Den meetings continue virtually and in-person this Tuesday, September 1, at 7pm.
NEW AND PROSPECTIVE SCOUTS: Many of our dens are meeting virtually. Please contact Alicia at 812-604-8560 to find out what den you are in and how to log in. If you are a Webelos (4th or 5th grade) or a Tiger (1st grade), we will be meeting at Mt. Tabor UMC at 7pm. Please bring a lawn chair and a mask.
Upcoming Events (at 7pm unless stated otherwise):
September 1: Den Meeting
September 7: Labor Day – NO MEETINGS
September 15: Leader’s Meeting (contact me for location details)
September 22: Pack Meeting
September 26: Cub Adventure Day at Quarry Park (Council Event)
September 26: Pack Day Trip: TBD
We want everyone to have an opportunity to participate in scouting. If you are facing a financial difficult, please contact me.
Alicia Lemar
Pack 934 Secretary