Register for God & Family by Sunday, 10/13! Sessions begin on 10/15 at 6pm

Hello Pack 934 Families,
We hope your week is going well!  Next Tuesday, our Pack will start the 6 week series for God & Family.  This is a great opportunity for your Scout to earn their religious emblem for Cub Scout journey.  They can also transfer this emblem to their Boys Scout uniform.
Below is a summary of God & Family and a link to  Pray Pub for more information.  Please respond to both Maria Potrony and me via email by Sunday, October 13th if you’d like to register your Scout.
  • Cost:  Free for registered Scouts (Priority to Bears, Webelos I & II)
  • Dates:  Classes will begin promptly at 6pm on 10/15, 10/22, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19 & 11/26 (Pizza will be served!!)
  • Location:  Lower Level; Room TBD (same level as Den meetings)
The God and Family curriculum is designed to help youth understand the importance of family and God’s role in a healthy family.

Curriculum Goals:
To provide an opportunity for young people and families to explore their faith together
To learn six ways of strengthening families through faith
To help families grow in God’s love
To memorize the Ten Commandments

Children will compare families and “pizza.” The six steps for making pizza will give students a concrete, “hands-on” model on which to build their understanding of God’s love for their families. They will make a pizza as they study how families can grow together in God’s love, and they will choose “family projects” to be done with their family at home.

Kind Regards, 

Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary

Parent Cub Camping Trip Update

Hi Pack 934 Families,
Please disregard this email if you are not attending the Parent Cub Camping Trip this weekend:  Oct.11th -Oct. 13th at Camp Raven Knob.
Address: 266 Raven Knob Rd, Mt Airy, NC 27030;  Phone 336.352.4307;
Cubmaster Paul Young: 336.403.9134
  • Friday arrival time: 5pm-8pm (gates close at 9pm)
  • Recommended Arrival Time for Saturday Attendees:  8am (Must be checked in before opening ceremonies at 9am)
  • You will not have cell phone coverage at the camp.
Trip Date & Time:
● October 11th-13th, 2019
● Check-in at our campsite with Paul Young between 5-8pm Friday night or Saturday morning 8:00 am – 8:30 am
● Opening Ceremony is at 9:00am on Saturday – if arriving on Saturday please come between 8:00am and 8:30 am.
About 2019 Parent/Son
● Campsite assignment – Crazy Horse A & B.  These are Adirondacks (Cabins without doors.)  Or you may bring your tent for your scout and yourself if you prefer.  PLEASE REPLY AND LET EURIKCA/PAUL/CHRIS KNOW IF YOU HAVE A TENT. (copied on email).
● Parent/Son Camporee is open to all registered Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts (Wolf and Bear), and Webelos.  Lion Cubs are invited Saturday.  They need to bring their food.
● This is not family camping. This event is for registered Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders only.
● Parking – you cannot park in the campsites but can drive up to unload. However, you must move your car to one of the camp parking lots after you have unloaded your gear. We must keep the camp roads clear so we can get emergency vehicles into the campsites if needed.
  • There will be NO special diet meals available at Parent-Cub Weekend.  Please plan accordingly for your meals.
  • Friday’s Dinner:  On your own.  Please pack a meal for you and your Scout for Friday night as the dining hall is not open until Saturday morning.
  • Dining Hall Meals:

    Saturday Breakfast:  Biscuit, Gravy, Sausage, Eggs, Jelly, Milk or Juice!

    Saturday Lunch:  Hot dog, Chips, Cookie, Water and Bug Juice!

    Saturday Dinner:  Chicken Pie, Mash Potatoes, Green Beans, Yeast Roll, Dessert, Bug Juice, Water

    Sunday Breakfast:  Cereal or Cinnamon Buns, Milk or Juice

    ** Tea and Coffee will be available for Adults

  • ● Pack snacks in airtight containers and be sure to refill your water often. *Please store food in your car at night and when possible as to not attract wildlife*
  • ● We can reserve refrigerator space at the dining hall. Please let Hope know if you need refrigerator space.
    ● Please bring reusable water bottles and insulated cups (for coffee)

    Clothing and other notes:
    • Watch the weather and bring appropriate clothes for the temperature and rain gear, as the nights can be chilly and the days rainy at Camp Raven Knob.
    • Wear comfortable closed toed shoes. Also, you can bring hiking boots (sneakers are okay to hike in as well) as hiking opportunities are usually included as part of the activities. Reminder: Always go hiking with buddies and children never go without an adult.
    • Bring your scout’s class A uniform – Saturday evening supper always requires Class A.  We will receive our camp shirts to wear Saturday. Please wear your Class B uniform Friday evening. (If you do not have a class B t-shirt yet, you may wear any t-shirt.)

