Hello Everyone,
This Tuesday, 9/23/14, is our first Pack Meeting. We will be meeting at 7:00 in the Family Life Center at Mt Tabor UMC. For this meeting, the Webelos I den will need to arrive early to assist with the set up for the meeting. The Webelos II den will do the pack opening. The Bear den will be doing a skit.
Terry will be discussing the scout value of Cooperation. All Scouts should wear class A uniforms.
Please remember the next events and comments from Kim’s latest emails.
Parent/Son Camping Trip at Raven Knob: Oct. 10th-12th. Sign up deadline this Tuesday at the Pack Meeting. Cost is $25 per adult. The Pack covers the cost for each scout. You will need Medical Form for both scout and adult. Click here for the medical form. We will keep a notebook of medical forms for the scout year everyone will go ahead and turn these in.
USS Yorktown: Nov. 7th-9th. Sign ups are closed. But I have a dad and son that are now unable to attend. If you would like to take their place, please email me at pack934communications@gmail.com . The cost is $92 per person. If you are signed up to go, please go ahead and turn your medical forms in for everyone attending. We will be sending an email out to families attending soon. For those attending, I need a phone number for the parent attending. It would be helpful if you would go ahead and send this to me. One more planning tidbit- we need everyone to be at USS Yorktown by 6:30 pm Friday. Please make your work/school plans now. It takes around 5 hours to drive from Winston Salem to the Yorktown, you will have to check your scout out of school early for this event.
If you plan to sign up for Parent Son, please try to come a few minutes early or see me during the Pack Meeting. Just like you, I need to get my fellow home and to bed for school the next day. If everyone waits until after the meeting, then it makes leaving late for several of us. I appreciate your understanding of this.
We are always set up during Den and Pack Meetings for you to come sign up and pay for events while your son is in his meeting.
You may pay for events by check, cash or credit card (if the person with the square is available).
Have a great week.
Pack 934