117 (Same as usual)
Wolves – 121 Cub Scout Room (same as usual)
Bears – Fellowship Hall (upstairs, next to the kitchen)
Webelos I – 122 (says Girl Scout Room, but we won’t tell the boys)
Webelos II – 120 Boy Scout Room (same as usual)
February 28th – Pack Meeting and Arrow of Light Ceremony in Sanctuary
March 4th – Blue and Gold Banquet 6:00 pm
March 7th – Den Meeting 7:00 pm
March 10th – SciWorks Sleepover
March 14th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
March 21st – Den Meeting 7:00 pm
March 28th – Pack Meeting 7:00pm – Mad Science will have a presentation
April 1st – Great Day of Service
April 4th – Den Meeting 7:00 pm
April 11th – No Scouts WSFCS Spring Break
April 18th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm
April 22nd – Pack Hike
April 25th – Pack Meeting 7:00 pm
May 2nd – Bear Carnival 7:00 pm Family Life Center
May 9th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
May 16th – Invite a Friend Game Night (tentative)
May 19th-21st – Spring Family Camping (tentative)
May 23rd – Rank Advancement in Sanctuary
June 2nd – DASH Scout Night and Sleepover (tentative)
June 14th-17th – Resident Camp
July 10th-14th – Cub Scout Day Camp
August 8th-10th – Cub Scout Twilight Camp
Blue and Gold Banquet – Saturday, March 4th ($6.00 per plate if purchased in advance.)
SciWorks Sleepover– March 10th ($30 for scout and parent)
Pack Hike – April 22nd (free)
See you soon,