Veteran’s Day Parade Info

The annual Veteran’s Day Parade is this Saturday, November 4.  Please meet at Bookmarks at 9 a.m.; this is a Class A event (entire uniform!).  Saturday looks to be about 40 degrees at meeting time and 50 degrees at parade start. If you are planning on going, please fill out this form so that we can get a head count.  See you Saturday!

Pack Meeting TONIGHT

Pack meetings tonight in the Alspaugh Center at 6:30pm!  Please wear your Class As.  If you have popcorn money to turn in, please bring checks made out to Pack 934 – we would like to avoid having excessive amounts of cash on hand!  Your cooperation is appreciated!

Fall Adventure Weekend
If you signed up for Fall Adventure Weekend, please follow this link for information regarding timing, etc.  Our campsite is Crazy Horse A & B; Adirondacks will be available.  Please note that scouts more than 2 years apart in age are NOT allowed to bunk in the same Adirondack.  Families are not permitted to use the Adirondacks; the bunks need to be all scouts or all adults – there can be no mixing of ages and genders to keep us in compliance with Safe Scouting.  We appreciate your understanding!

USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC.  Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts.  This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2.  We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person.  Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard.  More information will be coming soon, but a deposit is required to hold your spot.  Please pay your deposit here.  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

October 24, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 27-29: Fall Adventure Weekend

November 4, 8:30am: Veteran’s Day Parade: More details coming

November 7, 6:30pm: Den Meetings 

November 7-9: Popcorn Take Orders Arrive – more details to come

November 14, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting (No Scouts)

November 17: Webelos & AOL Campout

November 19, 1pm: Hiking Club

November 21, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

November 28, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip (more info coming)

December 5, 6:30pm: Jump Party & Pinewood Derby Car Distribution (last meeting of 2023)

December 17, 1pm: Hiking Club

Popcorn and Nut Orders due TONIGHT

Today is your LAST day to enter your take orders. If you have door to door sales that you have not yet entered, you MUST have them entered so that we can order your inventory. Please email your nut orders to:

If you still need to pay for your orders, please bring a check for the total amount owed made out to Pack 934 at our Pack Meeting this coming Tuesday, or you may pay with your credit card.  Please do not bring us stacks of cash, if at all possible! 😉

We still have show and sells this weekend.  We’ve got a few slots on Saturday and a bunch on Sunday.  The link to sign up can be found here.  

Fall Adventure Weekend
Fall Adventure Weekend is October 27-29.  This is a family camping event and the cost is $38 per person.  The cost includes meals, a t-shirt, patch, and all program materials.  Please pay here or bring a check/cash to the den meeting.

An email with details about Fall Adventure Weekend will be sent out as soon as our campsite has been assigned by Raven Knob.  

USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC.  Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts.  This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2.  We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person.  Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard.  More information will be coming soon, but a deposit is required to hold your spot.  Please pay your deposit here.  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!


October 24, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 27-29: Fall Adventure Weekend

November 4, 8:30am: Veteran’s Day Parade: More details coming

November 7, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

November 14, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting (No Scouts)

November 17: Webelos & AOL Campout

November 19, 1pm: Hiking Club

November 21, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

November 28, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip (more info coming)

December 5, 6:30pm: Jump Party & Pinewood Derby Car Distribution (last meeting of 2023)

December 17, 1pm: Hiking Club

Den Meetings TONIGHT

Den meetings tonight at 6:30pm!  Please see the list below for your grade’s ASSIGNED ROOM:

Lions: Fusion Room 
Tigers: 117 & 116 (Tigers will be in the GYM tonight)
Wolves: 118
Bears: 121 & 119
Webelos: 122
Arrow of Light: 120

Popcorn Sales
IMPORTANT: Friday is your LAST day to enter your take orders. If you have door to door sales that you have not yet entered, you MUST have them entered so that we can order your inventory. Please email your nut orders to:

Show and sells continue this weekend! The link to sign up can be found here.  

If you need to download the Square app, you can do so from here

You should have received your code to sell online in your email last week. If you did not receive that information, please email Rolf at

A word about NUTS: please take all nut sales from door-to-door sales and keep track of them on your sheet.  We will collect those at the end of our selling season and make one giant order – there is no option to order these on Campmasters.

