CONFIRMATION NEEDED: Pinewood Derby Track & Tools Available on Saturday, 2/1

Hi Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! Please contact Hope Pyrtle via email @Sabrina Hope or call/text 615.516.8922 if you plan to attend the Pinewood Derby track set up on Saturday, 2/1 from 11am-4pm.

This will take place in the Family Life Center (upstairs) at Mount Tabor United Methodist Church. This opportunity is open to to anyone who would like to ensure their car is tuned to work with the track. We will also have some tools available for use. However, we will NOT have the timing system set up. Lastly, we will only run one car at a time.

Kind Regards,
Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary

PACK MEETING ON TUESDAY, 1/28 at Mt Tabor UMC at 7pm

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! We will have a Pack meeting on Tuesday, 1/28/20 at 7pm at Mount Tabor United Methodist Church in the Alspaugh Worship Center (upstairs).

  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership. Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).
    Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and

Upcoming Event Details

The “sign-up” table is available at each den/pack meeting near the entrance.


Details: BRING SCOUTING FOR FOOD BAGS! Scouts fellowship at Sunday service at Mt. Tabor UMC. All scouts are encouraged to attend. In addition, God & Family awards will be distributed.
When: Sunday, 2/2 at 10:50 am
Where: Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church
Who: Scouts and Family
Cost: Free
It’s Time to Recharter!!

Details: This is the time to renew the annual membership fees for Cub Scouts. This year’s fee is $72.00, which includes Boys Life Magazine.
When: Now until Deadline 2/28/20
Deadline: Friday, Feb 28th
Who: Scouts
Cost: $72
FYI: We will start accepting membership payments at the sign-ups desk beginning Tuesday, January 28, 2020 through Friday February 28, 2020. If you miss the payment deadline, not to worry, we will still accept your payment. However, you will need to complete a paper application after February 28th.
We are seeking adult volunteers to help with the organization/leading of your Den and Pack. If you are interested, please see the sign-up desk. The Pack will pay membership fees for all adults who volunteer.
We look forward to seeing your child attend future Pack and Den Meetings!!!
Pinewood Derby
Details: Scouts will race cars and compete for fastest car and coolest car award! Winner goes on to district!!
When: Saturday, 2/15
Deadline: Friday, 2/14
Where: Mt. Tabor UMC Family Life Center (Big Gym)
Who: Scouts
Cost: Free
Pinewood Derby is fast approaching and will take place! If there is anyone who has not received their car kit, please contact Hope Pyrtle at 615.516.8922.
We will have the Pack Pinewood Derby track set up from 11am-4pm this Saturday, 2/1/20 in the Family Life Center (upstairs) for anyone who would like to ensure their car is tuned to work with the track. We will also have some tools available for use. We will NOT have the timing system set up. Lastly, we will only run one car at a time this Saturday.
Weigh-in is on Friday, Feb 14th from 6 – 8 PM in the Family Life Center (big Gym). If your scout will be racing, you don’t sign up, but you MUST bring their car for weigh-in during that time frame. (You may just drop in with the car whenever is convenient for you within the 2 hour period.) The cars will be impounded, so that no one touches them overnight, and we will race Sat, Feb. 15th. I will send the racing times for each den in the 2/9 weekly email. For those who have never participated in Pinewood Derby, we race others in the same den, the top 3 racers win for their den. (They will receive a pin for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.) We end with a race for the Pack winners by racing the top 3 in every den. (So if your scout is in the top 3, they will return to race in the Finals.) Every den will also have a Coolest Car winner (voted on by each scout in their den). The trophies for the Pack winners and the Coolest Car Plaques will be awarded during our Annual Blue and Gold Banquet. Please use this link for the rules. If anyone needs tools to borrow or has derby related questions, please contact Hope Pyrtle.
Annual Blue and Gold Banquet

Details: This special event is a night to remember!!
The Webelos II will have their Arrow of Light Ceremony at 5:45 PM followed by the Bridging to Boy Scouts Ceremony at 6:30. (Webelos I will be posting the colors for the events and assisting with serving dinner.) All other dens should arrive at 6:45 PM for dinner at 7.
We will have a Scout themed dessert decorating contest for any who would like to participate.
We will also hand out trophies and plaques for Pinewood Derby Pack winners and the Coolest Car from each den!
We’ll have special guests from the council. It’s a time to celebrate and show our appreciation to those volunteers whom will be moving on and celebrate with the new Boy Scouts!!
RSVPs are at the sign-up table! If you have any questions, please reach out to me. If you have photos of the scouts to share, feel free to email them to me!!
When: Friday, Feb 28th, 7pm
Deadline: Tuesday, Feb 18th (with dinner choice)
Where: Family Life Center (gym)
Who: Scouts & Family
Cost: $8 per registered guest, $10 at the door; dinner options will be provided ASAP!
Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself. It will be kept strictly confidential. If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call. My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year
*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC
*Bolded events: Must sign up for these events

