Packing Meeting and Popcorn Forms Due

Hi Everyone,

This is just a reminder that we will have a Pack Meeting this week upstairs in the Family Life Center at Mt. Tabor UMC.  The Bear den is in charge of the set up for the meeting.  The Webelos I den is in charge of the meeting opening  and the Wolf den is in charge of a meeting skit.

There will be a table set up outside of the Family Life Center. Please bring your scouts’ Popcorn forms for turn in. You will receive these back when you pick your popcorn to distribute.  If you would like a copy of your form, you will need to make one for yourself as we do not have the ability to make one of you.  Please make sure that you have totaled each column, added up your total dollar amount and write it on the bottom of the form.  If you have more than one form, please label each form.  Also include the gift card location your child wants if he met the goal amount.

If you are going on the Yorktown Trip, please stop by the sign up table and verify or supply your cell phone number. Sign ups are also available for the January Lock-in and for the God and Me Class which begins in January.

Best Regards,

Cub Scout Pack 934


January Cub Scout Lockin – We Need Parent Volunteers!

Hello Everyone,

Please find a message below from Brad Wood, who is leading the Cub Scout Lock-in for January.  The boys always love this event.


The Lock-In Planning Committee is looking ahead to our annual Cub Scout Lock-In scheduled for Friday night, January 9-10 2015.

For those of you who are new to the Pack or have otherwise not yet been able to participate in this fun event, the Lock-In involves a round-robin of activities in which the boys can earn up to three Cub Scout Belt Loops of their choice.  After the Belt Loop activities are completed, we go upstairs to the Fellowship Hall to enjoy some pizza and drinks (intended to be an evening snack, rather than a full meal).   After eating, the boys will play kickball in the Family Life Center (the gym).   After playing kickball, we (parents and Scouts) will  set up our sleeping bags, cots, air mattresses etc. in the Family Life Center and settle down to watch a movie (to be determined) on a big screen with the lights out before going to sleep.   In the morning, we get up, pack up and leave.


The success of this event relies heavily upon parent volunteers.   We will need volunteers to teach the Belt Loop activities, to help usher boys to the various activities, to serve pizza and drinks, to referee/facilitate kickball, and to clean up as we go along.


The Lock-In Planning Committee has determined that the following Belt-Loop Activities best lend themselves to being able to be conducted indoors during the roughly  45-minute blocks of instruction:

  1. Chess
  2. Marbles
  3. Map/Compass
  4. Geography
  5. Photography
  6. Music
  7. Language
  8. Astronomy
  9. Wildlife Conservation
  10. Good manners
  11. Art
  12. Readyman [This is a First Aid course intended  for Webelos only, as this activity will last the entire 3-class period]


Ideally, we would like to have sufficient parental and leadership involvement to be able to teach at least seven of the above Belt Loop activities (including Readyman for the Webelos), with at least two adults serving as instructors for each activity.   (Each round will last approximately 45 minutes before the boys would rotate to their next activity, for a total of three rounds.)

Please look over these activities and let a member of the Lock-In Committee (composed of Shannon Settlemire, Amanda Treadway, Liza Wearn and Brad Wood) know if you would be willing to teach one of them or otherwise assist in the Lock-In in some other capacity.   The Pack can help you obtain supplies for Belt Loop activities if you need them.   The Belt Loop requirements are not necessarily etched in stone.  If you can think of a more creative and effective way to teach or convey the subject/life skill involved, you are certainly welcome and encouraged to do so.

More to follow on this event in the upcoming weeks, with a final sign-in/preference sheet to be handed out for turn-in by the Skating Party at Skate Haven on December 2.

Please let us know if you are available to help out with this fun night!

Take care-

Yorktown Trip Information

Greetings All, Here is the latest information from Stefano Marsella on the upcoming Yorktown trip.

Trip Destination:
– Camping Overnight (2 consecutive nights) aboard USS Yorktown – For more details, visit any of the following Websites:

Trip Date and Time:
-November 7, 8, 9, 2014 -Meet at the parking lot in front of the USS Yorktown NO LATER THAN 6:30 pm on Friday November 7, 2014. There is major road construction on I-26. Allow enough time to arrive by the designated time.
-Depart no later than 9 am on Sunday.
-Upon arrival, Pack leaders (Stefano Marsella/Chad Nolan) will contact the Yorktown -Scout Duty Officer to coordinate boarding the YORKTOWN as a group (this is must due to the nature of the Orientation Program).

