Scouting Starts Tuesday!

NEW AND PROSPECTIVE SCOUTS: Many of our dens are meeting virtually. Please contact Alicia at 812-604-8560 to find out what den you are in and how to log in. If you are a Webelos (4th or 5th grade) or a Tiger (1st grade), we will be meeting at Mt. Tabor UMC at 7pm. Please bring a lawn chair and a mask.

Get ready scouts! Our first meeting of the year starts this Tuesday, August 25, at 7pm. Your den leaders should have been in touch with you about where you will be meeting – either in person or virtually. If you have NOT heard from your leader yet, please contact me and I will figure out where you will be.

Please consider signing up for our scouting app. This app has our scouting calendar with the option to download to your device. No more waiting for an email or checking the website for updates! Scan the QR code to the left to get started.

Upcoming Events (at 7pm unless stated otherwise):

August 25: Den Meeting

September 1: Den Meeting

September 7: Labor Day – NO MEETINGS

September 15: Leader’s Meeting (contact me for location details)

September 22: Pack Meeting

September 26: Cub Adventure Day at Quarry Park (Council Event)

September 26: Pack Day Trip: TBD

We want everyone to have an opportunity to participate in scouting. If you are facing a financial difficult, please contact me.

Alicia Lemar
Pack 934 Secretary

Award Distribution

Good news, Scouts! Our awards coordinator was able to get everyone’s awards yesterday. We have two pick-up times scheduled for you to come and get your awards at Mt. Tabor UMC. They are:

Saturday, May 23 from 10am to 12pm

Tuesday, May 25 from 7pm to 8pm

This is a drive-through pick up ONLY. Please stay in your cars. Pick up will be under the breezeway on the preschool side of the church. The map below shows how you should enter the breezeway for your pick-up. If you have any questions, please contact Chad, Bryan, or Alicia.

Alicia Lemar

Pack 934 Secretary


Rank Advancement TONIGHT

Please join us virtually at 7pm tonight for Rank Advancement. Scouts should wear their uniform shirts with neckerchief. An email was sent out with meeting details; if you did not receive the email please call or text Alicia at 812-604-8560. We look forwarded to seeing everyone this evening!

Meetings and Upcoming Events

Good afternoon scouts! We have one final meeting before rank advancement! Please see the schedule at the end of this post. Your den leaders are working hard on getting everything in place for our virtual rank advancement. Please do your part by making sure you’ve completed all of your requirements.

We wanted to let you all know that Camp Raven Knob has decided to remain closed until July 5 this year. This, sadly, means no resident camp for our scouts this year. Please keep an eye on your email and on the pack website for more information about summer events.

Upcoming Events:

  • May 12 @7pm: Virtual Den Meetings
  • May 19 @7pm: Rank Advancement
  • July 13-16: Day Camp at Piney Grove
  • August 3-5: Twilight Camp at Old Hickory Council

Pack 934 wants all scouts to have the opportunity to participate in scout activities. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please reach out to Alicia at Your information will be kept confidential.

National Camp-In and Sign-Ups

Good evening scouts!

The BSA National Camp-in is scheduled for this Saturday, May 2, with a Facebook livestream starting at 11am.  Please follow this link for more information:

If you participate, please send pictures to

Signups are available for upcoming events.  Please email your den leader to sign up.  We are working on a website payment option, but until then please contact me at or by phone at 812-604-8560.

Sign ups and pricing are as follows:

Resident Camp: June 17-20: $145 for scout, $70 for adult

Day Camp: July 13-16: $75

Twilight Camp: August 3-5: $40

USS Yorktown: November 6-8: TBD

Virtual Den Meetings

Good morning Pack 934!

Please keep on eye on your email for a message from your den leaders about virtual pack/den meetings.  Meetings are scheduled to start TOMORROW, Tuesday, March 31st.

Your den leader(s) will have more information about the platform they will use for the meetings in their email.

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

Alicia Lemar
Pack 934 Secretary

School Closings

Dear Pack 934,

As you all are likely aware, Governor Roy Cooper announced today the closing of all public schools in North Carolina for at least the next two weeks. Following suit, Pack 934 will suspend all Pack related activities during this timeframe as well.

We know that schools are currently developing an online educational curriculum during the extended school closures, but there will likely be downtime when the scouts could work on requirements. We will ask den leaders to reach out to you about requirements that can be completed at home and suggested activities for completion. We also recommend that scouts consider using some of their free time to work on any elective loops or adventures they find of interest.

We are in unprecedented times, and scouts can use this as a time to become community leaders. A scout is helpful, friendly, and kind. In the spirit of the Scout Law, your scout could consider helping people in your neighborhood who are deemed high-risk of severe illness from COVID-19, such as the elderly and immunocompromised. Ways to be helpful include writing cards, calling neighbors, or offering to run errands, such as picking up groceries (with an adult) and leaving at their doorstep.

Pack 934 would like to offer assistance to anyone in our scout family that may be in need. Please reach out directly to Chad Marion (814-490-0031) or Bryan Scott (336-251-9744) for assistance. Any requests for support will be confidential.


Stay safe and healthy,

Pack 934 Leadership

Update on Scouting and COVID-19

Dear Pack 934,

As you all are aware, the situation with COVID-19 is changing daily. Pack 934 wants to provide you with open communication about our pack’s activities as it related to COVID-19.

Today, I was in communication with the Old Hickory Council office to discuss Scouts BSA’s official stance on scouting activities and COVID-19. Currently, the Scouts BSA management is considering their response as an organization and will soon publish their recommendations. The Old Hickory Council is aware of the restrictions that Forsyth County School System has implemented on after school-related activities. However, until the official Scout BSA recommendation is given, the position of the Old Hickory Council is to continue scouting activities as long as the schools remain open. I will update you after we hear the recommendations and before next week’s pack meeting. I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Thank you,

Chad Marion
Cub Master

Kaleideum Update – Urgent Response Requested

Dear Pack 934,
I was in contact with the camp director at Kaleideum North today, and I would like to update you on my communication about COVID-19 and the Cub Scout lock-in.
The leadership at Kaleideum has decided to continue to offer this weekend’s Cub Scout lock-in; however, they are offering refunds to families who decide not to attend due to concerns of potential exposure to COVID-19.
Pack 934’s leadership is deferring attendance to the discretion of the parent or guardian of the scout. If you do NOT plan to attend, please email as soon as possible. Kaleideum has requested an updated roster so they can order appropriate food and activity supplies.
Thank you,
Chad Marion
Cub Master