1/28: Pack Meeting
2/1: Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/1: Pack Pinewood Derby Track Set Up (11am-4pm)
2/2: Scout Sunday
2/4: Den Meeting
2/9: Council Family Ski Day
2/14: Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race
2/11: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13: Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting
2/25: Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light and Blue & Gold Banquet
3/1: Council Family Ski Trip
3/3: Den Meeting
3/10: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17: Den Meeting
3/24: Pack Meeting
3/31: Den Meeting
4/7: Den Meeting
4/14: Spring Break
4/21: 6:30 Leaders’ Meeting
4/21: Den Meeting
4/25: Pack Hike
4/28: Pack Meeting
5/5: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12: Bear Carnival
5/19: Rank Advancement
5/15-17: Spring Family Camping
TBD Dash Game/Sleepover
6/2: 2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20: Resident Camp

Kind Regards,
Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary

DEN MEETINGS ON TUESDAY, 1/21 at Mt Tabor UMC at 7pm

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! We will have Den meetings on Tuesday, 1/21/20 at 7pm at Mount Tabor United Methodist Church. HOWEVER, WEBELOS I WILL NOT MEET ON TUESDAY, 1/21/20 AS BOTH LEADERS WILL NOT ATTEND.
Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership. Drop offs are not recommended.
If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).
Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and
We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention. The “sign-up” table is available at each den/pack meeting near the entrance.

Scout Sunday

Details: Scouts fellowship at Sunday service at Mt. Tabor UMC and God & Family awards distributed
When: Sunday, 2/2
Deadline: Tuesday, 1/28
Where: Mt. Tabor UMC
Who: Scouts and Family
Cost: Free
Pinewood Derby
Details: Scouts will race cars and compete for fastest car and coolest car award! Winner goes on to district!!
When: Saturday, 2/15
Deadline: Friday, 2/14
Where: Mt. Tabor UMC Family Life Center (Big Gym)
Who: Scouts
Cost: Free
Pinewood Derby is fast approaching and will take place! If there is anyone who has not received their car kit, please contact Hope Pyrtle at 615.516.8922. We will have weigh-in Friday, Feb 14th from 6 – 8 PM in the Family Life Center (big Gym). If your scout will be racing, you don’t sign up, but you MUST bring their car for weigh-in during that time frame. (You may just drop in with the car whenever is convenient for you within the 2 hour period.) The cars will be impounded, so that no one touches them overnight, and we will race Sat, Feb. 15th. I will send the racing times for each den in the 2/9 weekly email. For those who have never participated in Pinewood Derby, we race others in the same den, the top 3 racers win for their den. (They will receive a pin for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.) We end with a race for the Pack winners by racing the top 3 in every den. (So if your scout is in the top 3, they will return to race in the Finals.) Every den will also have a Coolest Car winner (voted on by each scout in their den). The trophies for the Pack winners and the Coolest Car Plaques will be awarded during our Annual Blue and Gold Banquet. Please use this link for the rules. If anyone needs tools to borrow or has derby related questions, please contact Hope Pyrtle.
Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself. It will be kept strictly confidential. If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call. My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year
*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC
*Bolded events: Must sign up for these events

1/21: Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25: Scouting for Food Bag Distribution
1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28: Pack Meeting
2/1: Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2: Scout Sunday
2/4: Den Meeting
2/9: Council Family Ski Day
2/14: Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race
2/11: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13: Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting
2/25: Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light and Blue & Gold Banquet
3/1: Council Family Ski Trip
3/3: Den Meeting
3/10: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17: Den Meeting
3/24: Pack Meeting
3/31: Den Meeting
4/7: Den Meeting
4/14: Spring Break
4/21: 6:30 Leaders’ Meeting
4/21: Den Meeting
4/25: Pack Hike
4/28: Pack Meeting
5/5: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12: Bear Carnival
5/19: Rank Advancement
5/15-17: Spring Family Camping
TBD Dash Game/Sleepover
6/2: 2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20: Resident Camp

Kind Regards,
Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary


Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will NOT have Den meetings on Tuesday, 1/14/20 as we will have our monthly leaders’ meeting. Enjoy your night off! We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, 1/21 at 7pm for our next den meeting.

Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership. Drop offs are not recommended.
If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).
Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and
We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention. The “sign-up” table is available at each den/pack meeting near the entrance.

Scout Sunday

Details: Scouts fellowship at Sunday service at Mt. Tabor UMC and God & Family awards distributed
When: Sunday, 2/2
Deadline: Tuesday, 1/28
Where: Mt. Tabor UMC
Who: Scouts and Family
Cost: Free

Pinewood Derby
Details: Scouts will race cars and compete for fastest car and coolest car award! Winner goes on to district!!
When: Saturday, 2/15
Deadline: Friday, 2/14
Where: Mt. Tabor UMC Family Life Center (Big Gym)
Who: Scouts
Cost: Free
Pinewood Derby is fast approaching and will take place! If there is anyone who has not received their car kit, please contact Hope Pyrtle at 615.516.8922. We will have weigh-in Friday, Feb 14th from 6 – 8 PM in the Family Life Center (big Gym). If your scout will be racing, you don’t sign up, but you MUST bring their car for weigh-in during that time frame. (You may just drop in with the car whenever is convenient for you within the 2 hour period.) The cars will be impounded, so that no one touches them overnight, and we will race Sat, Feb. 15th. I will send the racing times for each den in the 2/9 weekly email. For those who have never participated in Pinewood Derby, we race others in the same den, the top 3 racers win for their den. (They will receive a pin for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.) We end with a race for the Pack winners by racing the top 3 in every den. (So if your scout is in the top 3, they will return to race in the Finals.) Every den will also have a Coolest Car winner (voted on by each scout in their den). The trophies for the Pack winners and the Coolest Car Plaques will be awarded during our Annual Blue and Gold Banquet. Please use this link for the rules. If anyone needs tools to borrow or has derby related questions, please contact Hope Pyrtle.
Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself. It will be kept strictly confidential. If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call. My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year
*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC
*Bolded events: Must sign up for these events

1/14: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21: Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25: Scouting for Food Bag Distribution
1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28: Pack Meeting
2/1: Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2: Scout Sunday
2/4: Den Meeting
2/9: Council Family Ski Day
2/14: Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race
2/11: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13: Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting
2/25: Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light and Blue & Gold Banquet
3/1: Council Family Ski Trip
3/3: Den Meeting
3/10: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17: Den Meeting
3/24: Pack Meeting
3/31: Den Meeting
4/7: Den Meeting
4/14: Spring Break
4/21: 6:30 Leaders’ Meeting
4/21: Den Meeting
4/25: Pack Hike
4/28: Pack Meeting
5/5: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12: Bear Carnival
5/19: Rank Advancement
5/15-17: Spring Family Camping
TBD Dash Game/Sleepover
6/2: 2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20: Resident Camp

Kind Regards,
Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary


Hello Pack 934 Families!!
Our annual pack lock-in will begin at 6:30pm tomorrow night, Friday, 1/11.  Please meet in your normal den rooms.  Pizza will be served at 8 pm.  Scouts should wear Class B uniforms.
The Class B uniform consist of a Pack or other Boy Scout T-Shirt, Scout pants or shorts, and an optional scouting cap.
Kind Regards, 

Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Den Meeting on Tuesday, 1/7/20 at 7 pm

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will have Den meetings on Tuesday, 11/19 at 7 pm in the downstairs classrooms.

  • God & Family: If you were absent on the make up day, please bring your books and “pizzas” so I can mark them down as complete.
  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  

  • Pack Overnight Lock In 
    • Details:  Games, movie and overnight sleepover in the gym. Parents must stay with Scouts during this event.
    • When:  Friday, 1/10
    • Deadline:  Tuesday, 1/7
    • Where:  Mt. Tabor UMC Gym
    • Who:  Scouts and Family
    • Cost: Free for active scouts only.
  • Scout Sunday 
    • Details:  Scouts fellowship at Sunday service at Mt. Tabor UMC and God & Family awards distributed
    • When:  Sunday, 2/2
    • Deadline:  TBD
    • Where:  Mt. Tabor UMC
    • Who:  Scouts and Family
    • Cost: Free