About 2104 USS Yorktown Overnight Camping
-Meals include breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Day 2 and breakfast on Day 3. (Please note: No meals are supplied on Day 1 – i.e. Friday dinner is on your own)
-Movies in YORKTOWN Theater.
-Tours of aircraft carrier YORKTOWN, destroyer LAFFEY, submarine CLAMAGORE, Vietnam Naval Support Base Camp.
-An Orientation Program will be conducted by the Scout Duty Officer upon arrival on board the YORKTOWN. During Orientation, rules of conduct, the importance of the Fire Drill and other behavioral standards are explained.
-A fire drill is mandated by the State Fire Marshal and is held during the evening of your first night on board.
-Everyone MUST participate in order to sleep on board. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. -One Patriots Point Onsite Program is included (TBD)
-All campers receive an official Patriots Point Camping souvenir patch!

What to bring for your Yorktown adventure and Other Helpful Hints:
-Bring your Class A uniform (required during meals) and Class B to wear for other activities.
-Due to restricted parking spaces on the pier, the Pack is required to carry all luggage from the parking area down the 600-foot pier to the YORKTOWN. With this in mind, -please pack light (as well as the fact that sleeping quarters are tight and do not allow for a lot of extra luggage room).
-Patriots Point provides a bare mattress on the bunk. Campers must bring sleeping gear and all personal hygiene items. Patriots Point will not provide sleeping gear.
-All campers, including siblings, must be at least six years old.
-All campers are assigned specific quarters and are requested to respect the privacy of other campers by not entering other quarters. The berthing quarters are climate controlled. All youth campers must have adult supervision. Under NO circumstances are males and females allowed to share quarters.
-Bring rain gear and a warm sweater, as it may be cold.

How to get there and contact numbers:
-Address: 40 Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 -Get on I-40 W; Take I-77 S toward Charlotte; Take the exit on the left onto I-26 E toward Charleston; Take exit 220 to merge onto U.S. 17 N/Septima Clark Pkwy toward Mt Pleasant/Georgetown; Continue on U.S. 17 N.
-Main Patriots Point number: (843) 884-2727.
-The Camping Office number: 1-800-248-3508 (M-F, 8-4:30).
-After hours Camping Office number: (843) 881-5937.
-Emergency or after-hours: (843) 860-2345.
-Pack 934 Contact Numbers: Stefano Marsella (336) 749-2949; Chad Nolan (336) 831-5299; Shannon Settlemire (336) 692-4519.

Cub Scout Den Meetings This Week and Other Information

Hello Everyone,

Cub Scout dens are meeting this coming Tuesday, 10/21/14 at 7:00 pm at Mt Tabor UMC.  Please let your den leaders know this Tuesday of any awards your scout has earned since the last pack meeting.  Popcorn forms are due on 10/28/14.

The Yorktown trip is sneaking up on us.  It is on the November 7th weekend. Please make sure we have a medical form for everyone attending, scouts and adults.

After the skate party on 12/2/14, our next event will be a cub scout lock in planned for Friday, January 9th.  Cub Scout God and Me classes  begin on January 6th.  The boys will meet in the Boy Scout room at Mt Tabor UMC at 6:00 pm.  Please stop by the sign up table on Tuesday.

Have a great week!
Cub Scout Pack 934


Cub Scout Leader’s Meeting this week and Other Dates

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow night, 10/14/14, is a Cub Scout Leader’s Meeting.  Also, just a reminder that our Pack Website Events Calendar has all the dates for the 2014 and 2015 pack activities. Below is a list of dates from Kim’s email with some additions.

Your den leader may have additional activities scheduled. Some dates are subject to change.

10/14: Leader meeting
10/21: Den meeting
10/28: Pack meeting, Popcorn sales end, Order forms due at meeting, no exceptions

11/4: Den meeting
11/7 – 11/9: USS Yorktown trip, must be there by 6:30, more details will be sent
11/11: Leader meeting
11/13: Popcorn Pickup at the church between 5 and 7, required
11/18: Pack meeting
11/25: NO meeting, Popcorn money due between 6:00-7:30

12/2: Skate Party, more details will be sent
12/9: Leader meeting
(No den meetings in December)

1/6: Den meeting
1/9: Lock-In at the church
1/13: Leader meeting
1/20: Den meeting
1/27: Pack meeting
1/30-2/1: Webelo I and II camping trip

