Scouts Start Soon!

Ice Cream, movies, and den meetings!

Greetings Pack 934 Cub Scouts and Families,
It’s August, and that means a return to Cub Scouting in just a few short weeks.  To kick off the new year, we will hold our Ice Cream and Movie Afternoon on Sunday, August 22 at 1pm.  We encourage all our scouts to drop by and enjoy the movie and ice cream.  Bring a friend who may be interested in Cub Scouts and earn your Recruiter Badge if they join the Pack.  While the scouts watch the movie, we will have a paperwork party for parents/guardians to complete forms for the upcoming year.  We are also happy to meet with new families during this time to answer questions.
Den meetings will begin on Tuesday, August 24, at 7pm.  We are excited to meet in person again this year, with individual dens having the option of meeting indoors or outside as in the past.  Pack leadership is monitoring COVID-19 guidance from the CDC and will meet on August 17 to finalize protocols to start the year.  The church currently requires making of adults and youth while in the building. We will update families on what to expect before Movie Night.  Of course, if you have questions in the interim, feel free to contact me or Alicia, or reach out to your den leaders.
Parents can get a jump on your paperwork before 8/24 by filling out the following forms in fillable PDF.  Please email your completed forms to Alicia at
Health Forms
Outdoor Release Form
Youth Application – For new scouts or if you are bringing a friend!
Parent Talent Survey

As noted above, please bring a friend for Ice Cream and Movie Night!  Print and sign the below cards and hand them out to your friends.  You will earn your Recruiter Badge when they sign up to join Cub Scouts.

Recruitment Cards – Ice Cream Social
Recruitment Cards – First Den Meeting

If your scout needs a new uniform, the Scout Shop is holding its annual Uniform Sale through October 31.  Buy a Class A uniform shirt and bottoms and you’ll get 25% off the bottoms.  
Finally, Alicia has updated the online Pack Calendar for the full year.  Please check it out at and click the Google calendar button to subscribe and add the dates to your personal calendar.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.  Enjoy these last three weeks of summer.  We are so looking forward to seeing everyone later this month!
Bryan Scott
Pack 934 Cubmaster

Upcoming Events

August 22
1pm to 3:30pm: Ice Cream and Movie
Mt. Tabor UMC Fellowship Hall

August 24
7pm: Den Meetings 
Scout Rooms

September 7
7pm: Den Meetings
Scout Rooms

September 14
7pm: Leaders Meeting (No Scouts)

September 18
3:30pm: Scout Day with the Deacs
Truist Field – More info to come

September 21
7pm: Den Meetings
Scout Rooms

September 25
Pack Day Trip: More info to come
Greensboro Science Center/Skywile

September 28
7pm: Pack Meeting