    Camping Supplies:
    ●     We will need to bring flashlights, camping lanterns, Sleeping bags or Sheet twin XL and Blankets , Toiletries (hairbrush, toothbrush & paste, shower supplies, towel, shower shoes), extra clothes, PJs, & Pillows. If you have additional camping supplies to make coffee Saturday morning, feel free to bring them.
    • There will be a Dutch Oven Cook Off for those who would like to enter.  If you are interested, please bring your dutch oven (or you may request to borrow the pack’s in advance, so we can bring it) and your ingredients.

    Extras & Fun Stuff:
    • The Scout Museum and trading post will be open so bring some cash and they also take bank     cards.
    • Scout activities will take place Saturday morning and events will take place in the camp program areas on Saturday afternoon. Arrive on Friday for the full Parent Son Camporee experience.
    • Be sure to bring your fishing pole, tackle box, and live bait. Catch and Release only.
    A lot of great photo opportunities occur at Raven Knob, so be sure to bring a camera.

    First Aid & preventative supplies:
    • The pack will bring first aid supplies but it is always wise to have some on hand for you and your      scout for small scratches.
    ● Raven Knob has a fully staffed infirmary on site for bigger emergencies.
    ● Don’t forget your and your scout’s personal medication.
    ● Bring a hat, sunscreen and insect repellant.

Kind Regards, 

Eurikca Felipe Eustache
Pack 934 Secretary

No Den/Pack Meetings on Tuesday, 10/8; Leaders’ Meeting Only

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will not have any Den/Pack Meetings on Tuesday, 10/8.

  • The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 10/15 at 7 pm in the Den Rooms.
  • If you signed up for God & Family Classes, please arrive promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, 10/15.
  • Thank you to everyone that came out to help with “Big Sweep”!  Our Scouts enjoyed volunteering and getting to know new friends.
  • There will be an email on Tuesday night (10/8) with details for the upcoming Parent Son Weekend at Camp Raven Knob from 10/11-10/13.  It will include arrival times, campsite, list of items to bring, etc.
  • Popcorn:  Continue to sell, sell, sell!  The last day to turn-in money/orders is Tuesday, 10/22.  Contact Hope with any questions (copied on this email).
  • Follow us on Facebook (Cub Scout Pack 934) and


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events below!

  • God & Family Classes 
    • Details:  The God and Family curriculum is designed to help youth understand the importance of family and God’s role in a healthy family.  Must attend all 6 classes at 6pm on dates below
    • When:  October 15, 22, November 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 6pm
    • Deadline:  October 8th (Email Maria Potrony to sign up.  She is copied on this email)
    • Where:  Mount Tabor Church, TBD Basement Scout Room
    • Who:  Scouts who have already received their God & Me badge; Priority to Webelos, Bears and Wolves.
    • Cost: Free

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

10/8:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
10/11-10/13:  Parent Cub Camping Trip
10/15:  Den Meeting

10/15:  God & Family 6PM
10/22:  God and Family 6PM

10/22: Pack Meeting
10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/23:  TBD WFU Game
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Bring Popcorn Money & Den Meeting Reminder: Tuesday,10/1 at 7 pm & Upcoming Events List

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will have our Den Meetings on Tuesday, 10/1 at 7 pm downstairs in the den rooms.  If you’re not sure of your Scout’s Den, please email me and I’ll confirm 🙂

Please use the side entrance on the lower level. Due to exciting growth in our Pack, some rooms may have changed from your last den meeting but we will assist you with locating the new room. There will be signs to direct you from the parking lot.

Popcorn Message from Hope: 

Please bring your popcorn money and get your hand stamped if you sold this week or if you are brand new!  Also, if any parents could help count money, write receipts or stamp hands, that would be greatly appreciated!

Below is the link to create an online Trails End account for your Scout to sell popcorn!

Please register your scout in “Pack” 934.  We are in the Old Hickory council and Wachovia District . If your scout registered in a previous year, you will use the same login information. All shipping is free this year, so happy selling!!  


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events below!

  • Big Sweep Winston-Salem
    • Details: Conducted nationally on the 1st Saturday in October to clean up up local waterways. Volunteers are needed to clean streams and lakes here in Winston-Salem. Free clean- up supplies and free lunch for volunteers
    • When:  Saturday, October 5th, time 9 am-noon.
    • Deadline: October 1st
    • Where: TBD  Park Location
    • Who:  Scouts, Friends, Families
    • Cost:  Free
  • God & Family Classes 
    • Details:  The God and Family curriculum is designed to help youth understand the importance of family and God’s role in a healthy family.  Must attend all 6 classes at 6pm on dates below
    • When:  October 15, 22, November 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 6pm
    • Deadline:  October 8th
    • Where:  Mount Tabor Church, TBD Basement Scout Room
    • Who:  Scouts who have already received their God & Me badge; Priority to Webelos, Bears and Wolves.
    • Cost: Free

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

10/1:  Den Meeting
10/5: Big Sweep!
10/8:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
10/11-10/13:  Parent Cub Camping Trip
10/15:  Den Meeting

10/15:  God & Family 6PM
10/22:  God and Family 6PM

10/22: Pack Meeting
10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/23:  TBD WFU Game
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Kind Regards,

Eurikca Felipe Eustache

Pack 934 Secretary


Pack Meeting on Tuesday, 9/24 at 7 pm & Upcoming Events List

Hello Pack 934 Families,

Good evening! As a reminder, we will have our Pack Meeting tomorrow night (Tuesday, 9/24) at 7 pm in the Alspaugh Worship Center (upstairs across from the Fellowship Hall).  Our Pack Meetings include all Dens coming together for one combined meeting once a month to receive awards, updates and/or meet special guests.  There will be signs to direct you from the parking lot.


  • Please stay with your Scout during the Den & Pack meetings as our Cub Scout meetings are conducted as a partnership.  Drop offs are not recommended.
  • If you are interested in being a Den Leader for one of our Girls’ Dens, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with Paul Young & Chris Hull (copied on this email).

We have several sign-ups that will need timely attention.  The “sign-up” table is available at  each den/pack meeting near the entrance.  Boy and girl Cub Scouts are invited to the events below!

  • Pack Trip to Dan Nicholas Park
    • When:  Saturday, September 28th, Time10 am AT the Park 
    • Deadline: September 24th
    • Where: Salisbury, NC
    • Who:  Scouts, Friends, Families
    • Cost:  $8/ per person includes train ride, carousel ride & gem mine bucket; $11/per person  includes train ride, carousel ride, gem mine bucket and mini golf.
    • Contact Person(s) on 9/28:  Michael Daniel and Dominick Potrony (copied on email)
  • Big Sweep Winston-Salem
    • Details: Conducted nationally on the 1st Saturday in October to clean up up local waterways. Volunteers are needed to clean streams and lakes here in Winston-Salem. Free clean- up supplies for volunteers
    • When:  Saturday, October 5th, time 9 am-noon.
    • Deadline: October 1st
    • Where: Muddy Creek Greenway at Jamison Park 285 Meadowlark Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27016
    • Who:  Scouts, Friends, Families
    • Cost:  Free
  • Parent/Cub Camporee  
    • Details:  Weekend outdoor camping trip
    • When:  October 11 – 13th ( 5 – 8 PM arrival Friday night)
    • Deadline:  September 24th
    • Where:  Camp Raven Knob
    • Who:  Scouts and Parent/Guardian/Adult Chaperone (this is not a sibling event, unless they are a scout also
    • Cost: $30 per Scout & $30 per Adult (Lion Cubs may attend Saturday ONLY.  $10 for Lion and $10 Parent/Adult
  • God & Family Classes 
    • Details:  The God and Family curriculum is designed to help youth understand the importance of family and God’s role in a healthy family.  Must attend all 6 classes at 6pm on dates below
    • When:  October 15, 22, November 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 6pm
    • Deadline:  October 8th
    • Where:  Mount Tabor Church, TBD Basement Scout Room
    • Who:  Scouts who have already received their God & Me badge; Priority to Webelos, Bears and Wolves.
    • Cost: Free

