No Meetings Tonight!

See you on April 16 for Den Meetings.

Kaleideum Camp-in
Sign up here for the Kaleideum camp-in! Dates are April 26-27; the cost is $48 for scouts and $20 for adults.  Leaders are free!  The cost includes materials, pizza dinner, continental breakfast, and a special patch! The payment link is available on the website now – please click here to pay for your scout(s) and click here to pay for adults (leaders are FREE)!

BSA Registration Process
If you have had trouble with the BSA registration process, please call Lisa at the council office: 336-760-2900

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

April 2: No meetings: Spring Break

April 9, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

April 16, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

April 21: Hiking Club: Boone’s Cave Park

April 23, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 26, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-in

May 3-5: Spring Family Camping at CRK

May 7, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

May 14, 6:30pm: Bear Carnival

May 21, 6:30pm: Rank Advancement Ceremony

May 28: Annual Planning Meeting

June 12 – 15: Cub Resident Camp at CRK

Pack Meeting Tonight

See you this evening at 6:30pm!  Remember – pack meetings are Class A events!

Kaleideum Camp-in
Sign up here for the Kaleideum camp-in! Dates are April 26-27; the cost is $48 for scouts and $20 for adults.  Leaders are free!  The cost includes materials, pizza dinner, continental breakfast, and a special patch! The payment link is available on the website now – please click here to pay for your scout(s) and click here to pay for adults (leaders are FREE)!

BSA Registration Process
Please visit this page on our website for a step-by-step tutorial about how to register.  The registration website is a little glitchy, so be aware that things may not work right away.  If you are still having trouble after following these steps, please email Alicia.

Please keep in mind that if you wait until after March 31 to renew, you will have to pay the $25 joining fee again.  The March 31 deadline is ONLY for those scouts who joined or rechartered with us last year in February/March.  If you joined at any other time in the calendar year, that month will be your renewal month.  You can check your renewal date on  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

March 19, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

March 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 2: No meetings: Spring Break

April 9, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

April 16, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

April 23, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 26, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-in

May 3-5: Spring Family Camping at CRK

May 7, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

May 14, 6:30pm: Bear Carnival

May 21, 6:30pm: Rank Advancement Ceremony

May 28: Annual Planning Meeting

June 12 – 15: Cub Resident Camp at CRK

Den Meetings Tonight

See you this evening at 6:30pm!

BSA Registration Process
Please visit this page on our website for a step-by-step tutorial about how to register.  The registration website is a little glitchy, so be aware that things may not work right away.  If you are still having trouble after following these steps, please email Alicia.

Please keep in mind that if you wait until after March 31 to renew, you will have to pay the $25 joining fee again.  The March 31 deadline is ONLY for those scouts who joined or rechartered with us last year in February/March.  If you joined at any other time in the calendar year, that month will be your renewal month.  You can check your renewal date on  

Kaleideum Camp-in
Sign up here for the Kaleideum camp-in! Dates are April 26-27; the cost is $48 for scouts and $20 for adults.  Leaders are free!  The cost includes materials, pizza dinner, continental breakfast, and a special patch! 

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

March 19, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

March 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 2: No meetings: Spring Break

April 9, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

April 16, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

April 23, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 26, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-in

No Den Meetings Tonight

Pack Committee Meeting tonight in the Scout Room.  We will see you again on Tuesday, March 19.

BSA Registration Process
Please visit this page on our website for a step-by-step tutorial about how to register.  The registration website is a little glitchy, so be aware that things may not work right away.  If you are still having trouble after following these steps, please email Alicia.

Please keep in mind that if you wait until after March 31 to renew, you will have to pay the $25 joining fee again.  The March 31 deadline is ONLY for those scouts who joined or rechartered with us last year in February/March.  If you joined at any other time in the calendar year, that month will be your renewal month.  You can check your renewal date on  

Kaleideum Camp-in
Sign up here for the Kaleideum camp-in! Dates are April 26-27; the cost is $48 for scouts and $20 for adults.  Leaders are free!  The cost includes materials, pizza dinner, continental breakfast, and a special patch! 

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

March 12, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

March 16: District Pinewood Derby

March 19, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

March 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 2: No meetings: Spring Break

April 9, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

April 16, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

April 23, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 26, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-in

No Den Meetings Tonight

No school, no den meetings!  Enjoy your night off.  We will see you again on Tuesday, March 19.

Kaleideum Camp-in
Sign up here for the Kaleideum camp-in! Dates are April 26-27; the cost is $48 for scouts and $20 for adults.  Leaders are free!  The cost includes materials, pizza dinner, continental breakfast, and a special patch! 

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

March 5: No meetings: School’s out!

March 12, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

March 16: District Pinewood Derby

March 19, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

March 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 2: No meetings: Spring Break

April 9, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

April 16, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

April 23, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 26, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-in

Den Meetings Tonight

Den meetings tonight at 6:30pm!  A reminder – there is no school next Monday and Tuesday, so there will be no den meetings.  We will see you again for meetings on March 19.

Kaleideum Camp-in
Sign up here for the Kaleideum camp-in! Dates are April 26-27; the cost is $48 for scouts and $20 for adults.  Leaders are free!  The cost includes materials, pizza dinner, continental breakfast, and a special patch! 

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

February 27,6:30pm: Den Meetings

March 5: No meetings: School’s out!

March 12, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

March 16: District Pinewood Derby

March 19, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

March 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 2: No meetings: Spring Break

April 9, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts

April 16, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

April 23, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

April 26, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-in

Pack Meeting Tonight

Our monthly pack meeting will be held this evening at 6:30pm in Alspaugh.  This is the last pack meeting for our Arrow of Light scouts – they will be moving up to the troop this Friday! We have decided to move our Pinewood Derby awards to this evening so that all scouts can participate.

