Hiddenite Gem Mine


We will be meeting at Mt Tabor UMC at 8:30 am on November 23 to travel as a group to the Hiddenite Gem Mine.  You are more than welcome to travel solo, but please wait for the group to arrive.  The cost is $12.00 per person.  I will collect the money from everyone at the mine. All family members are invited.  If you plan to attend, but have not registered, please email me the number of people at pack934cubmaster@gmail.com .

  • Bring a container or bucket with your child’s name for the gems they collect.
  • Wear clothes/shoes or sandals you do not mind getting dirty.  You may want to bring a change of clothes with you.
  • Bring an old towel to dry off after “Creeking.”
  • Bring a picnic lunch.  There are several picnic areas.
  • Plan to stay as long as you want.

All scouts will be entered for a geology belt loop.  For the Webelos, this trip will complete three of the five requirements for the Geologist Badge.

The link below offers more details.