Please know that we would like for every scout to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the activities of the pack, if you have financial hardships, please speak with Paul Young, Chris Hull or myself.  It will be kept strictly confidential.  If you can not find an opportunity to catch us alone during meetings, please feel free to call.  My number is always included on the emails.

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year

*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8 pm at Mount Tabor UMC

*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events

9/24:  Pack Meeting at 7pm
9/28:  Pack Trip to Dan Nicholas Park in Salisbury (10am arrival to park)

10/1:  Den Meeting
10/5: Big Sweep!
10/8:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
10/11-10/13:  Parent Cub Camping Trip
10/15:  Den Meeting

10/15:  God & Family 6PM
10/22:  God and Family 6PM

10/22: Pack Meeting
10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts

11/5:  God & Family 6PM

11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM

11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

11/15-11/16: Webelos II Day Trip & Camping (date change)
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM

11/19: Den Meeting
11/23:  TBD WFU Game
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM

11/26:  Pack Meeting

12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting

1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting (distribute Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution

1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting

2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day

2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting

2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet

3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting

4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting

4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting

5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping

TBD Dash Game/Sleepover

6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

2019-2020 Upcoming Events

Below are the upcoming Events & Key Dates for 2019-2020 Year
*Den/Pack Meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 7-8pm at Mount Tabor UMC
*Bolded events:  Must sign up for these events
8/22: WS/FCS Open House (Bring a friend to our Pack 932 Display Table!!!!)
8/24:  Ice Cream & Movie Night
8/27: First Den Meeting
9/3:  Pack Open House
9/10:  Den Meeting & Popcorn Kick-off
9/17:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
9/24:  Pack Meeting
9/28:  Pack Trip to Dan Nichols Park in Salisbury
10/1:  Den Meeting
10/5: Big Sweep!
10/8:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
10/11-10/13:  Parent Cub Camping Trip
10/15:  Den Meeting
10/15:  God & Family 6PM
10/22:  God and Family 6PM

10/22: Pack Meeting
10/29:  WSFCS Closed – No Scouts
11/2:  Webelos II Day Trip
11/5:  God & Family 6PM
11/5:  Den Meeting/Election Day
11/9:  Veteran’s Day Parade
11/12:  God & Family 6PM
11/12: No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
11/15-11/17: Webelos Camping
11/19:  God & Family 6 PM
11/19: Den Meeting
11/23:  TBD WFU Game
11/26:  Final God & Family 6 PM
11/26:  Pack Meeting
12/3:  Trampoline Park
12/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/7:  Den Meeting
1/10:  Pack Lock-in
1/12:  Council Ski Day
1/14:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
1/21:  Den Meeting(hand out Scouting for Food bags)
1/25:  Scouting for Food Bag Distribution
1/27: Webelos II Troop Visit
1/28:  Pack Meeting
2/1:  Scouting for Food Pick-Up
2/2:  Scout Sunday
2/4:  Den Meeting
2/9:  Council Family Ski Day
2/14:  Derby Weigh In
2/15: Pinewood Derby Race  
2/11:   No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
2/13:  Council Roundtable
2/18: Den Meeting
2/25:  Pack Meeting
2/28: Bridging, Arrow Of Light  and Blue & Gold Banquet
3/1:  Council Family Ski Trip
3/3:  Den Meeting
3/10:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
3/13: Kaleidium Sleepover
3/17:  Den Meeting
3/24:  Pack Meeting
3/31:  Den Meeting
4/7:  Den Meeting
4/14:  Spring Break
4/21:  6:30 Leaders’ Meeting
4/21:  Den Meeting
4/25:  Pack Hike
4/28:  Pack Meeting
5/5:  No Scout’s Meeting/Leaders’ Meeting
5/12:  Bear Carnival
5/19:  Rank Advancement
5/15-17:  Spring Family Camping
TBD Dash Game/Sleepover
6/2:  2020-2021 Planning Meeting
6/17-6/20:  Resident Camp

Resident Camp 2019 Details

Hello Friends,

I am excited to say, it’s Resident Camp time again!  We received our campsite assignment and we are in Kit Carson.  (For those who went last year, it’s the same campsite!)  For those who have not been before, the campsite has Adirondack cabins.  (They are cabins without doors.)  You will want to bring a tarp to cover the entry.  The nails are already in place.   No tents or air mattresses needed (unless your child will not sleep with the other scouts in their cabin).  There will be 6 mattresses in each of the 6 cabins.  Resident Camp can be very hot, you may want to bring sheets and a thin blanket instead of a sleeping bag.
Inline image 2
Check-in (can be very confusing, please read) – Please arrive at the campsite between 1:00 and 1:30 pm, Wednesday.  We are NOT to be at the campsite before 1:00 this year.  You will see signs to go to other locations for check-in, that is for the Pack Leader, please go straight to Kit Carson (see the above map, when you enter Camp, stay to the right) and wait for further instructions for pack check-in.  (Which we will do together once everyone has arrived.  The address at Raven Knob is 266 Raven Knob Rd, Mount Airy, NC 27030 and the camp phone number is (336) 352-4307.
Forms – I will have all the forms. I will give the parents their and their scouts’  medical forms, scouts’ outdoor forms and YTP paperwork. You must show your paperwork at pack check in, please take it with you. You will go over your and your scout’s medical forms with the health staff at pack check in.
Swim Check Forms – I have attached the swim check form to this email.  If you would like to have a BSA Certified Life Guard (Red Cross Life Guards are BSA certified) to perform your scout’s swim check before we arrive at camp, please feel free.  They will just need to fill out the Swim Check Form.  You can then bring it with you to camp to turn in at the same time we turn in our health forms.  Ty Brown has also made arrangements for Swim Checks this weekend at his pool.  Please see previous email or you may reach Ty via text or call at 336-407-8145.    Swim check can also be completed after arriving at camp.
Meals – All meals are eaten at the dining hall.  We may have s’mores one night at our campsite as a pack. Class A Uniforms should be worn for supper unless directed otherwise by Mack Moore
Campfires–  This year there will be an  opening campfire (this requires class A uniforms) for Resident Camp. There will be a closing ceremony Saturday morning after breakfast, where awards and ribbons will be given.
Please watch the weather forecast and bring clothing accordingly.
Suggested Packing List:
  • Cub Scout Rank Book (the boy scouts that run the sessions can sign off on completed parts of loops, pins and badges)
  • Medicine
  • Flashlight
  • Lantern
  • Water bottles or hydration packs (MUST HAVE)
  • Swim suits
  • Towels/washcloths
  • Shower shoes
  • Class A Uniform
  • Class B t-shirts
  • Shorts/Long Pants
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Pajamas
  • Closed-toe shoes (no open-toe shoes are allowed when walking around camp)
  • Soap/shampoo
  • Second pair of closed toe shoes
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Sunblock
  • Bug repellant
  • Sheets/sleeping bag/blanket/pillow
  • Hat
  • Jacket
  • Rain gear
  • Duffle bag, suitcase or backpack – to bring clothes & toiletries to camp
  • Light, string backpack to carry to sessions (water bottle, rank book & session schedule)
  • Fishing gear (optional)
  • Extra batteries
  • Money for the Camp Store (t-shirts, walking sticks, candy, ice cream, pocket knives)
  • Frisbees/campsite games (no waterguns are allowed this year)
  • Battery operated fan (If you have one)
  • Tarp (We will need enough tarps to cover every Adirondack)
  • Dragon themed items or medieval themed props

 Sample Schedule for the day:

