Pack 934 Updates 04/23/19

Happy Bright Sunny Tuesday Everyone!
I hope everyone had a great Spring Break!  Tonight is our monthly pack meeting upstairs in the Asplaugh Worship Center at 7 PM.  The Wolf den will perform the Flag ceremony and the Bear den has tonight’s skit.  Please see the sign-ups below.  Resident Camp deadline is tonight!  If you believe that you signed up for this event, please see me to be sure as I do NOT have many signed up at this time.
Current Sign-Ups:
Pack Spring Family Camping will be May 17 – 19  at Camp Raven Knob’s Kyle Johnson Shelter.  This event is free and open to the families of Pack 934.  Each den will be put in charge of a specific meal during the weekend (so your Leader may ask you to bring an item for the meal).  It is a great time for our pack to come together as a unit and the scouts always have a great time!
Scout Night at the DASH (sleepover)  May 31 at BB&T Ballpark.  This event is open to friends and families.  There is a pregame parade and the game starts at 7 pm.  There will be fireworks after the game.  They usually have a very light breakfast in the morning and we are off the field by 7am.  I believe all agree that it is a great time for everyone!  Tickets cost $16.00 each for sleepover, patch, and hat or $11 for tickets only.  The deadline for this event is May 7th
Cub Scout Resident Camp at Camp Raven Knob is June 12 – 15.  (Please note that is a Wed – Sat, and you WILL NEED OFF WORK to get there by noon Wed.)  The theme this year is Raven’s Zoo!  Resident camp is for Scouts who will be Tigers (after Advancement in May, so CURRENT Lions!) through Webelos and a parent or adult chaperone.  We would love for all of our scouts to get to attend camp as it is so good for the scouts!  They learn so much at this camp and work on requirements.  I can’t emphasize enough how important and good it is for our scouts to go on this event!  The pack helps subsidize your cost.  The Raven Knob cost to the pack is $140 per Scout and $75 per adult.  We are asking you to pay $75 per Scout and $45 per adult.  We can break this into two payments of $60 each.  1st payment is due by April 23 and the 2nd will be due May 14.  If you would like to purchase a group picture that is made when we check our group in, it will be $10 extra payable on either date.  T-shirts are included in the price.  Financial Assistance is available through the Old Hickory Council if it is needed, please see me at the table or email me to request a form.  It will be kept confindential.
Old Hickory Council’s Cub Scout Day Camp will be July 8-11 at Piney Grove Park.  The deadline is June 30th.  Click this link to be redirected to the council’s registration page.
Old Hickory Council’s Cub Scout Twilight Camp is scheduled for Aug. 5-7 at the council office on Silas Creek Pkwy.  The deadline is July 28th for this camp.  Please click this link to register for Twilight Camp. 
📆Reminders :

04/23/19 Pack Meeting 7 PM
04/30/19 Den Meeting 7 PM
05/07/19 Bear Carnival 7 PM
05/17-19/19 Spring Family Camping
05/14/19 No Scouts – Leader’s Meeting 7 PM
05/21/19 Rank Advancement 6:30 PM
05/31/19 Dash Game and Sleepover 6 PM meeting time
06/04/19 Leader’s Planning Meeting 6:00 PM (All adults may join, please RSVP 06/12-15/19 Resident Camp (You will need Wed through Saturday off to attend with your scout.)
06/12-15/19  Cub Scout Resident Camp
07/08-11/19  Cub Scout Day Camp
08/05-07/19  Cub Scout Twilight Camp
See you all tonight,
Hope Pirtle
Pack 934 Secretary