Scout Sunday

For those scouts wanting to show their appreciation to Mount Tabor Methodist Church for allowing Pack 934 to use their facilities, Scout Sunday is this Sunday, 2/16 at 8:40am.  Scouts will serve the church as smiling greeters, handing out bulletins and collecting the offering.  It’s a very small donation of time for the many times we use the church facilities.  

It is also the end of the Scouting for Food drive, so please help Pack 934 and Troop 934 do their best to stock the Maple Spring Methodist Church food pantry by bringing a few items.

The volunteer Food Pantry Director advises their most critical priority needs are:
    > Breakfast items such as cereal, cereal bars and pop tarts.
    > Crackers such as saltines, ritz crackers, nabs and cheese crackers.
    > Condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, salad dressing and BBQ sauce.
    > Other non-perishable food in cans or boxes are certainly welcome but the items above are what the Food Pantry runs out of most frequently and short supply.


Arrow of Light Bridging and Banquet

If you are attending the banquet after the AOL ceremony, please pay for your meal tickets here.