Pack Meeting and HUMAN hot dog, TONIGHT!

Pack meeting tonight at 7pm.  Wear your Class B tonight – we will be turning Mr. Garcia-Gallont in to a human hot dog!!

Wake Forest Football: Scout Day

This year’s Wake Forest Football Scout Day is between your Demon Deacons and Syracuse, on Saturday, November 19.  A time has not yet been set for this game.  Please sign up on this form by November 5!

Tickets are $15.  Please purchase them via this link.  This is a Class A event! 

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
October 25: Pack Meeting, 7pm

November 1: Den Meetings, 7pm

November 8: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm (No Scouts)

November 15: Den Meetings, 7pm

November 19: Wake Forest Football Scout Day (against Syracuse), Time TBD

November 22: Fall Break – NO MEETINGS!

November 29: Pack Meeting, 7pm

Den Meetings Tonight & Important Popcorn Info – Please read!

Den meetings tonight at 7pm!  If you are a TIGER – you will be meeting at 6:40pm at Wake Forest for the men’s soccer game.  Everyone else is at Mt. Tabor tonight.

Dear Pack 934 Scouts and families,

Sunday night was the deadline for submitting your take home orders, and I am so proud of everyone’s effort!

First things first: YES, IT IS OFFICIAL, I WILL BE A HUMAN HOT DOG. I never thought I would be glad to be covered head to toe in hard-to-wash-out condiments, but y’all did a fantastic job and held up your side of the deal, so I will be happy to hold up my side of the deal as well.

What happens next?

Tuesday, October 18 (TONIGHT): Last day to submit your payment for Take-Home Orders

Please bring your checks to your den meetings.

Checks must be made out to Pack 934, for the total amount of Take-Home Orders entered into your Scout’s Camp Masters account. Easiest is to write one check to Pack 934 for the total amount.

This is very important, as we will have placed our Pack popcorn order by then, and we will owe that money to Camp Masters!

Tuesday, October 25: Popcorn Celebration Day

Announcement of Pack 934 Grand Total!

Recognition of Top Sellers for the Pack and for each den.

Human Hot Dog

Friday, October 28: Last day to select your prizes

We need to place one group order for everyone’s prizes.

Please check your Scout’s individual Camp Masters total before selecting your prize.

Then, go to this Google Form and submit your prize selection:

PLEASE SELECT ONLY PRIZES THAT ARE WITHIN THE LEVEL YOUR SCOUT HAS EARNED. If you select a prize that is above the level your Scout has earned, the Popcorn Kernel / Human Hot Dog will choose a prize that is within range, at his own discretion.

Thank you for making this Popcorn Fundraiser a success!

Rolf Garcia-Gallont

Wake Forest Football: Scout Day

This year’s Wake Forest Football Scout Day is between your Demon Deacons and Syracuse, on Saturday, November 19.  A time has not yet been set for this game.

Tickets are $15.  Please purchase them via this link.  This is a Class A event! 

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
October 18: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 21-23: Cub Adventure Weekend

October 25: Pack Meeting, 7pm

November 1: Den Meetings, 7pm

November 8: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm (No Scouts)

November 15: Den Meetings, 7pm

November 19: Wake Forest Football Scout Day (against Syracuse), Time TBD

November 22: Fall Break – NO MEETINGS!

November 29: Pack Meeting, 7pm

NO Den Meetings Tonight

There are no den meetings this evening.  We will be holding our monthly Pack Committee Meeting at 7pm in the scout room.  If you are interested in volunteering, or just seeing what we are about, please feel free to come and sit in on our meeting.  Many hands make light works and we appreciate everyone who is willing to volunteer with our scouts.

Popcorn sales END this Sunday, October 16.  Please make sure that you have entered all of your take-orders in Campmasters on that day.  After Sunday, we CANNOT guarantee any late-placed orders will be shipped.  If you have any questions, reach out to Rolf or Zibi.

Wake Forest Football: Scout Day

This year’s Wake Forest Football Scout Day is between your Demon Deacons and Syracuse, on Saturday, November 19.  A time has not yet been set for this game.

Tickets are $15.  Please purchase them via this link.  This is a Class A event! 

