Den Meetings Tonight: 7pm

Good morning scouts!  Tonight we start March’s den meetings at 7pm.  The church has approved going mask optional, however we will continue to mask this evening, and we will discuss the pack’s masking policy at our next leader’s meeting (March 8).  A scout is courteous.

Kaleideum Camp-in
If you are interested in attending the Kaleideum Camp-in, please indicate your interest here.  

Patriot’s Point Interest Form
If you are interested in attending Patriot’s Point this year, please indicate your interest on this form: Patriot’s Point RSVP.  There is a cap of 100 people (scouts and adults).

More info on Patriot’s Point can be found here.

Upcoming Events
 – ALL dens meet at the church at 7pm in 2022

March 1
7pm: Den Meetings

March 8
7pm: Leader’s Meeting
NO den meetings

March 15
7pm: Den Meetings

March 22
7pm: Pack Meeting

March 25
5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp In

March 29
5th Tuesday – No Meetings

April 1-3
Patriot’s Point
CRK Spring Camp