Pack Meeting Tonight, February 23

Please check your email for the zoom link!

By now everyone should have received an invoice from Square for next year’s scouting fees.  Please pay by March 15, otherwise BSA requires a new application and a $25 joining fee if you lapse.  If you have not received your invoice, please email Alicia.  Pack 934 wants everyone to enjoy the benefits of scouting; if you are having financial difficulty please reach out.  

Our email list has recently been cleaned up.  If you know someone that is supposed to be getting our emails but isn’t, please forward them this email and have them click this link:

Cub Scout Resident Camp has been scheduled for June 16-19.  If you are interested in attending, please fill out this form.

Upcoming Events
February 26: Arrow of Light Ceremony

March 2: Den Meetings

March 9: Leader’s Meeting (NO den meetings)

March 16: Den Meetings

March 23: Pack Meeting

Pinewood Derby Schedule

No Den Meetings TONIGHT – Leader’s Meeting

Good morning scouts.  There are no den meetings this evening due to our monthly leader’s meeting.  

Pinewood Derby Schedule
Pinewood Derby Impound will be this Friday, from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at Mt. Tabor UMC.  Scouts will bring their cars for weigh in and modification. We will be following social distancing guidelines; please remember to wear your mask when you bring in your car.

Race Schedule
The derby will be via zoom this year.  Please watch your email for a link later in the week.

7:45am: Anthem
8:00am: Lion Den Race
8:30am: Tiger Den Race
9:30am: Wolf Den Race
10:15am: Bear Den Race
11:15am: Webelos I Race
12:00pm: Webelos II Race
1:00pm: Championship Race

Upcoming Events:
February 12: PWD Weigh-in

February 13: Pinewood Derby

February 16: Den Meetings

February 23: Pack Meeting

February 26: Arrow of Light

March 2: Den Meetings

March 9: Leader’s Meeting – NO Den Meetings

Den Meetings Start Up This Tuesday, January 5th

Hello scouts!  Den meetings start up again this Tuesday, January 5th.  Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases in Forsyth County, we are going to have virtual meetings during January.  Please keep an eye on your email with zoom instructions from your den leaders.

Please also be aware that our normal pack lock-in scheduled for January has been cancelled.

God and Me Class
If anyone has not earned their religious emblem, please consider taking our VIRTUAL God and Me class starting this Tuesday at 6pm.  The class runs every Tuesday in January, for a total of 4 weeks.  If your scout is interested, please contact Michael Daniel for the zoom link.

Upcoming Events

January 5
6pm: God and Me
7pm: Den meetings

January 7
6:30pm: Bridging Ceremony for AOL Girls

January 12
6pm: God and Me
NO Den meetings

January 19
6pm: God and Me
7pm: Den Meetings

January 25
Webelos II Troop Visit – more info coming

January 26
6pm: God and Me
7pm: Pack Meeting

No Den Meetings Tonight

The leader’s will meet for our monthly meeting at 7pm in the cub room.

Please continue to sell popcorn through online direct! Everyone who sells popcorn will receive a prize, and the top three sellers will receive a big prize at our annual Blue and Gold Banquet.

Upcoming Events:

November 13: Webelos Campout

November 17: Den Meetings

November 24: Pack Meeting (zoom)

Den Meetings Tonight, November 3

Den meetings continue this evening. Please contact your den leader if you have not heard from them regarding time and location. The weather is going to be chilly this evening; please remember to dress appropriately and bring a lantern if you have one.

Upcoming Events:

November 10: Leader’s Meeting (no den meetings) 7pm

November 17: Den Meetings

November 24: Pack Meetings

Den Meetings TONIGHT

Den meetings continue this evening, October 6! Please check your email/texts from your den leader regarding time. Please call or text if you need help finding where and when you meet: 812-604-8560.

Upcoming Events:

October 6: Den Meeting

October 9 – 11: Cub Adventure Weekend (signups are closed)

October 13: Leader’s Meeting (No scouts)

October 20: Den Meeting, Popcorn Forms and Money Due

October 27: Pack Meeting

November 3: Den Meeting (Don’t forget to VOTE!)

November 10: Leader’s Meeting (no scouts)

November 13: Popcorn Pickup, time TBD

November 17: Den Meeting

November 24: Pack Meeting

Pack Hike This Saturday, September 26

Location & Time:


  • Please arrive at 1:00 pm.
  • We will meet in front of the visitor’s center.
  • Please check in with Alicia so she can create a list of participants.  If you are going to be late, please contact Alicia at 812-604-8560 as cell reception allows.

Important Information:

  • Parents: to ensure everyone’s safety, please stay with your children at all times (unless you have arranged for another able adult to accompany them). This is a “must” since the terrain can be treacherous.
  • Please check in with Alicia once you are off the trail. She has the participant list. If you don’t check in with her, she will assume you are still on the trail and if we can not locate you within a reasonable amount of time, we will begin combing the trail with the Ranger looking for you and your family.

What to bring:

  • There is no cost to participants for this activity
  • Please wear class B uniform (cub scout t-shirt) for this event.
  • Snack
  • Wear sunscreen
  • Bring a light jacket or rain poncho for weather
  • Bring a water bottle for the hike

Popcorn Shifts This Weekend

Popcorn Shifts This Weekend

We have three more spots available for popcorn sales this Saturday, September 19.  This is a socially distanced popcorn sale at the Ace Hardware parking lot on Robinhood Road.  Please wear your mask and your Class A uniform to the sale!

Available Shifts:
12pm – 2pm – 1 available
2pm – 4pm – 2 available

To sign up for a shift, download the Trails End app and request your time slot.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Camping Q&A

Bryan Scott from the Webelos 1 den will give an intro to cub camping at our next den meeting on September 22.  He’ll walk you through the gear you need and answer any questions.  Reminder that this will be at Mt. Tabor UMC, at the lower parking lot near the cemetery. 

Pack Hike
Our pack hike is scheduled for Saturday, September 26, at 1pm.  We’ve selected Mayo River State Park as our destination this year in order to avoid crowds at Hanging Rock.  The address for the park is 500 Old Mayo Park Road, Mayodan, NC 27027.  More information will be available soon.

Upcoming Events

September 22:  Den Meetings
September 26:  Pike Hike at Mayo River State Park
September 29:  Pack Meeting (via Zoom)
October 6:  Den Meetings
October 9 – 1:  Cub Adventure Weekend at Camp Raven Knob
October 13:  Leader’s Meeting (NO den meetings)
October 20:  Den Meetings
October 27:  Pack Meeting