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
October 11: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm

October 14-15: BALOO Training

October 18: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 21-23: Cub Adventure Weekend

October 25: Pack Meeting, 7pm

November 19: Wake Forest Football Scout Day (against Syracuse), Time TBD

Den Meetings Tonight

Den meetings continue this evening at 7pm. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early if you have popcorn money that you need to drop off.  Remember – put all of your take orders in to Campmasters before you hand us your checks.  And as a friendly reminder – if you took cash from your friends and family for popcorn, please write a check to the pack (we will not be accepting cash).

The Big Sweep

When: Saturday, 10/8, 9am-12pm
Where: Shaffner Park Par Course (Silas Creek entrance)

On Saturday, October 1st , Pack 934 will participate in the City of Winston Salem “Big Sweep”. Pack 934 has been assigned Shaffner Park Par Course off of Silas Creek Parkway next to Parkway Presbyterian Church and the commitment is only from 9 am-12 pm!

The Big Sweep is a wonderful opportunity for scouts to attend a conservation service project, work OUTSIDE, eat some free pizza at the end of the event, and earn great some great uniform swag like the Conservation Good Turn Patch! This event happens RAIN or SHINE, so please dress accordingly! Please sign up here, so Pack 934 can assist the City of Winston Salem with an accurate pizza order!

Cub Adventure Weekend

Cub Adventure Weekend is October 21-23 at Camp Raven Knob.  The cost for this year’s event is $35 per PERSON.  This price includes a patch, t-shirt, all fees and materials for programs, and dining hall meals.  Siblings are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Please fill out this form if you are planning on attending; an invoice will be sent out later or you can pay in person or online.  The hard deadline to register is October 9 (Sunday).

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
October 4: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 8: Big Sweep, Shaffner Park, 9am – 12pm

October 11: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm

October 14-15: BALOO Training

October 18: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 21-23: Cub Adventure Weekend

October 25: Pack Meeting, 7pm

November 19: Wake Forest Football Scout Day (against Syracuse), Time TBD

Pack Meeting TODAY

Our first pack meeting of Fall 2022 is tonight!  This is a Class A event – that means wear your Class A shirt, neckerchief, slide, and belt if you have one.  Please arrive 10-15 minutes early if you have popcorn money that you need to drop off.  Remember – put all of your take orders in to Campmasters before you hand us your checks.  And as a friendly reminder – if you took cash from your friends and family for popcorn, please write a check to the pack (we will not be accepting cash).

The Big Sweep

When: Saturday, 10/1, 9am-12pm
Where: Shaffner Park Par Course (Silas Creek entrance)

On Saturday, October 1st , Pack 934 will participate in the City of Winston Salem “Big Sweep”. Pack 934
has been assigned Shaffner Park Par Course off of Silas Creek Parkway next to Parkway Presbyterian
Church and the commitment is only from 9 am-12 pm!

The Big Sweep is a wonderful opportunity for scouts to attend a conservation service project, work
OUTSIDE, eat some free pizza at the end of the event, and earn great some great uniform swag like the
Conservation Good Turn Patch! This event happens RAIN or SHINE, so please dress accordingly!
Please sign up here, so Pack 934 can assist the City of Winston Salem with an accurate pizza order!

Cub Adventure Weekend

Cub Adventure Weekend is October 21-23 at Camp Raven Knob.  The cost for this year’s event is $35 per PERSON.  This price includes a patch, t-shirt, all fees and materials for programs, and dining hall meals.  Siblings are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Please fill out this form if you are planning on attending; an invoice will be sent out later or you can pay in person or online.  The hard deadline to register is October 9 (Sunday).

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
September 27: Pack Meeting, 7pm

October 1: Big Sweep, Shaffner Park, 9am – 12pm

October 4: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 11: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm

October 14-15: BALOO Training

October 18: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 21-23: Cub Adventure Weekend

October 25: Pack Meeting, 7pm

November 19: Wake Forest Football Scout Day (against Syracuse), Time TBD

Den Meetings TODAY

Please pay for your GSC tickets TODAY to insure you are able to take advantage of the discounted price! 

Our Greensboro Science Center event will be on September 24, 2022. Please arrive a few minutes prior to 0900, so that we can enter the science center when it opens.

General Admission: Please arrive at 0900 for the group rate of $15 per person. Ages 2 and under are free (siblings welcome!), and if you have a membership, no need to pay again. We have to walk in together and pay as a group of at least 10 people for this rate. If you arrive late, you can still get in, but you’ll pay the normal individual rate. Pack 934 is subsidizing a part of the cost for this event.  Please pay for your ticket here

On-Site Leader Contact: Tony Kaufman, 419-615-7735. The Tigers will be organizing and assisting with this event, and Tony will be there to help coordinate and be present in uniform. Additional Tiger adults will be on site as well for parental presence. 

