Den meetings continue this week at 6:30pm! Here are our room assignments:
Lions: Fusion (Room 110 tonight ONLY)
Tigers: 117 and 116
Wolves: 118
Bears: 119 and 121
Webelos: 122
AOL: 120
Hiking Club
Hiking Club will be at Little Walden Nature Trail in Clemmons on Sunday, November 19, at 1pm. Directions can be found here.
USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC. Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts. This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2. We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person. Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard. Invoices will be sent out for the balance of the Yorktown trip by the end of the week. Payment is due by November 20; you may also pay your balance this evening at our meeting. If you are writing a check, please make it out to Pack 934.
Rockin’ Jump Party
Our end-of-year and end-of-popcorn season party is on Tuesday, December 5, at 6:30pm at Rockin’ Jump on Northwest Blvd. The pack will pay for SCOUT entrance fees; parents are responsible for any siblings that would like to jump. Please sign your scout up here so we have a roster, and please fill out the waiver for everyone in your party here. We will be handing out Pinewood Derby Cars at the end of the evening.
Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!
November 7, 6:30pm: Den Meetings
November 7-9: Popcorn Take Orders Arrive – more details to come
November 14, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting (No Scouts)
November 17: Webelos & AOL Campout
November 19, 1pm: Hiking Club
November 21, 6:30pm: Den Meetings
November 28, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)
December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip
December 5, 6:30pm: Jump Party & Pinewood Derby Car Distribution (last meeting of 2023)
December 17, 1pm: Hiking Club