No Den/Pack Meetings on Tuesday, 10/8; Leaders’ Meeting Only

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will not have any Den/Pack Meetings on Tuesday, 10/8.

  • The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 10/15 at 7 pm in the Den Rooms.
  • If you signed up for God & Family Classes, please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 10/15.
  • Thank you to everyone that came out to help with “Big Sweep”!  Our Scouts enjoyed volunteering and getting to know new friends.
  • There will be an email on Tuesday night (10/8) with details for the upcoming Parent Son Weekend at Camp Raven Knob from 10/11-10/13.  It will include arrival times, campsite, list of items to bring, etc.
  • Popcorn:  Continue to sell, sell, sell!  The last day to turn-in money/orders is Tuesday, 10/22.  Contact Hope with any questions (copied on this email).
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events below!

  • God & Family Classes 
    • Details:  The God and Family curriculum is designed to help youth understand the importance of family and God’s role in a healthy family.  Must attend all 6 classes at 6pm on dates below
    • When:  October 15, 22, November 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 6pm
    • Deadline:  October 8th (Email Maria Potrony to sign up.  She is copied on this email)
    • Where:  Mount Tabor Church, TBD Basement Scout Room
    • Who:  Scouts who have already received their God & Me badge; Priority to Webelos, Bears and Wolves.
    • Cost: Free

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

10/8:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
10/11-10/13:  Parent Cub Camping Trip
10/15:  Den Meeting

10/15:  God & Family 6PM
10/22:  God and Family 6PM

10/22: Pack Meeting
10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/23:  TBD WFU Game
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp