Pack Meeting TONIGHT

Our first pack meeting of the year is this evening at 6:50pm in the Alspaugh Center. For new families, the Alspaugh is near the main sanctuary; enter through the double doors like you are going to the gym and we will direct you.

REMINDER: Pack meetings REQUIRE full Class A uniforms.

Popcorn Updates!

Show and Sell signups are live! Please signup for your shift today at this link!


Hey Pack 934 Parents & Leaders!

We need your help to make our Show & Sell weekends a big success!  This is your chance to be a Show & Sell Location Sponsor—it’s a fun way to support the pack and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Here’s the deal: Just pick a day and location where you can be the main point of contact. You’ll be responsible for grabbing the popcorn and equipment from the Rogers’ house, setting everything up at the location, and offering support throughout the day. Then, at the end of the shift, you’ll pack it all up and return it to the Rogers’.

Don’t worry—full instructions for pickup and drop-off will be sent to you, so you’ll have everything you need.

Thanks so much for stepping up and helping us make these weekends awesome! We couldn’t do it without you! 

Sign Up Here!