Pack Lock-in: Weather Update

Due to the potential bad weather on Saturday morning, our Lock-in will end around 11pm tonight.  We will still have all of our activities and pizza and a movie, but we just won’t be sleeping at the church. (and all the parents rejoiced!)

6:30pm-7pm: Pizza!
7pm – 8pm: Den Meetings
8:15pm – 10pm: movies, board games, snacks, reading, legos, etc
11pm: head on home!

Pinewood Derby
Our annual Pinewood Derby is February 10!  If you did not receive your car, you can pick it up at the Pack lock-in.  For inspiration, please visit this link, and for rules, please visit this link.

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

January 5, 6:30pm: Lock-in starts! 

January 9, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting (No scouts!)

January 16, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

January 21, 1pm: Hiking Club

January 23, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

February 6, 6:30pm: Den Meeting

February 9, 6pm – 8pm: PINEWOOD DERBY IMPOUND (rules found here)

February 10: Pinewood Derby!  Times TBD