Hi Everyone,
This Tueday, 5-13-14, is our Leader’s Monthly Meeting so no Den Meetings.
All money is due by 5/27 for all events. If you have not signed up for spring family please send me an email as we are starting our food shopping for the camping trip.
If you missed the Pack meeting, we have started sign ups for the Wake Forest football game and scout sleepover Sept. 6th. Sign ups and payment is due for the event by 5/27. After that, you can still order tickets but will need to order them from Wake Forest. This event is in its second year. We attend the game and after the game the boys get to go on the field for a picture. We go to the baseball field to set up our tents (no stakes), hear from a speaker, have dinner and a movie. It is a fun evening. If you already have tickets to the game, you still need to sign up with me so we have a headcount, but there is not an additional charge. The tickets are $16 and this is a family event.
Spring Family is $20 for the family. Payment is due by 5/27.
Yorktown final payment is due 5/27. If you sold any camp cards, you can apply money earned towards this trip after you turn in the money from the cards.
Camp cards/money: Any unsold cards and money from cards sold is due 5/27.
Resident Camp: If you are signed up, your final payment is due. If you are able to drop it off at the leader’s meeting tomorrow- great. If not, please plan to bring it on the 20th. We need it prior to the end of the month.
Have a great week!