Pack 934 Updates 3/28/2017

Good morning parents of Pack 934,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.  I hear the Webelos I had a great hike over the weekend and the wolves had a great hike last Tuesday!
I want to remind everyone that we will be hosting Professor G-Force of Mad Science this evening.  His presentation should be a great time for all!  Please have your scout(s) wear his Class A Uniform this evening.  (Complete uniform – all that you have…)  We will begin promptly at 7 pm so that we allow The Professor plenty of time!  We will meet in the Family Life Center (big gym upstairs).  Bear families (3rd grade) please arrive as close to 6:30 as you can to set up for our Pack Meeting tonight.  
Tonight is the deadline for re-charter.   For those of you who are new to scouting, or those who are unfamiliar with the terms, that means that it is time to sign-up for the upcoming year.  The scouting year goes from April-March every year.  The recharter fee this year will be $36.00.  (In years past it has been $60, so this is a great thing!)  The expense will cover April 2017-March 2018.  Please see me at the sign-up table and either get rechartered or at least let me know of your intentions.  (If you can not come by the table, please, email or text me your intentions for the upcoming scout year.)  We need to have spoken with every family tonight.  Thanks in advance for your help with making this happen quickly and I look forward to continuing scouts with all of you!
We continue taking reservations for this year’s Resident Camp, “Raven Knob Luau”.  The dates are Wed., June 14th – Sat. the 17th.  Our pack is subsidizing the cost of this event!  Raven Knob cost is $135 per scout and $75.00 per adult, but your cost is only $70.00 per scout and $45.00 per adult.  This cost reduction is all due to the pack’s awesome popcorn sales!  Way to go boys!  Camp Raven Knob is always a great time for the boys!  They also get a head start on the rank requirements for the upcoming year.  The deposit of $50 per scout and $10 per adult must be paid by April 19th with the remaining balance due by May 17th.   We would love to see all of our boys attend this wonderful camp and build confidence by conquering and doing things they never thought possible.  The campfire stories, smores, hikes, climbing wall, shooting range, eating in the mess hall and drinking “bug juice” together.  It all really bonds the boys, no matter their age.   Please don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!
📆Upcoming Dates:
March 28th – Pack Meeting 7:00pm – Mad Science
April 4th – Den Meeting 7:00 pm
April 11th – No Scouts WSFCS Spring Break
April 18th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm
April 22nd – Pack Hike
April 25th – Pack Meeting 7:00 pm
May 2nd – Bear Carnival 7:00 pm Family Life Center
May 9th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
May 16th – Invite a Friend Game Night (tentative)
May 19th-21st – Spring Family Camping (tentative)
May 23rd – Rank Advancement in Sanctuary
June 2nd – DASH Scout Night and Sleepover (tentative)
June 14th-17th – Resident Camp
July 10th-14th – Cub Scout Day Camp
August 8th-10th – Cub Scout Twilight Camp
📝Event Sign-Ups
Pack Hike – April 22nd FREE (Deadline April 18th) Family Event
Resident Camp 2017 – June 14 – 17 (Deadline April 18th) Parent and Son event
See you all tonight,