Resident camp  daily schedule
  • 7:00 am Reveille
  • 7:30 am Waiter’s Call
  • 7:45 am Assembly in front of dining hall
  • 8:00 am Breakfast
  • Leader’s meeting (after breakfast) – Mack will attend
  • 8:45 am – 9:00 am Walk to Session One
  • 9:00 am –10:15 am Session One
  • 10:15 am – 10:30 am  Walk to Session Two
  • 10:30 am – 11:45 am Session Two
  • 12:00 pm Waiter’s Call
  • 12:15 pm Lunch
  • 12:45 pm –1:30 pm Rest Period
  • 1:30 pm –1:45 pm Walk to Session Three
  • 1:45 pm –3:00 pm Session Three
  • 3:00 pm – 3:15 pm Walk to Session Four
  • 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm  Session Four
  • 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Pack Free Time (Campsite activity, fishing, visit museum, visit trading post)
  • 5:30 pm Waiter’s Call
  • 5:30 pm – 5:45 pm Walk to Dining Hall
  • 6:00 pm Supper
  • Vespers (after Supper)
  • 7:00 pm –9:45 pm In-campsite activities
  • 10:00 pm Taps (please be in your campsite at this time)
Dining Hall Tables: Our Pack will be assigned tables in the dining hall for the duration of our stay at Resident Camp. It is every scout in our group’s responsibility to clean up the tables after each meal. This includes clearing all the dishes and trash, taking the trash to the dumpster, wiping down the tables and sweeping the floor under the table. It is expected that each scout will perform a particular role each meal.
Waiter Duty: Every den gets the chance to be a “waiter” at camp. That means that you and your scout(s) will go to the Dining Hall 15 minutes early when it is your turn and set up our pack tables. You will be responsible for getting the silverware, cups, drinks and meal specific extras for our tables. If you are late or don’t remember to go, our pack tables will not be ready when the pack comes to eat. Most Scouts like to be waiters because they get to be first in line to get their food!
I can’t wait to see you all there,
AttachmeSnts area
Attachments area

Swim Checks for Resident Camp TODAY!!

Hi Everyone,
For those going to Resident Camp, there will be a swim check today at 2:00 PM at the William G White YMCA if desired.  You may also complete swim checks at camp after health checks and tours, it just simplifies things if you are able to do it in advance.  Thank you Mr. Paul Young for arranging this check according to BSA Guidelines.  His number is 336-403-9134.  My apologies for the late notice.  Below is the information on the 3 swimming levels and for what skills they will be checking.

The three swim classifications recognized by the BSA are Swimmers, Beginners, and Nonswimmers.

Swimmers must pass this test: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth. Level off and swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating.

Beginners must pass this test: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth, level off, and swim 25 feet on the surface. Stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, and return to the starting place.

Nonswimmers: Anyone who has not completed either the beginner or swimmer tests is classified as a nonswimmer.

All aquatics activities at Camp Raven Knob take place in Lake Sobotta, which has very different characteristics from a pool. The aquatics staff reserves the right to re-test any Scout, leader, or unit at any time.




Pack 934 Updates 5/7/19

Good Tuesday Afternoon Friends,
We look forward to seeing everyone tonight at the Bear Carnival!   Our Bear den has worked very hard to plan tonight’s actrivies.  There will be lots of games and treats after the games!  This event promises to be lots of fun for everyone!  We’ll be upstairs in the Family Life Center (Big Gym).  The festivities will begin at 7pm.  (If you are a Bear, please arrive at your earlier, agreed upon time.)
I wanted to remind those who paid only their deposits for Resident Camp, that you have two more opportunities to make the final payment.  Either tonight or at our May 21st Rank Advancement.
Current Sign-Ups:
Pack Spring Family Camping will be May 17 – 19  at Camp Raven Knob’s Kyle Johnson Shelter.  This event is free and open to the families of Pack 934.  Each den will be put in charge of a specific meal during the weekend (so your Leader may ask you to bring an item for the meal).  It is a great time for our pack to come together as a unit and the scouts always have a great time!
Deadline tonight, May 7th.
Scout Night at the DASH (sleepover)  May 31 at BB&T Ballpark.  This event is open to friends and families.  There is a pregame parade and the game starts at 7 pm.  There will be fireworks after the game.  They usually have a very light breakfast in the morning and we are off the field by 7am.  I believe all agree that it is a great time for everyone!  Tickets cost $16.00 each for sleepover, patch, and hat or $11 for tickets only.  The deadline for this event is tonight, May 7th
Old Hickory Council’s Cub Scout Day Camp will be July 8-11 at Piney Grove Park.  The deadline is June 30th.  Click this link to be redirected to the council’s registration page.
Old Hickory Council’s Cub Scout Twilight Camp is scheduled for Aug. 5-7 at the council office on Silas Creek Pkwy.  The deadline is July 28th for this camp.  Please click this link to register for Twilight Camp. 
05/07/19 Bear Carnival 7 PM (Family Life Center)
05/17-19/19 Spring Family Camping
05/14/19 No Scouts – Leader’s Meeting 7 PM
05/21/19 Rank Advancement 6:30 PM
05/31/19 Dash Game and Sleepover 6 PM meeting time
06/04/19 Leader’s Planning Meeting 6:00 PM (All adults may join, please RSVP 06/12-15/19 Resident Camp (You will need Wed through Saturday off to attend with your scout.)
06/12-15/19  Cub Scout Resident Camp
07/08-11/19  Cub Scout Day Camp (Sign up using link above)
08/05-07/19  Cub Scout Twilight Camp (Sign up using link above)
See you all tomorrow,
Hope Pirtle
Pack 934 Secretary

