No Den Meetings Tonight: Leaders Meeting at 7pm in the Scout Room

Good morning scouts.  There are no den meetings this evening due to our monthly leader’s meeting.  We will see you at our den meetings next week, on March 15.

Recharter DUE March 15 (Next Tuesday)
This is a friendly reminder that if you are planning on scouting with us next year, your recharter  payment is due by next Tuesday (March 15).  You can pay via the website or at our next meeting.  If you met the popcorn threshold of $750 in sales, your recharter fees are waived!  If you are having financial difficulty, please reach out to AliciaBryan, or Malinda(strictly confidential).  

Kaleideum Overnight
If you are interested in attending the Kaleidrum Camp-in, please indicate your interest here.  Fees are $40 per scout and $15 per adult (leaders are free).  The event starts at 5:30pm and will have a pizza dinner and a continental breakfast.  A special patch will be provided at the end of the event.

Patriot’s Point
If you are interested in attending Patriot’s Point this year, there are a few spots left.  Please visit the website to pay for your ticket.  The price this year is $145 per person; Pack 934 is covering the cost of food.  If you would like an invoice in order to pay a deposit now and the balance before the trip, please email Alicia.

Upcoming Events:
March 15
7pm: Den Meetings

March 22
7pm: Pack Meeting

March 25
5:30pm: Kaleideum Overnight

March 29
5th Tuesday – No Den Meetings 

April 1-3
Patriot’s Point

April 5
7pm: Den Meeting

April 12: No meetings (Spring Break)

April 19
7pm: Den Meeting

April 26
7pm: Pack Meeting

April 30
7pm: Pack Hike