Dear Friends,
Just a friendly reminder, we will have den meetings tonight at 7pm in the basement of Mt Tabor UMC. Please park in front of the church building and walk down the driveway to the far right when looking at the building. The Scout Entrance is below the metal stairway. We will have signs and try to have someone directing. If you are new to scouting or to our Pack and have not gotten a Welcome Packet yet, please see Hope at the table in the hallway.
If you are in need of Pack Number patches, we have the “934” patch as one, so that you do not have to sew each number individually. They are $4.00 each and will be at the sign-up table also.
We are now signing up for Parent/Cub Camping which will take place October 12-14th. The cost is $15 per Cub Scout and $30 per adult. Lions (Kindergarten) may come for Saturday only. The cost per Lion Cub and one parent is $20. Each will get a t-shirt and a patch for attending. Lions and their adult partners will need to bring a picnic lunch. Archery and sling shot will be open to all. BB guns will be open to Tiger Scouts and older. We arrive between 5 – 8 PM Friday the 12th and depart from Camp Raven Knob after breakfast Sunday.
Pack Trip to Greensboro Science Museum and/or Sky Wild Ropes Course
– Deadline August 31st (Sept 4th for new Scout families)
Wake Forest Football Scout NIght
Deadline September 18th
Parent/Cub Camporee
Deadline September 25th
USS Yorktown
Deadline September 4th
Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Mack Moore, Chris Hull or myself. It will be kept strictly confidential. If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call. My number is always included on the emails.
Reminders :
08/28/18 Den Meeting 7 PM (basement)
09/04/18 Pack Open House (Upstairs) Bring a Friend
09/11/18 No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
09/15/18 Pack Trip Greensboro Science Museum and Sky Wild 9:30 AM
09/18/18 Popcorn Kick-off 7 PM (Asplaugh Worship Center)
09/25/18 Den Meeting 7 PM (basement) No Pack Mtg due to Popcorn Kick-off
09/25/18 WFU Football Scout Night
10/02/18 Den Meeting 7 PM (basement)
10/09/18 No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
10/12-14 Parent/Cub Camporee (Camp Raven Knob)
10/16/18 Den Meeting (basement)
10/23/18 Pack Meeting 7 PM (Asplaugh Worship Center)
10/23/18 Popcorn Sales Due
10/30/18 No Scouts (WS/FCS Closed to students)
I look forward to seeing everyone,
Hope Pirtle
Pack 934 Secretary