1/6: God and Me meetings begin, tentative date

2/3: Den meeting
2/10: Leader meeting
2/17: Den meeting
2/20 and 2/21: Pinewood Derby
2/24: Blue and Gold Banquet 6:30

 3/3: Den meeting
3/10: Leader meeting
3/13: SciWorks sleepover, tentative date
3/17: Den meeting
3/24: Pack meeting

 4/7: Den meeting
4/14: Leader meeting
4/18: Pack Hike
4/21: Den meeting
4/28: Pack meeting

5/5: Den meeting, Bike Rodeo
5/12: Leader meeting
5/19: Den meeting; Recruitment Night

5/26: Rank Advancement, Tentative date
5/29-5/31: Spring Family campout

6/9: Leader meeting, planning meeting
6/17-6/20: Resident Camp, Tentative dates
7/13-7/17: District Day Camp, Tentative dates

Have a great week!
Cub Scout Pack 934

Additional Information for the Parent – Son Camporee from Stefano

Hello Everyone,
Here is some additional information for the upcoming camping trip this weekend from Stefano.
Several parents have asked about electrical hookups…there is power fairly close to Piney Ridge A.  A drop cord can be run from the Shower House which is about 200 feet away.
– Also, although camping at Piney Ridge is on a first come first basis, we will be keeping the different dens in the following campgrounds:
Piney Ridge A – Tigers
Piney Ridge B – Wolf/WI
Piney Ridge C – Bears/WII.
Additionally, please remember to bring your Scout’s Class A uniform for certain events.
– Finally, here is a Shooting Sports Parental Permission form for boys under 12 that want to participate in shooting sports.
Cell service can be spotty at Raven Knob, my cell phone number is 336-692-4519 just in case anyone needs it.
Looking forward to a great weekend!

Parent-Son Camporee Information

Hello Everyone,

The details and quick links for the Parent/Son Camporee are listed below. We tried to put everything in one place for everyone.

2014 Parent Son Camporee Event Schedule

BSA Health Form Parts A & B

Trip Destination:
> Camp Raven Knob – Camp Raven Knob Website  The address is 266 Raven Knob Road, Mt. Airy, NC 27030. Directions to Raven Knob Map  Here is a map of the internal camp – Inside Raven Knob Camp Map.
>For more details from the Old Hickory BSA Council visit: Parent Son Camporee Details For some reason, the Old Hickory website is redirecting our link back to their home page. Once you reach the Old Hickory Council website home page, scroll down and the camporee link is on the left side of the page near the bottom.

Trip Date and Time:
>October 10-12, 2014
>Check-in from 5pm to 8pm on Friday night in the dining hall and between 9:30am and 10:30am on Saturday (a designated adult leader from Pack 934 will check-in for the entire unit).
>Opening Ceremony is at 9:00am on Saturday – arrive early between 8:00am and 9:00am!

About 2014 Parent/Son
>Campsite assignment – Piney Ridge A, B & C
>Parent/Son Camporee is open to all registered Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts (Wolf and Bear), and Webelos.
>This is not family camping. This event is for registered Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders only.

What to bring for your Parent/Son adventure and Other Helpful Hints:
>Class A Uniform for certain activities
>Pack 934 has elected the Meal Plan option. As such, the following applies:
>Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast is on your own in your campsite
>The following meals will be in the Dining Hall: Saturday Lunch; Saturday Dinner; Sunday Breakfast
>Wear comfortable closed toed shoes. Also, bring hiking boots as hiking opportunities are usually included as part of the activities. Always go hiking with buddies and never go without an adult.
>Museum and trading post will be opened so bring some cash!
>Bring warm clothes and rain gear, as the nights can be chilly and the days rainy at Camp Raven Knob.
>The does not provide tents for this event. For our assigned campsites (Piney Ridge A, B & C) you will need to provide your own tent, sleeping bag and pillow.
>Limited activities will take place Saturday morning and events will take place in the camp program areas on Saturday afternoon. Arrive on Friday for the full Parent Son Camporee experience.
>There will be a worship service Sunday morning.
>Pack snacks in airtight containers and be sure to bring plenty of water. Refillable water bottles can be helpful.
>Be sure to bring your fishing pole, tackle box, and live bait. Catch and Release only.
>A lot of great photo opportunities occur at Raven Knob, so be sure to bring a camera.
>Bring a first aid kit for that small scratch. Raven Knob first aid center is the place to go for bigger emergencies.
>Always use the buddy system and never go hiking alone or when the trails are dark.
>Bring sunscreen and insect repellant.
>Trail mix is great for a snack in between meals and fits easily in your short pockets or in a small backpack.
>S’mores and marshmallows are always a hit at the Pack campfire. The Pack will provide them…
>If you have firewood suitable for burning available, please bring to the camp.