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary



Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will NOT have Den meetings on Tuesday, 12/9. Our next den meeting will be on Tuesday, 1/7/20 at 7 pm. Happy Holidays and enjoy the break!
God & Family:
Please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 12/10 for the last class/PIZZA PARTY!!!!!
Popcorn Update:
Thank you so much again for all being so patient with me during the popcorn process! I am happy to announce that the Amazon gift card rewards have been submitted! Only those with the app can receive the gift cards and the first level to earn a card was $350 In sales.
Everyone selling $349 or under will get a carabiner once they arrive and everyone who sold will get a patch at that same time.The gift cards should come electronically via the app in a few days. Please watch for them to be released. Details on pies for Mr Paul coming soon!!
One last item. We have several bags of Premium Caramel Corn left, if you know anyone who would like to purchase them please let me know.
We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention. The “sign-up” table is available at each den/pack meeting near the entrance.

Pack Overnight Lock In
Details: Games, movie and overnight sleepover in the gym. Parents must stay with Scouts during this event.
When: Friday, 1/10
Deadline: Tuesday, 1/7
Where: Mt. Tabor UMC Gym
Who: Scouts and Family
Cost: Free for active scouts only.
Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself. It will be kept strictly confidential. If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call. My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year
*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC
*Bolded events: Must sign up for these events

12/10: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/7: Den Meeting
1/10: Pack Lock-in
1/12: Council Ski Day
1/14: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21: Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25: Scouting for Food Bag Distribution
1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28: Pack Meeting
2/1: Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2: Scout Sunday
2/4: Den Meeting
2/9: Council Family Ski Day
2/14: Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race
2/11: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13: Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting
2/25: Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light and Blue & Gold Banquet
3/1: Council Family Ski Trip
3/3: Den Meeting
3/10: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17: Den Meeting
3/24: Pack Meeting
3/31: Den Meeting
4/7: Den Meeting
4/14: Spring Break
4/21: 6:30 Leaders’ Meeting
4/21: Den Meeting
4/25: Pack Hike
4/28: Pack Meeting
5/5: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12: Bear Carnival
5/19: Rank Advancement
5/15-17: Spring Family Camping
TBD Dash Game/Sleepover
6/2: 2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20: Resident Camp
Kind Regards,
Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary


Please use this link to complete your waiver for each person who plans to jump before you arrive.  Each year, there is a long line for those who did not do it in advance.  You cannot jump until the waiver is complete.  We currently have a list of more than 40 people who have not completed waivers. 
Kind Regards, 

Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary


Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will NOT have any meetings at the church tomorrow on Tuesday, 12/3.  We are meeting at Rockin’ Jump at 7pm.  Please bring your “trampoline” socks with the grips on the bottom.  FYI, the cost is $2/pair at the park.

  • God & Family: Due to the 11/12 canceled class, there will be a make up class on Tuesday, 12/10 at 6pm.
  • Popcorn Update:  Last day of money collections for popcorn is TOMORROW AT THE TRAMPOLINE PARK.  If you will not be present to turn it in, please make arrangements to meet Hope to take care of the balance.  Hope’s cell phone number is 616-516-8922.
  • Pack Overnight Lock In 
    • Details:  Games, movie and overnight sleepover in the gym. Parents must stay with Scouts during this event.
    • When:  Friday, 1/10
    • Deadline:  Tuesday, 1/7
    • Where:  Mt. Tabor UMC Gym
    • Who:  Scouts and Family
    • Cost: Free for active scouts only.

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

12/3:  Trampoline Park at 7pm

12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Pack Meeting TONIGHT, 11/26 at 7pm (God & Family at 6pm)

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will have Den meetings on Tuesday, 11/19 at 7 pm in the downstairs classrooms.

  • God & Family: Please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 11/26. Due to the 11/12 canceled class, there will be a make up class on Tuesday, 12/10 at 6pm.
  • Popcorn Update:  Last day of money collections for popcorn is at the pack meeting.  If you will not be present to turn it in, please make arrangements to meet Hope to take care of the balance.  Hope’s cell phone number is 616-516-8922.


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  

  • Pack Overnight Lock In 
    • Details:  Games, movie and overnight sleepover in the gym. Parents must stay with Scouts during this event.
    • When:  Friday, 1/10
    • Deadline:  Tuesday, 1/7
    • Where:  Mt. Tabor UMC Gym
    • Who:  Scouts and Family
    • Cost: Free for active scouts only.

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

11/26:  God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park

12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp