Den Meetings on Tuesday, 11/19 at 7pm (God & Family at 6pm)

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will have Den meetings on Tuesday, 11/19 at 7 pm in the downstairs classrooms.

  • God & Family: Please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 11/19. Please bring your pizzas with “veggies” glued on. All participants must bring their workbook each week. Do not drop off your child, but stay with them. Scouts should wear Class A uniforms. Due to last week’s canceled class, there will be a make up class on Tuesday, 12/10 at 6pm.
  • Popcorn Update:  Popcorn sales hit over $37k!  Thank you to everyone who picked up your scout’s popcorn last Thursday.  For those that did not make it to the church building Thur, please see me at the popcorn table tomorrow evening.  We will be collecting money for the next two weeks., so you may turn in whatever funds have been collected week.  For those who have already informed me that your order is not complete, I am still waiting to hear back from the council.  I will let you know as soon as I have further information.


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events


11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/26:  God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park

12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary


Pack 934 Popcorn Delay

Hi Friends,

What would popcorn day be without a little drama??  The pack’s shipment has been delayed several hours.  It will still be today.  I’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready.

Thank you,

No Den/Pack Meetings on Tuesday, 11/12; God & Family and Leaders’ Meeting Only

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will not have any Den/Pack Meetings on Tuesday, 11/12.

  • The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 11/19 at 7 pm in the Den Rooms.
  • If you signed up for God & Family Classes, please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 11/12. We will have class despite not having den/pack meetings. Scouts should wear Class A uniforms.
  • Webelo II Parents: You should have received a separate email about the campouts this weekend on 10/15-10/16. If not, please contact Paul Young at or 336-403-9134. If you have not paid the $10 fee, please bring the payment upon arrival on Friday, 10/15.
  • Popcorn Delivery:  You received an email with a Sign-Up Genius link to volunteer for popcorn delivery day, this Thursday, Nov 14.  It takes lots of hands, so please don’t forget to volunteer for whatever time you can!  I will be there all day and would really appreciate your help. Thanks, Hope, Popcorn Kernel; 615-516-8922
  • Thank you to everyone that came out to walk with Pack 934 for the Veterans Day Parade! It was a great experience for all of our scouts and their families!


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events below!

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping 
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary


Popcorn Delivery & Pick Up

Hi Pack 934,

I hope you are well. This Thursday is Popcorn Delivery and Pick up. For our new families, the popcorn is delivered to the church on the morning of 11/14/19 and then the parents sort all the popcorn by scout. As you can imagine, this requires lots of volunteers to get this done. Some of you have contacted me about helping, I have a sign up genus link to the shifts available below.

As far as pick up, please watch the Troop Website for when the popcorn will be available for pick up. This year we are getting the popcorn two hours later than we have gotten it in the past so  the pick up time may be later than usual. I would expect it be ready no earlier than after lunch and pick up is available until 6:30 pm. The church will not allow it to be stored there overnight so send someone to get it or make arrangements to with another scout family.
Please note that money will NOT be collected on Thursday, 11/14.  You can turn in money at the next two meetings on 11/19 & 11/26. 

Den Meetings on Tuesday, 11/5 at 7pm (God & Family at 6pm), Veterans Day Parade, Etc

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will have Den meetings on Tuesday, 11/5 at 7pm in the downstairs classrooms.

  • If you signed up for God & Family Classes, please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 11/5 and ensure you Scout has completed the take-home assignment from the last class includes the “sauce” of their pizza and the last portion of section 2 in the book.


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events below!

  • Veterans Day Parade
    • The Pack is once again participating in the Winston-Salem Veteran’s Day Parade downtown this Saturday, November 9.  We will meet to line up between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m. in the parking lot behind the old GMAC building (at the corner of 4th Street and Poplar Street).  Streets are closed, so please arrive early.  Parents should drop their scouts with leaders at the starting point and make their way to the finish point at Corpening Plaza on 1st street.  A map of the parade route is attached.  Please have scouts wear full Class A uniforms with a hat, coat, and/or gloves appropriate for walking the parade route.  The weather is currently forecast to be clear and cold (30s) during the parade.  If you have questions or trouble locating us Saturday morning, please call Bryan Scott at 336-251-9744.  Bears will be satisfying a requirement for their Paws for Action (Duty to Country) adventure.  Please plan to attend as we honor our nation’s veterans.  See attached for the map. 
  • Webelo II Parent Troop Transition Meeting Tuesday, 11/5/19, 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
    • This meeting is for Web II parents only.  You should have received an email from Shannon Settlemire and if not, please contact her (copied on the email) or 336.692.4519

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/23:  TBD WFU Game
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary



Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good afternoon! As a reminder, we will NOT have Den/Pack Meetings on Tuesday, 10/29.  In addition, we will not have God & Family classes.

  • Popcorn:  Continue to sell, sell, sell!  The last day to turn-in money/orders is TOMORROW Tuesday, 10/29.
    • Hope will be at the Welcome center tomorrow on Tuesday, 10/29 to collect the remaining popcorn orders from 7-7:30 pm. If the orders are not turned in at that time nor put into the app by 7:30 pm on 10/29, the order will NOT be placed.  She can only process one bulk order and it is a FIRM deadline.
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events!

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting

6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary


Pack Meeting on Tuesday, 10/22 at 7pm in Alspaugh Worship Center (Upstairs!!)

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good morning! As a reminder, we will have a Pack meeting on Tuesday, 10/22 at 7pm in the Alspaugh Worship Center (upstairs sanctuary).

  • I, Eurikca (Pack secretary), will not be in attendance at tomorrow’s meeting.  If you have you any urgent matter that cannot wait until our Tuesday, 11/5 meeting, please email me and I will help you!
  • If you signed up for God & Family Classes, please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 10/22 and ensure you Scout has completed the take-home assignment from last week’s class.
  • Popcorn:  Continue to sell, sell, sell!  The last day to turn-in money/orders is Tuesday, 10/22.  Contact Hope with any questions (copied on this email). We are so close to making our Pack goal for popcorn sales.  Please work hard to get those last sales!  We still need $7118 and those who sell $400 or more this season will get to pie Mr Paul!  Let’s have a great Sunday and rise to the challenge!
  • We will NOT have a pack/den meeting next week since WSFCS are closed.
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events below!

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

10/22:  God and Family 6PM
10/22: Pack Meeting
10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/23:  TBD WFU Game
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary


Den Meetings on Tuesday, 10/15 at 7 pm (God & Family at 6pm) & Other Reminders

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good afternoon! As a reminder, we will have Den Meetings on Tuesday, 10/15 at 7 pm on the lower level in the Den rooms.

  • If you signed up for God & Family Classes, please arrive promptly by 6pm so classes can start on time.  We have lots to cover and need the whole hour before den meetings begin at 7 pm.  Please stay with your Scout(s) during the class.  If you have any questions, contact Michael Daniel (copied on this email).
    • God & Family Classes on Tuesday at 6pm:  Oct. 15th, Oct. 22nd, Nov. 5th, Nov. 12th, Nov. 19th, Nov. 26th
  • Popcorn:  Continue to sell, sell, sell!  See below for the note from Hope (copied on this email), our Popcorn Kernel,  regarding our fundraising goal.  The last day to turn-in money/orders is Tuesday, 10/22.
    • Hi Friends,

      We need all of our scouts to give that final push to reach our $35,000 popcorn goal!  We are still down by $10,159.  Please keep in mind that popcorn sales pay for all of our pins and belt loops.  It pays for each scout’s next book, neckerchief, and slide in the spring, pays for supplies for den meetings and gives us the ability to fund many free or discounted activities, such as the Trampoline party, Lock-In, and discounted rates for Resident Camp and Spring Family Camping.  Popcorn sales also allow us the ability to help those scouts whose families have financial hardships be able to attend events.

      EVERY scout is asked to sell $450.  This teaches the scouts how to earn their own way, as well as gives them practice with public speaking skills, salesmanship, and speaking with adults.  If you have not downloaded the Trail’s End app on your smartphone, please do so.  It makes selling very easy, and allows us to see what we need to order as well as keeps the financial spreadsheet and allows you to take credit cards.   We have less than two weeks.  Final turn in date is October 22nd.  Let’s surpass our goal and have a great fun-filled scouting year!!

  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events!

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

10/15:  Den Meeting

10/15:  God & Family 6PM
10/22:  God and Family 6PM

10/22: Pack Meeting
10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting

6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary

Cell:  704.968.0880