Cell phone service can be spotty at Raven Knob but here is Shannon’s cell number 336-692-4519.

We will see you there.
Cub Scout Pack 934

Cub Scout Den Meeting Reminder

Hello Everyone,

We hope each one of you had a great weekend. This coming Tuesday, 10-7-14, is a Den Meeting night. For those of you, who are going on the Parent-Son camping trip this coming week-end, information will be coming out as soon as we have it.

Best Regards,
Cub Scout Pack 934

Pack Popcorn Update – Message from Mandy Boyce


We are off to a great start! So far, we have $10,317.25 in reported sales!!! Below you will find some important information as we continue selling in the weeks ahead.

1. SUPER IMPORTANT CHANGE: Please note that the date for final money collection has changed. ALL popcorn money is due by Tuesday, November 25th. Kim and I will be set up that night at the church collecting money. There is not a meeting that night. We will be there from 6-7:30 and this is the last chance to turn in money. If you cannot make it then, please turn monies in ahead of that time or speak with me about alternate arrangements prior to that date.

2. Den Coordinators: These are the people that you submit your weekly sales to.
Please let them know by 7pm Sunday how many orders and a dollar amount that your child sold for the week prior.
This is NOT a cumulative number.
It is only for the week we are in.

For example: Noah Boyce, Week One – 12 orders, $265, Week Two – 20 orders, $425 (Cumulative he has sold $690, but only reports weekly sales to the coordinator.)

Tigers: James Banner,
Wolves: Greg Irwin,
Bears: Paul Young,
Webelos I: Kendall Frederick,
Webelos II: David Greenawalt,

**For your son to be considered for weekly prizes, their numbers must be turned in by Sunday at 7pm.**

3. Top 5 Sellers: This prize is awarded weekly to the top 5 salesmen in the Pack. This is a fresh start contest each week; not cumulative. Every boy has a chance to be that week’s top seller and claim his prize! **Again, to be eligible, the sales have to be reported by Sunday night to the Den Coordinator.

4. Military Donations: Please let the person know that they will receive a receipt for their donation for tax purposes. These will be distributed with popcorn at the pickup in November. Mark your order forms with the donation so that we know how many receipts to add to your order.


10/28/14 – SALE ENDS – Order forms due at meeting between 7-8pm
11/13/14 – POPCORN PICKUP – You must pick up or arrange for someone to pick up your orders at the church 5-7pm
11/18/14 – PIE THROWING & FUNDRAISER – during Pack meeting
11/25/14 – ALL MONEY DUE – at church between 6-7:30pm
12/2/14 – POPCORN SKATE PARTY – Final Prizes awarded

Thank you for your continued commitment to our fundraiser. I look forward to a HUGE celebration as we reach our goal this year!

Mandy Boyce

Cub Scout Den Meetings Reminder

Hello Everyone,

We have den meetings, popcorn update and Parent-Son Camporee Preparation tomorrow night.  In case you didn’t see the message about the Big Sweep for this coming Saturday, the information is listed below:

Big Sweep Clean-up:

This year we will be participating in the Big Sweep clean-up. It is scheduled for Saturday, Oct 4 from 9 AM to noon.  Our site this year is the Muddy Creek Greenway, which we will share with a couple of other groups.  The Big Sweep is a great opportunity to gain service hours.  Gloves, bags, and drinks, will be provided.  Also, you’ll get rewarded with pizza afterwards.  The event is rain or shine.  We’ll have a sign-up sheet available on Tuesday so we can get an accurate headcount of how many Scouts/parents will be attending.  As the details are available, we will get that to you.

 Last year, the Webelos participated in this event and had a blast.  While having fun tromping through the creek, they were able to extract about 400 lbs. of trash from Silas Creek, including a tarp, a fishing pole, part of a car’s spoiler, 2 tires, a piece of pipe, 3 tennis balls, half a dozen golf balls, and assorted plastic.

David Greenawalt is coordinating this event.  His cell number is 336-918-1300.

Pop on with the popcorn and we will see you tomorrow night!
Cub Scout Pack 934