No Den Meetings Tonight – 5th Tuesday

Good morning scouts.  Today is the 5th Tuesday of the month, and as such, we have NO den meetings!  See you next Tuesday!

If you signed up for Patriot’s Point and have not received an email me, please email or text me immediately! 

Upcoming Events:
March 29
5th Tuesday – No Den Meetings 

April 1-3
Patriot’s Point

April 5
7pm: Den Meeting

April 12: No meetings (Spring Break)

April 19
7pm: Den Meeting

April 26
7pm: Pack Meeting

April 30
Pack Hike

May 3
7pm: Den Meeting

May 10
7pm: Leaders Meeting – No Den Meetings

May 17
Bear Carnival

May 20-22
Spring Family Camping

May 24
Rank Advancement Ceremony 

June 15-19
Cub Camp at Camp Raven Knob (Wolves, Bear, Webelos only)