Attire: Class B T-shirts for scouts 

Popcorn Fundraiser
Our popcorn fundraiser officially started on September 1.  You should have received an email from CampMasters with your personal popcorn selling information.  If you do not receive your sign on link, please send me an email.  Show and Sell sales start on September 17; please sign up for your spot here. Questions?  Please reach out to our Popcorn Kernel Zibi Wozniak or Rolf Garcia-Gallont.

If you are doing show and sells this weekend, please watch the following video to learn how to use Square to take payments.  Square will be used to record ALL sales (cash, check, credit card) and to track our inventory.

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
September 20: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 24: Greensboro Science Center: 9am

September 27: Pack Meeting, 7pm

October 4: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 11: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm

October 14-15: BALOO Training

October 18: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 21-23: Cub Adventure Weekend

October 25: Pack Meeting, 7pm

NO Den Meetings TODAY

We are having our monthly Pack Committee Meeting this evening at 7pm, so there will be no meetings for scouts.  If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about how the pack committee works, please consider attending.  We will meet in the scout room at Mt. Tabor UMC.

Greensboro Science Center

Our Greensboro Science Center event will be on September 24, 2022. Please arrive a few minutes prior to 0900, so that we can enter the science center when it opens.

General Admission: Please arrive at 0900 for the group rate of $15 per person. Ages 2 and under are free (siblings welcome!), and if you have a membership, no need to pay again. We have to walk in together and pay as a group of at least 10 people for this rate. If you arrive late, you can still get in, but you’ll pay the normal individual rate. Pack 934 is subsidizing a part of the cost for this event.  Please pay for your ticket here. If you have purchased your ticket for SkyWild, please still show up at 9am.

On-Site Leader Contact: Tony Kaufman, 419-615-7735. The Tigers will be organizing and assisting with this event, and Tony will be there to help coordinate and be present in uniform. Additional Tiger adults will be on site as well for parental presence. 

Attire: Class B T-shirts for scouts 

Popcorn Fundraiser
Our popcorn fundraiser officially started on September 1.  You should have received an email from CampMasters with your personal popcorn selling information.  If you do not receive your sign on link, please send me an email.  Show and Sell sales start on September 17; please sign up for your spot here. Questions?  Please reach out to our Popcorn Kernel Zibi Wozniak or Rolf Garcia-Gallont.

If you are doing show and sells this weekend, please watch the following video to learn how to use Square to take payments.  Square will be used to record ALL sales (cash, check, credit card) and to track our inventory.

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
September 13: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm 

September 17: Show and Sell Popcorn Sales Start

September 20: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 24: Greensboro Science Center: 9am

September 27: Pack Meeting, 7pm

October 4: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 11: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm

October 14-15: BALOO Training

October 18: Den Meetings, 7pm

October 21-23: Cub Adventure Weekend

October 25: Pack Meeting, 7pm

Important Information about Greensboro Science Center

Greensboro Science Center

Our Greensboro Science Center event will be on September 24, 2022. Please arrive a few minutes prior to 0900, so that we can enter the science center when it opens. If you have a child who wants to do Skywild, please see the following Skywild requirements:

                Minimum age 8 years: can go up WITH AN ADULT.

                Age 10 years or over: can go up alone.

If you have a child who wants to do Skywild, and you are for sure coming, please pay for your SKYWILD reservation by 9/7/22SkyWild Registration and Payment

Skywild group rate is $32 per person, and this ticket includes entry to the science center itself, you will not pay both. We have to have the signup by 9/7/22 so we can reserve our time slot (already looking at 1130 or later. If we have a small group of interested people, they could maybe fit us in at 0930). We need to book this ASAP.

General Admission: If you are NOT going to do Skywild, please arrive at 0900 for the group rate of $15 per person. Ages 2 and under are free (siblings welcome!), and if you have a membership, no need to pay again. We have to walk in together and pay as a group of at least 10 people for this rate. If you arrive late, you can still get in, but you’ll pay the normal individual rate. Pack 934 is subsidizing a part of the cost for this event.  Please pay for your ticket here

On-Site Leader Contact: Tony Kaufman, 419-615-7735. The Tigers will be organizing and assisting with this event, and Tony will be there to help coordinate and be present in uniform. Additional Tiger adults will be on site as well for parental presence. 