Blue and Gold Banquet
Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet is this Friday, February 23 at 7pm.  This banquet celebrates our scouts who are moving on to the troop!  Come out and celebrate our kids moving up to their next phase of scouting AND scouting’s birthday!  Please see this page for the menu and to purchase your tickets.

Scout Sunday
Scout Sunday is this Sunday, February 25.  We will be participating in the 9am contemporary worship service in Alspaugh.  Please arrive in your Class A uniform by 8:30am.  Scout Sunday is a chance for us to thank Mt. Tabor United Methodist parishioners for their support to our pack.  Please come if you are able.

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

February 20, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting

February 23, 5:30pm: AOL Bridging Ceremony

February 23, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet (entire pack invited!)

February 25: Council Ski Day @ Winterplace

February 25, 8:30am: Scout Sunday – please come to the Welcome Center near Alspaugh by 8:30am

February 25, 9am: Scout Sunday at MTUMC (Alspaugh)

NO Den Meetings Tonight 

We have our monthly Pack Committee Meeting this evening at 6:30pm, so no scouts.  See you next week!

Blue and Gold Banquet
Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet is Friday, February 23 at 7pm.  This banquet celebrates our scouts who are moving on to the troop!  Pinewood Derby awards will also be presented during the banquet.  Come out and celebrate our kids moving up to their next phase of scouting AND scouting’s birthday!  Please see this page for the menu and to purchase your tickets.

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

February 13, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting (NO SCOUTS)

February 18, 9am-10am: Scouting for Sunday bag pickup (Alspaugh)

February 20, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting: moved so our AOLs can have one last time with us!

February 23, 5:30pm: AOL Bridging Ceremony

February 23, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet (entire pack invited!)

February 25: Council Ski Day @ Winterplace

February 25, 9am: Scout Sunday at MTUMC (Alspaugh)

Den Meetings Tonight 

Den meetings continue tonight at 6:30pm!  If you have not picked up your popcorn prizes, please come find me.  I need to hand out everything I have before I can email about the prizes we are missing – thanks for your help!

Pinewood Derby
Our annual Pinewood Derby is THIS SATURDAY, February 10!  Impound is this Friday from 6pm to 8pm outside of the gym. For inspiration, please visit this link, and for rules, please visit this link.

New this year!  We will have a parent pinewood derby car race.  Parents need to create their own car – no using the cars you’ve built for your kiddo in the past. 😉

The race schedule is as follows:

  • Lions: 8am
  • Tigers: 9am
  • Wolves: 10am
  • Bears: 11am
  • Webelos 1: 12pm
  • AOL: 1pm
  • Championship: 2pm
  • Parent race follows championship!

Cub Scout Day at Wake Men’s Basketball
This year we have the opportunity to attend the February 10 basketball game against NC State!  Tip off is at 4pm, so you can spend an entire day in your scout uniform! Patches are included this year.  THIS IS A CLASS-A EVENT!!!  The cost of the tickets is $10, and parking passes and tickets can be purchased at this link.

Blue and Gold Banquet
Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet is Friday, February 23 at 7pm.  This banquet celebrates our scouts that are moving on to the troop!  Pinewood derby awards will also be presented during the banquet.  Come out and celebrate our kids moving up to their next phase of scouting AND scouting’s birthday!  Please see this page for the menu and to purchase your tickets.

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

February 6, 6:30pm: Den Meeting

February 9, 6pm – 8pm: PINEWOOD DERBY IMPOUND (rules found here)

February 10: Pinewood Derby!  

February 10, 4pm: Men’s Basketball Game: Wake Forest vs. NC State

February 23, 5:30pm: AOL Bridging Ceremony

February 23, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet (entire pack invited!)

February 25: Council Ski Day @ Winterplace

February 25, 11am: Scout Sunday at MTUMC (tentative – please stay tuned)

No Den Meetings Tonight 

Tonight is the 5th Tuesday of the month, so there are no den meetings UNLESS your den leader has offered a make-up session.  Have a great evening.  Please read below for important info on upcoming events. 

Pinewood Derby
Our annual Pinewood Derby is February 10!  If you did not receive your car, you can pick it up at the Pack lock-in.  For inspiration, please visit this link, and for rules, please visit this link.

New this year!  We will have a parent pinewood derby car race.  Parents need to create their own car – no using the cars you’ve built for your kiddo in the past. 😉

  • Lion: 8am
  • Tigers: 9am
  • Wolves: 10am
  • Bears: 11am
  • Webelos 1: 12pm
  • AOL: 1pm
  • Championship: 2pm
  • Parent race follows championship!

Cub Scout Day at Wake Men’s Basketball
This year we have the opportunity to attend the February 10 basketball game against NC State!  Tip off is at 4pm, so you can spend an entire day in your scout uniform! Patches are included this year.  The cost of the tickets are $10, and parking passes can be purchased at this link.

Blue and Gold Banquet
Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet is Friday, February 23 at 7pm.  This banquet celebrates our scouts that are moving on to the troop!  Pinewood derby awards will also be presented during the banquet.  Come out and celebrate our kids moving up to their next phase of scouting AND scouting’s birthday!  Please see this page for the menu and to purchase your tickets.

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

February 4: Council Ski Day @ Winterplace

February 6, 6:30pm: Den Meeting

February 9, 6pm – 8pm: PINEWOOD DERBY IMPOUND (rules found here)

February 10: Pinewood Derby!  

February 10, 4pm: Men’s Basketball Game: Wake Forest vs. NC State

February 23, 5:30pm: AOL Bridging Ceremony

February 23, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet (entire pack invited!)

February 25: Council Ski Day @ Winterplace

February 25: Scout Sunday at MTUMC (tentative – please stay tuned)