Pack 934 Weekly Updates 10/16/17

Hello Friends,

We look forward to seeing everyone at 7 pm tomorrow evening Tuesday, October 17th in the basement of Mt. Tabor UMC for our regular Den Meetings.  Please use the Scout Entrance which is under the staircase at the bottom of the hill walking down the driveway to the far right when looking at the building.  (Whew, that was a long description.)  Just look for the Cub Scout Paws (signs).
Please have your child come through the Youth Commons (the big room in the middle) before the meeting to get their hand stamped if they sold any popcorn this week.  We will have tables set up with a parent volunteer from each den to count totals and collect money.  Look for your dens sign behind the table to ensure you are in the correct spot.  Dens will head to the Youth Commons at 7:45 to announce this week’s top 3 sellers and hand out small prizes to everyone who sold.
We will also continue God and Family at 6 pm for those Scouts who have been taking that course to earn their religious knots.  Please make every attempt to get there on time, in order to get started since we are cramming a lot of information in a short time.
For those who are new, if your Scout is a Tiger or above (1st grade or older) and you would like to join us for Parent/Son Camporee that will be October 27th – 29th, please see me as quickly as possible so we can get all your paperwork filled out and get you registered.
Thank you and GREAT JOB to all those who participated in Big Sweep Winston Salem!  I understand it was a lot of hard work, but a lot of fun as well!  I heard they removed 7 tires and a LOT of trash from Bethabara Park.  WAY TO GO!!
Sign Ups:
Parent/Son Camporee Oct. 27th – 29th – $25 per person (Scout and Parent Only Event)   New Scouts ONLY
Veteran’s Day Parade November 11th – Time TBD
Wake Forest Football Round 2 – November 18th – Time TBD
October 17th – God & Family 6pm
October 17th – Den Meetings
October 24th – God & Family 6pm
October 24th – Den Meetings 7 pm
October 27th-29th  – Parent/Son Camporee 
October 29th – Popcorn Sale Ends
October 31st – NO MEETING
November 7th – God & Family 6pm
November 7th – Den Meeting 7pm
November 11th – Veteran’s Day Parade
November 11th – Webelos II / Boy Scout Day Trip
November 14th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
November 14th – God & Family 6pm 
November 16th – Popcorn pick-up
November 18th – Wake Forest Football
November 21st – Den Meeting
November 28th – Pack Meeting (FINAL POPCORN $$ due)
December 5th – Rock N’ Jump Party (only meeting in December)
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow,