Pack 934 Weekly Updates 11/6/17

Good Afternoon Friends,
Happy Monday!  I can’t believe it is already November.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
We will resume our God & Family class tomorrow evening at 6:00 pm for those who have been attending.  Only this week and next week to go.  (Yes God & Family will meet next week, even though it is not a den meeting night.)
Our den meetings will start at 7pm in the normal den rooms in the basement. There should be a den sign next to each door.  The sign-ups will continue to be in the Youth Commons.  (The big room in the center of all the dens.)
Popcorn was a HUGE success!!  Thank you to everyone who sold!  The orders have all been completed.  You will be receiving a Volunteer Sign Up soon to help with delivery.  Please help if you can.  We will be picking up on November 16th in the Family Life Center (the big gym) at Mt Tabor UMC.  You will receive an email message when it is ready for pick-up that day.  Make sure you plan to come by and get your popcorn.  If you will be unable to pick it up on the 16th, please make arrangements with me in advance.
Veteran’s Day Parade and Wake Forest Football deadlines are both this week.  We will begin our sign-ups for Rockin’Jump.  This is free to Scouts and is the only time we will meet in December.  The event will start at 6:30 pm, Tuesday, December 5th, and will end with cake and distribution of the Pinewood Derby Kits at 8pm.  Siblings and Parents are invited to jump for the $11.00 group rate (including socks).  Please pay at the sign-up table, not at the event.  I will send the waiver link closer to the date of the event.
Sign Ups:
Veteran’s Day Parade November 11th – Time TBD
Wake Forest Football Round 2 – November 18th – Time TBD
Rockin’ Jump – December 5th
November 7th – God & Family 6pm
November 7th – Den Meeting 7pm
November 11th – Veteran’s Day Parade
November 11th – Webelos II / Boy Scout Day Trip
November 14th – No Scouts (Leader’s Meeting)
November 14th – God & Family 6pm 
November 16th – Popcorn pick-up
November 18th – Wake Forest Football
November 21st – Den Meeting
November 28th – Pack Meeting (FINAL POPCORN $$ due)
December 5th – Rock N’ Jump Party (only meeting in December)
See you tonight,