Pack 934 Updates 4/30/19

Good Evening Friends,
We will have our last den meeting of the school year tomorrow evening.  I can’t believe how the year has flown!   We do still have events scheduled, just no more den meetings.
Current Sign-Ups:
Pack Spring Family Camping will be May 17 – 19  at Camp Raven Knob’s Kyle Johnson Shelter.  This event is free and open to the families of Pack 934.  Each den will be put in charge of a specific meal during the weekend (so your Leader may ask you to bring an item for the meal).  It is a great time for our pack to come together as a unit and the scouts always have a great time!  The details will be sent closer to the camping date, but below are the suggested items to bring:
              §  Chairs

§  Tent
§  Sleeping bags
§  Ear plugs
§  Pillows
§  Flashlights
§  Lantern- helpful if you have extras to bring to put around campsite
§  Toiletries
§  Shower Shoes
§  Towels
§  Sunscreen
§  Bug spray
§   Hat
§  Cup for hot drinks and water bottles

§  Comfortable CLOSED TOE shoes and clothes

 You should also bring rain gear.
 If you would like to participate in the Dutch Oven Dessert contest, please bring your ingredients.  We have several Dutch Ovens that can be used, if you don;t have one,
Scout Night at the DASH (sleepover)  May 31 at BB&T Ballpark.  This event is open to friends and families.  There is a pregame parade and the game starts at 7 pm.  There will be fireworks after the game.  They usually have a very light breakfast in the morning and we are off the field by 7am.  I believe all agree that it is a great time for everyone!  Tickets cost $16.00 each for sleepover, patch, and hat or $11 for tickets only.  The deadline for this event is May 7th
Old Hickory Council’s Cub Scout Day Camp will be July 8-11 at Piney Grove Park.  The deadline is June 30th.  Click this link to be redirected to the council’s registration page.
Old Hickory Council’s Cub Scout Twilight Camp is scheduled for Aug. 5-7 at the council office on Silas Creek Pkwy.  The deadline is July 28th for this camp.  Please click this link to register for Twilight Camp. 
04/30/19 Den Meeting 7 PM (Basement)

05/07/19 Bear Carnival 7 PM (Family Life Center)
05/17-19/19 Spring Family Camping
05/14/19 No Scouts – Leader’s Meeting 7 PM
05/21/19 Rank Advancement 6:30 PM
05/31/19 Dash Game and Sleepover 6 PM meeting time
06/04/19 Leader’s Planning Meeting 6:00 PM (All adults may join, please RSVP 06/12-15/19 Resident Camp (You will need Wed through Saturday off to attend with your scout.)
06/12-15/19  Cub Scout Resident Camp
07/08-11/19  Cub Scout Day Camp (Sign up using link above)
08/05-07/19  Cub Scout Twilight Camp (Sign up using link above)
See you all tomorrow,
Hope Pirtle
Pack 934 Secretary