Scouting Starts Tuesday!

NEW AND PROSPECTIVE SCOUTS: Many of our dens are meeting virtually. Please contact Alicia at 812-604-8560 to find out what den you are in and how to log in. If you are a Webelos (4th or 5th grade) or a Tiger (1st grade), we will be meeting at Mt. Tabor UMC at 7pm. Please bring a lawn chair and a mask.

Get ready scouts! Our first meeting of the year starts this Tuesday, August 25, at 7pm. Your den leaders should have been in touch with you about where you will be meeting – either in person or virtually. If you have NOT heard from your leader yet, please contact me and I will figure out where you will be.

Please consider signing up for our scouting app. This app has our scouting calendar with the option to download to your device. No more waiting for an email or checking the website for updates! Scan the QR code to the left to get started.

Upcoming Events (at 7pm unless stated otherwise):

August 25: Den Meeting

September 1: Den Meeting

September 7: Labor Day – NO MEETINGS

September 15: Leader’s Meeting (contact me for location details)

September 22: Pack Meeting

September 26: Cub Adventure Day at Quarry Park (Council Event)

September 26: Pack Day Trip: TBD

We want everyone to have an opportunity to participate in scouting. If you are facing a financial difficult, please contact me.

Alicia Lemar
Pack 934 Secretary