Attire: Class B T-shirts for scouts 

Popcorn Fundraiser
Our popcorn fundraiser officially started on September 1.  You should have received an email from CampMasters with your personal popcorn selling information.  If you do not receive your sign on link, please see me during the meeting or send me an email.  Take order forms (door to door sales) will be available at the information table.  Show and Sell sales start on September 17; please sign up for your spot here. Questions?  Please reach out to our Popcorn Kernel Zibi Wozniak or Rolf Garcia-Gallont.

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
September 6: Den Meetings, 7pm
Lions: 116
Tigers: Outside by the big field/playground, Fusion room if it rains
Wolves: 118
Bears: 121
Webelos: 119
Webelos II (AOL): Scout Room 120

September 13: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm 

September 17: Show and Sell Popcorn Sales Start

September 20: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 24: Greensboro Science Center: 9am

September 27: Pack Meeting, 7pm

Den Meetings TODAY

Tonight is the night – our very first den meeting of the fall scouting season!  We can’t wait to see everyone this evening at 7pm in the scout rooms downstairs.  Here is a helpful list for your room location:
Lions: 116
Tigers: Outside by the big field/playground, Fusion room if it rains
Wolves: 118
Bears: 121
Webelos: 119
Webelos II (AOL): Scout Room 120

Signs will be on all the doors indicating the grade level, if you are unsure which den is yours.  I will have a table set up by the fusion room for signups and questions!  Can’t wait to see you all!

Popcorn Fundraiser
Our popcorn fundraiser officially starts on September 1.  You’ll receive an email from Campmasters with your sign on information TODAY; please be on the lookout.  If you do not receive your sing on link, please see me during the meeting.  You can begin taking online sales now if you’d like to get a jump on things!  Take order forms will be available at the information table.  Questions?  Please reach out to our Popcorn Kernel Zibi Wozniak or Rolf Garcia-Gallont.

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
August 30: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 1: Popcorn Door-to-Door Sales Start

September 6: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 13: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm 

September 17: Show and Sell Popcorn Sales Start

September 20: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 24: Greensboro Science Center: TBD

September 27: Pack Meeting, 7pm

Pack Committee Meeting Tonight at 7pm

Our first pack committee meeting of the year is on tonight, August 23, at 7pm in the scout room at Mt. Tabor UMC.  Parents – interested in getting involved, but don’t know how or have limited time? We strongly encourage you to attend our pack committee meeting and contribute to making your scout’s pack the best it can be.  We have plenty of opportunities to help, even on a limited or one-time basis.  Our pack is entirely volunteer-led, and many hands make light work.  We’d love to have you!

Movie Day/Popcorn Party
We will have a movie and popcorn party on Saturday, August 27, at 3pm at Mt. Tabor UMC.  Parents – this is a great opportunity to fill out any missing paperwork!  Please invite your friends that are interested in scouting – you’ll earn your recruiter badge if they sign up!  

Popcorn Fundraiser
Our popcorn fundraiser officially starts on September 1.  You’ll receive an email from Campmasters with your sign on information shortly; please be on the lookout.  You can begin taking online sales now if you’d like to get a jump on things!  You can pick up your take-order forms this Saturday (27th) or at our next den meeting on the 30th.  You’ll be able to sign up for Show and Sells starting on Saturday the 27th.  Questions?  Please reach out to our Popcorn Kernel Zibi Wozniak or Rolf Garcia-Gallont.

Scout Shop Uniform Sale
The annual uniform sale is going on now at the scout shop.  When you buy a top, you’ll get 10% off of the pants.  This is the only uniform sale of the year, so get it while its hot!  If you are having trouble paying for your uniform, please reach out to Bryan or Alicia.  There is a scouting clothes closet available and we can lead you to those resources.  And as always, if you are having trouble paying for any aspect of scouts, please reach out to leadership.  We want everyone to have access to the benefits of scouts and help is available.  We will keep your request confidential.

Upcoming Events
August 23: Pack Committee Meeting, 7pm

August 27: Movie Party, 3pm

August 30: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 6: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 13: Leaders meeting, 7pm 

September 17: Show and Sell Popcorn Sales Start

September 20: Den Meetings, 7pm

September 24: Greensboro Science Center: TBD

September 27: Pack Meeting, 7pm