Good Morning Friends,
Welcome to another terrific Tuesday! I hope everyone had a fun filled weekend.
We will have our Pack Meeting tonight at 7pm upstairs, in the Family Life Center. If anyone can come early to help with setup, we would greatly appreciate it! I’ll be at the building at 5:45 to open up for God and Family, so anytime after that would be helpful.
Please don’t forget to turn in your Popcorn orders and any money collected. We will have areas upstairs for turn in with your Den’s Popcorn Coordinator. Please also have your child choose his prize{s} in the prize sheet for the amount of popcorn sold. He may pick more than one prize, as long as it equals the amount on the prize sheet from the council. We must turn in the prize choices with the popcorn this year. We no longer have the option of doing our own prizes, other than the weekly ones. Each child that sold popcorn this week, will get a free donut, courtesy of Dunkin Donuts! I believe there will be one more prize tonight as well.
We will also continue God and Family at 6 pm for those Scouts who have been taking that course to earn their religious knots. Please make every attempt to get there on time, in order to get started since we are cramming a lot of information in a short time.
Sign Ups:
Parent/Son Camporee Oct. 27th – 29th – $25 per person (Scout and Parent Only Event) New Scouts ONLY
Veteran’s Day Parade November 11th – Time TBD
Wake Forest Football Round 2 – November 18th – Time TBD
October 24th – God & Family 6pm
October 24th – Den Meetings 7 pm
October 27th-29th – Parent/Son Camporee
October 31st – NO MEETING
November 7th – God & Family 6pm
November 7th – Den Meeting 7pm
November 11th – Veteran’s Day Parade
November 11th – Webelos II / Boy Scout Day Trip
November 14th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
November 14th – God & Family 6pm
November 16th – Popcorn pick-up
November 18th – Wake Forest Football
November 21st – Den Meeting
November 28th – Pack Meeting (FINAL POPCORN $$ due)
December 5th – Rock N’ Jump Party (only meeting in December)
See you tonight,