Hello families! I apologize for the late nature of this email. We’ve been trying to coordinate with the council for popcorn pickup. Our popcorn order will be delivered to the church on Friday morning. We need volunteers to help us count and sort our delivery. This entails counting popcorn against the master list, and then sorting the popcorn in to individual scouts. We will also need helpers on Saturday to make sure that each scout picks up his or her OWN popcorn order.
I’ve created a signup genius here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D45A9A629A1F85-popcorn
Please, please, please: sign up if you are able. We need all hands on deck to make this go smoothly! I am bribing helpers with refreshments!
Popcorn needs to be picked up on Saturday, November 13, anytime from 9am to 3pm. You DO NOT need to sign up for a slot to come and pick up your popcorn – just show up and we will help you find your scout’s order.
Thank you for your understanding with the late notice!