Popcorn Shifts This Weekend
We have three more spots available for popcorn sales this Saturday, September 19. This is a socially distanced popcorn sale at the Ace Hardware parking lot on Robinhood Road. Please wear your mask and your Class A uniform to the sale!
Available Shifts:
12pm – 2pm – 1 available
2pm – 4pm – 2 available
To sign up for a shift, download the Trails End app and request your time slot. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Camping Q&A
Bryan Scott from the Webelos 1 den will give an intro to cub camping at our next den meeting on September 22. He’ll walk you through the gear you need and answer any questions. Reminder that this will be at Mt. Tabor UMC, at the lower parking lot near the cemetery.
Pack Hike
Our pack hike is scheduled for Saturday, September 26, at 1pm. We’ve selected Mayo River State Park as our destination this year in order to avoid crowds at Hanging Rock. The address for the park is 500 Old Mayo Park Road, Mayodan, NC 27027. More information will be available soon.
Upcoming Events
September 22: Den Meetings
September 26: Pike Hike at Mayo River State Park
September 29: Pack Meeting (via Zoom)
October 6: Den Meetings
October 9 – 1: Cub Adventure Weekend at Camp Raven Knob
October 13: Leader’s Meeting (NO den meetings)
October 20: Den Meetings
October 27: Pack Meeting