Hello Again Friends,
I hope you all are having a spectacular Tuesday. Things have been a little crazy at my house so I’m running a little behind getting the update out.
Tonight is the first of the God and Family Course for those that signed up. We will meet in the Cub Scout Room in the basement at 6pm. Please try to arrive a little early so we can get started right at 6.
Thank you to all the Webelos II that made it to the Boy Scout meeting last night. Webelos II (5th grade) will NOT meet tonight since they were invited to visit the Boy Scouts last night to get information in anticipation of bridging up the end of Feb. If you neglected to sign up for anything that has a deadline, you may send me a message.
At 7pm, our Den meetings will start. Please use the basement entrance. Don’t forget to bring your Popcorn collection forms and any money that needs to be turned in. Scouts should come through the Youth Commons to show their form and get their hand stamped for a small prize. Parents, please come on into the Youth Commons to turn in money at the table for your den. We will have a sign behind each Den’s Coordinator so that you can spot them easily and get the receipt.I am attaching some “Need to Know” information to the bottom of this email.
Dens will dismiss at 7:45 to head upstairs to the Family Life Center to get the results, where the top three sellers will pick a prize and everyone who sold some popcorn for the week will get small prizes on the way out.
This is the last week to sign up for Big Sweep Winston Salem. Please see me at the sign up table if you would like to be involved. This is a great community project and lunch is free.
This is also the last week to sign up for the Parent/Son Camporee. If you have never been to this awesome event, you should try it. The boys and parents always have a wonderful time! The memories from these outings will last a lifetime!!
Sign Ups:
Big Sweep WS Scouts, parents, and siblings may all help clean up Winston Salem, with the Big Sweep event held on October 7th 9am-Noon. Free clean-up supplies and lunch to be included. (Deadline tonight, 10/3/17)
Parent/Son Camporee Oct. 27th – 29th – $25 per person (Scout and Parent Only Event) Deadline Oct. 13th. (We will not meet again until after Oct 13th though.)
Veteran’s Day Parade November 11th – Time TBD
Wake Forest Football Round 2 – November 18th – Time TBD
October 3rd – God & Family Course 6pm
October 3rd – Den Meetings 7pm
October 7th – Big Sweep Winston Salem 9am
October 10h- God & Family Course 6pm
October 17h – God & Family 6pm
October 17th – Den Meetings
October 24th – God & Family 6pm
October 24th – Den Meetings 7 pm
October 27th-29th – Parent/Son Camporee
October 29th – Popcorn Sale Ends
October 31st – NO MEETING
November 7th – God & Family 6pm
November 7th – Den Meeting 7pm
November 11th – Veteran’s Day Parade
November 11th – Webelos II / Boy Scout Day Trip
November 14th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
November 14th – God & Family 6pm
November 16th – Popcorn pick-up
November 18th – Wake Forest Football
November 21st – Den Meeting
November 28th – Pack Meeting (FINAL POPCORN $$ due)
December 5th – Rock N’ Jump Party (only meeting in December)
I look forward to seeing you all this evening,