Good morning! Den meetings for March start this evening at 7pm!
Kaleideum Overnight
The annual Kaleideum lock-in is this weekend, Friday, March 10, at 5:30pm. Today is the last day to register. An adult must attend, so please pay for both the adult and the scout. If you are a registered Cub Scout leader, you do not need to pay.
Our recharter campaign is right around the corner. Dues for the 2023-2024 scouting year are $75.00 and everyone has been invoiced through Square. If you have NOT received your invoice, please email me or find me this evening. Please pay as soon as possible; if you miss the recharter deadline you will have to fill out a new application and pay the $25 new scout fee. As always, please reach out if you need financial assistance. If you are looking to donate to our scholarship fund, please click here.
Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner! Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17. Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout. A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23. Please fill out this interest form.
Fundraiser: Camp Cards
This year we’ve decided to participate in selling Camp Cards through Old Hickory Council. These are discount cards for places in Forsyth County and can be used multiple times during the calendar year. The cards are $10 each, and $5 will be put into a credit account for each scout that sells. This is a great way to pay for your resident camp fees! If you are a family that does not plan on attending camp but are interested in helping us refill our scholarship fund, please consider selling camp cards for that purpose! Please see Alicia for more information and to pick up cards.
Hiking Club
Our next hiking club dates and locations are as follows:
March 12, 1pm: Gibson Park in High Point
Leadership Needs
We are in need of a pack treasurer starting in March. Please see Alicia, Bryan, or Jim if you are interested.
Upcoming Events
March 7, 7pm: Den Meetings
March 10, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-In
March 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: NO Scouts
March 18: District Pinewood Derby Race
March 19: Scout Sunday (Service TBD)
March 21, 7pm: Den Meetings
March 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting