Our pack meeting is tonight at 7pm. An email was sent out with the zoom link; please contact your den leader or Alicia if you did not receive the link.
From Cubmaster Marion:
From 8 AM to 10 AM, I will offer a conservation project to clear trash around Mount Tabor United Methodist Church for up to 20 people this Saturday, March 27, 2021. I am offering this event as part of a BSA National Leadership Course I am completing called Wood Badge.
If you are interested in participating, please add your name to the online document. http://bit.ly/2PkCpxv
I will limit this event to 20 people (including scout/siblings/and parents).
I will provide additional details to those who signup as the time approaches.
Thank you all for making Scouting great!
Cub Resident Camp Sign-ups
Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending Cub Resident Camp this summer at Camp Raven Knob. Camp will be June 16-19 and will be for rising Wolves, Bears, and Webelos I and II. Fees this year are $155 per scout and $75 per adult.
Sign Up: http://bit.ly/397frko
Upcoming Events
April 6: No meetings – WSFCS Spring Break
April 13: Leader’s Meeting
April 20: Den Meetings
April 24: Pack Hike – TBD
April 27: Pack Meeting
May 18: Rank Advancement