Fall Adventure Weekend
Fall Adventure Weekend is October 27-29.  This is a family camping event and the cost is $38 per person.  The cost includes meals, a t-shirt, patch, and all program materials.  Please pay here or bring a check/cash to the den meeting.

USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC.  Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts.  This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2.  We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person.  Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard.  More information will be coming soon, but a deposit is required to hold your spot.  Please pay your deposit here.  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

October 17, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 24, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 27-29: Fall Adventure Weekend

November 4, 8:30am: Veteran’s Day Parade: More details coming

November 7, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

November 14, 6:30pm: Pack Committee Meeting (No Scouts)

November 17: Webelos & AOL Campout

November 19, 1pm: Hiking Club

November 21, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

November 28, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip (more info coming)

December 5, 6:30pm: Jump Party & Pinewood Derby Car Distribution (last meeting of 2023)

December 17, 1pm: Hiking Club

NO Den Meetings TONIGHT!

Tonight is our Pack Committee Meeting, so that means NO scouts this evening.  See you next week!

Popcorn Show and Sells
Show and sells continue this weekend! The link to sign up can be found here.  

If you need to download the Square app, you can do so from here

You should have received your code to sell online in your email last week. If you did not receive that information, please email Rolf at

A word about NUTS: please take all nut sales from door-to-door sales and keep track of them on your sheet.  We will collect those at the end of our selling season and make one giant order – there is no option to order these on Campmasters.

NC Zoo Trip
Our pack will be visiting the zoo this year on Saturday, October 14, time TBD.  Please sign up here and an invoice will be sent for tickets by next Tuesday. 

Fall Adventure Weekend
Fall Adventure Weekend is October 27-29.  This is a family camping event and the cost is $38 per person.  The cost includes meals, a t-shirt, patch, and all program materials.  Please pay here or bring a check/cash to the den meeting.

USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC.  Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts.  This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2.  We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person.  Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard.  More information will be coming soon, but a deposit is required to hold your spot.  Please pay your deposit here.  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

October 10, 6:30pm: Committee Meetings (no scouts)

October 14: Fall Outing: NC Zoo 

October 17, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 24, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 27-29: Fall Adventure Weekend

December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip (more info coming)

Den Meetings TONIGHT!

Our first den meetings of October are tonight at 6:30pm.  A friendly reminder – please stay with your child during den meetings and encourage positive behavior.  If you have multiple children in scouts, please pick the child that needs your help the most!

Popcorn Show and Sells
Show and sells continue this weekend! The link to sign up can be found here.  

If you are new to us, Show and Sells are BY FAR the easiest way to sell popcorn.  Sales are divided equally among scouts per day/location they sold so that you don’t have to worry about slow hours.

Remember – the Loom video on how to use Square is pinned to the top of our website.  Please review it before your shift.  Please remember that ALL transactions (cash or credit card) need to be recorded in Square; please designate one person during your selling block as the Square person.

If you need to download the Square app, you can do so from here

You should have received your code to sell online in your email last week. If you did not receive that information, please email Rolf at

A word about NUTS: please take all nut sales from door-to-door sales and keep track of them on your sheet.  We will collect those at the end of our selling season and make one giant order – there is no option to order these on Campmasters.

NC Zoo Trip
Our pack will be visiting the zoo this year on Saturday, October 14, time TBD.  Please sign up here and an invoice will be sent for tickets by next Tuesday. 

Fall Adventure Weekend
Fall Adventure Weekend is October 27-29.  This is a family camping event and the cost is $38 per person.  The cost includes meals, a t-shirt, patch, and all program materials.  Please pay here or bring a check/cash to the den meeting.

USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC.  Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts.  This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2.  We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person.  Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard.  More information will be coming soon, but a deposit is required to hold your spot.  Please pay your deposit here.  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

October 3, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 7, 9am: Big Sweep (location TBD)

October 10, 6:30pm: Committee Meetings (no scouts)

October 14: Fall Outing: NC Zoo 

October 17, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 24, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 27-29: Fall Adventure Weekend

December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip (more info coming)

Pack Meeting TONIGHT!

Tonight is our FIRST pack meeting of the scouting year!  We will meet in the Alspaugh Center in the upper part of the church (not the basement!) at 6:30.  For our new families, your scout will sit with their den in the front rows; please find yourself a seat toward the back.  Pack Meetings are Class A except for Lions.  See you tonight!

