Camp Cards are here! They will be available from Kim at the Pack Hike tomorrow for anyone that would like to go ahead and check some out. Each Den has a Camp Card Rep that will recieve the cards as well and you will go through him or her to check them out going forward. We will have the cards available at all of the upcoming meetings. You are responsible for the number of cards that you pick up. Meaning that you must turn in any unsold cards or the money collected for those you sold. You can always get additional cards after selling your first batch.
The cards are $5.00 each. For every card you/your scout sells, $2.50 is for use by your scout and $2.50 is given to the council. You may use the money to pay for upcoming camps/trips/events through this time next year.
Harris Teeter has a $5.00 off $50 purchase on the card. Great Outdoor Provision has a $5 off $25 purchase. These two are one time purchase coupons but there are others that can be used over- Vincenzo’s, Bagel Station, Raven Knob Trading Post, Scout Shop.
You will find that some people will buy multiple cards from you if you let them know how much money goes directly to your son.
All cards and money will be due Tuesday, May 27th.
Below is a list of the Camp Card Reps by Den:
Tiger: Todd Harrell
Wolf: Stacy Stevens
Bear: Amanda Treadway or Shannon Settlemire
Webelos: Kim Towles
Please let Kim know if you have any questions.