Pack 934 Updates 4/18/17, Hike Details, Exciting News!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!  We have some wonderful news to share for the upcoming Scout year, so please read to the end of this email.  We do have our normal den meeting tonight at 7pm.  We will all be downstairs.
The Leader’s would like to request the boys wear as much of their Class A uniforms (the formal uniform) as they have for their den and pack meetings please.  They are not to carry the flag or participate in any of the formal ceremonies (for Webelos this means, they can not be the “Denner” or serve in various rolls) if they are not in full uniform.  If anyone does not have a uniform or specific parts of the uniform and needs help with this, please see either Mack or myself.  You may call either of us if you are not comfortable grabbing us at a meeting.  There are funds set aside to help families.  So, unless you have been told to do otherwise for a messy activity, please have your scout wear his Class A Uniform.
One last item of business pertaining to Den and Pack Meetings.  If you can not stay with your scout during the meetings for whatever reason, please kindly ask another parent to watch after your child.  We realize life is hectic and there are many things going on at the same time as scouts, so that is all we ask.  Please make arrangements with another parent.
                      Webelos I  – Boy Scout Room
                      Bears – Youth Commons
                      Wolves – 121 (Cub Scout Room)
                      Tigers –  118
Our pack hike is coming up fast!  This weekend in fact!  I am still waiting on one important piece of information, so please keep watching your email for hike detail updates.  As of right now we are planning to meet in front of the Hanging Rock Visitors Center at 9:30am Saturday morning.  The address is 1790 Hanging Rock Park Rd. Danbury NC  27016.  Please check in with me upon your arrival.  Also check in with me when you come back down from the trail.  We have a “No Scout Left Behind” policy!  We will have a brief program before we hike the trail as a group.  We will also have lunch once we come back from the hike.  Mr. Ty Brown has graciously agreed to stay behind and grill hamburgers and hot dogs.  We need families with last names ending in A-L to bring a side item for lunch and families with names ending in M-Z to bring a dessert to share with the pack please.  We have 80+ people attending the hike!!
女Now, for the other exciting news….We will be adding a Lion Den beginning in the fall!!  That means we will be recruiting Kindergarten and First grade, along with growing our rising Second graders and above!!!  If you have a child who will be in Kindergarten or first grade and you know you want them involved next year, please let us know now, so we can start planning.  (No paperwork or fees until next fall)  We would like to get a jumpstart on recruiting for next season.  The upcoming Bear Carnival will be a great night to plant that seed.
We are asking everyone to invite a friend to the Bear Carnival, which will be Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:00 pm. That would normally be a den meeting night, but we will be in the Family Life Center (the big gym) that night.  The Bear’s have organized many games for the night.  We will play games and at the end be able to get a treat with the tickets earned from participating in the games.
At the sign- up table tonight we have:
📝Event Sign-Ups
Pack Hike – April 22nd FREE (Deadline April 18th) Family Event
Resident Camp 2017 – June 14 – 17 (Deadline April 18th) Parent and Son event
Spring Family Camping – May 19th -21st (Deadline May 9th)
🐞I also have information for this year’s Cub Scout Day Camp and the new Twilight Camp at the table.  Please come see me if you are interested.
We have several found items, please check the sign-up table to make sure you don’t have any found items that you didn’t realize were lost.
If your child helped collect food during “Scouting For Food” please see me at the table.  We have another patch for you.  The council has sent their own patches for that event.
📆Upcoming Dates:
April 18th – Den Meetings 7:00 pm
April 22nd – Pack Hike
April 25th – Pack Meeting 7:00 pm
May 2nd – Bear Carnival and Invite a Friend night 7:00 pm Family Life Center
May 9th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
May 16th -No Scouts (Camping Trip will be this coming weekend)
May 19th-21st – Spring Family Camping
May 23rd – Rank Advancement in Sanctuary
June 2nd – DASH Scout Night and Sleepover (tentative)
June 14th-17th – Resident Camp
July 10th-14th – Cub Scout Day Camp
August 8th-10th – Cub Scout Twilight Camp
I can’t wait to see you all tonight,