Popcorn Show and Sells
Show and sells continue this weekend! The link to sign up can be found here.  Access is now open to everyone – please sign up for as many slots as you’d like.

If you are new to us, Show and Sells are BY FAR the easiest way to sell popcorn.  Sales are divided equally among scouts per day/location they sold so that you don’t have to worry about slow hours.

Remember – the Loom video on how to use Square is pinned to the top of our website.  Please review it before your shift.  Please remember that ALL transactions (cash or credit card) need to be recorded in Square; please designate one person during your selling block as the Square person.

If you need to download the Square app, you can do so from here

You should have received your code to sell online in your email last week. If you did not receive that information, please email Rolf at

Fall Adventure Weekend
Fall Adventure Weekend is October 27-29.  I am waiting for clarification about whether it is considered family camping this year; please check your email for an update.

USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC.  Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts.  This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2.  We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person.  Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard.  More information will be coming soon, but a deposit is required to hold your spot.  Please pay your deposit here.  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

September 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 3, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 7, 9am: Big Sweep (location TBD)

October 10, 6:30pm: Committee Meetings (no scouts)

October 14: Fall Outing: NC Zoo 

October 17, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 24, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 27-29: Fall Adventure Weekend

December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip (more info coming)

Den Meetings TONIGHT!

Good morning!  Den meetings continue this evening at 6:30pm. The Wolf Den will be meeting outside; all other dens will meet in your assigned rooms. 

A friendly reminder: please stay with your scout during den meetings and encourage your child to be mindful of those around them.  

Popcorn Show and Sells
Show and sell’s continue this weekend! The link to sign up can be found here.  Access is now open to everyone – please sign up for as many slots as you’d like.

If you are new to us, Show and Sells are BY FAR the easiest way to sell popcorn.  Sales are divided equally among scouts per day/location they sold so that you don’t have to worry about slow hours.

Remember – the Loom video on how to use Square is pinned to the top of our website.  Please review it before your shift.  Please remember that ALL transactions (cash or credit card) need to be recorded in Square; please designate one person during your selling block as the Square person.

If you need to download the Square app, you can do so from here

You should have received your code to sell online in your email last week. If you did not receive that information, please email Rolf at

Fall Adventure Weekend
Fall Adventure Weekend is October 27-29.  I am waiting for clarification about whether it is considered family camping this year; please check your email for an update.

USS Yorktown
Every two years we have the opportunity to visit the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC.  Many of our scouting families say this is their most memorable trip during their time in Cub Scouts.  This year our overnight trip is scheduled for December 1-2.  We will be staying aboard the ship for two nights and the cost is $145/person.  Your scout must be 7 in order to sleep aboard.  More information will be coming soon, but a deposit is required to hold your spot.  Please pay your deposit here.  

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

September 19, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

September 24, 1pm: Hiking Club at Bethabara Park, starting at Old Town Entrance

September 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 3, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 7, 9am: Big Sweep (location TBD)

October 10, 6:30pm: Committee Meetings (no scouts)

October 14: Fall Outing: NC Zoo 

October 17, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

October 24, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)

October 27-29: Fall Adventure Weekend

December 1 – 2: USS Yorktown Trip (more info coming)

Popcorn Show and Sells
This weekend starts our FIRST round of show and sells for the year!  The link to sign up can be found here.  To make it equitable for everyone, please sign up for one slot per scout to start.  Next Tuesday I will open it up to the group to fill in the remaining spaces.

If you are new to us, Show and Sells are BY FAR the easiest way to sell popcorn.  Sales are divided equally among scouts per day/location they sold so that you don’t have to worry about slow hours.

I will be recording a new video to help you navigate the Square App we use for recording sales and keeping track of inventory, so please keep an eye out on the website for it – I will pin it to the top of the site.  Please remember that ALL transactions (cash or credit card) need to be recorded in Square; please designate one person during your selling block as the Square person.

If you need to download the Square app, you can do so from here

We will be sending out your individual codes for selling popcorn online from the Campmasters website shortly.  If you do not receive that information, please email Rolf at

Upcoming Events:
PLEASE NOTE: Scout meetings will start at 6:30pm this year!

September 19, 6:30pm: Den Meetings

September 24, 1pm: Hiking Club

September 26, 6:30pm: Pack Meeting (Class A)