Den Meetings Tonight – start at 7pm! Ignore the email typo!!!

Good morning!  Den meetings for March start this evening at 7pm!

Kaleideum Overnight
The annual Kaleideum lock-in is this weekend, Friday, March 10, at 5:30pm.  Today is the last day to register.  An adult must attend, so please pay for both the adult and the scout.  If you are a registered Cub Scout leader, you do not need to pay.

Our recharter campaign is right around the corner.  Dues for the 2023-2024 scouting year are $75.00 and everyone has been invoiced through Square.  If you have NOT received your invoice, please email me or find me this evening. Please pay as soon as possible; if you miss the recharter deadline you will have to fill out a new application and pay the $25 new scout fee.  As always, please reach out if you need financial assistance.  If you are looking to donate to our scholarship fund, please click here.

Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner!  Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17.  Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout.  A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23.  Please fill out this interest form.

Fundraiser: Camp Cards
This year we’ve decided to participate in selling Camp Cards through Old Hickory Council.  These are discount cards for places in Forsyth County and can be used multiple times during the calendar year.  The cards are $10 each, and $5 will be put into a credit account for each scout that sells.  This is a great way to pay for your resident camp fees!  If you are a family that does not plan on attending camp but are interested in helping us refill our scholarship fund, please consider selling camp cards for that purpose!  Please see Alicia for more information and to pick up cards.

Hiking Club
Our next hiking club dates and locations are as follows:
March 12, 1pm: Gibson Park in High Point

Leadership Needs
We are in need of a pack treasurer starting in March.  Please see Alicia, Bryan, or Jim if you are interested.

Upcoming Events
March 7, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 10, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-In

March 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: NO Scouts

March 18: District Pinewood Derby Race

March 19: Scout Sunday (Service TBD)

March 21, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting

Den Meetings Tonight
Good morning!  Tonight is our last February den meeting at 7pm. 

Our recharter campaign is right around the corner.  Dues for the 2023-2024 scouting year are $75.00 and everyone has been invoiced through Square.  If you have NOT received your invoice, please email me. Please pay as soon as possible; if you miss the recharter deadline you will have to fill out a new application and pay the $25 new scout fee.  As always, please reach out if you need financial assistance.  If you are looking to donate to our scholarship fund, please click here.

Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner!  Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17.  Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout.  A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23.  Please fill out this interest form.

Fundraiser: Camp Cards
This year we’ve decided to participate in selling Camp Cards through Old Hickory Council.  These are discount cards for places in Forsyth County and can be used multiple times during the calendar year.  The cards are $10 each, and $5 will be put into a credit account for each scout that sells.  This is a great way to pay for your resident camp fees!  If you are a family that does not plan on attending camp but are interested in helping us refill our scholarship fund, please consider selling camp cards for that purpose!  Please see Alicia for more information and to pick up cards.

Hiking Club
Our next hiking club dates and locations are as follows:
March 12, 1pm: Gibson Park in High Point

Leadership Needs
We are in need of a pack treasurer starting in March.  Please see Alicia, Bryan, or Jim if you are interested.

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The last ski day is March 5. 

Upcoming Events
February 28, 7pm: Den Meeting

March 7, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 10, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-In

March 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: NO Scouts

March 18: District Pinewood Derby Race

March 19: Scout Sunday (Service TBD)

March 21, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting

Pack Meeting Tonight

Good morning!  Tonight is our February pack meeting at 7pm in Alspaugh.  Please come dressed in your Class A’s.  This will be our last pack meeting for our Arrow of Light den before they move up to the troop.  Please come and wish them good luck in their next adventure!  

Blue and Gold Banquet

Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet will be held on Friday, February 24 at 7 pm.  Tickets can be purchased here. We have a very special guest that will be with us as our keynote speaker: Jahmal Banks, wide receiver for Wake Forest University.  Jahmal did cub scouts and boys scouts and has a great story to tell.  We would love to have as many scouts as we can to hear him speak.  Please purchase your tickets by Monday so that we can give a head count to the caterer – this is VERY important.  Tickets will be available at the door.  

Blue and Gold banquet is also an awards ceremony.  We will recognize the overall pack Pinewood derby winners and coolest car winners, along with our outgoing leaders.  There will be cake. 😉

Our recharter campaign is right around the corner.  Dues for the 2023-2024 scouting year are $75.00 and everyone has been invoiced through Square.  If you have NOT received your invoice, please email me. Please pay as soon as possible; if you miss the recharter deadline you will have to fill out a new application and pay the $25 new scout fee.  As always, please reach out if you need financial assistance.  If you are looking to donate to our scholarship fund, please click here.

Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner!  Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17.  Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout.  A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23.  Please fill out this interest form.

Fundraiser: Camp Cards
This year we’ve decided to participate in selling Camp Cards through Old Hickory Council.  These are discount cards for places in Forsyth County and can be used multiple times during the calendar year.  The cards are $10 each, and $5 will be put into a credit account for each scout that sells.  This is a great way to pay for your resident camp fees!  If you are a family that does not plan on attending camp but are interested in helping us refill our scholarship fund, please consider selling camp cards for that purpose!  Please see Alicia for more information and to pick up cards.

Hiking Club
Our next hiking club dates and locations are as follows:
March 12, 1pm: Gibson Park in High Point

Leadership Needs
We are in need of a pack treasurer and a fundraising/events chair starting in March.  Please see Alicia, Bryan, or Jim if you are interested.

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The last ski day is March 5. 

Upcoming Events
February 21, 7pm: Pack Meeting: Please NOTE this change

February 24, 5:30pm: AOL Ceremony
February 24, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet

February 28, 7pm: Den Meeting

March 7, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 10, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-In

March 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: NO Scouts

March 18: District Pinewood Derby Race

March 19: Scout Sunday (Service TBD)

March 21, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting

Blue and Gold Banquet

Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet will be held on Friday, February 24 at 7 pm.  Tickets can be purchased here. We have a very special guest that will be with us as our keynote speaker: Jahmal Banks, wide receiver for Wake Forest University.  Jahmal did cub scouts and boys scouts and has a great story to tell.  We would love to have as many scouts as we can to hear him speak.  Please purchase your tickets by Monday so that we can give a head count to the caterer – this is VERY important.  Tickets will be available at the door.  

Blue and Gold banquet is also an awards ceremony.  We will recognize the overall pack Pinewood derby winners and coolest car winners, along with our outgoing leaders.  There will be cake. 😉

Our recharter campaign is right around the corner.  Dues for the 2023-2024 scouting year are $75.00 and you will be invoiced through Square.  Please pay as soon as possible; if you miss the recharter deadline you will have to fill out a new application and pay the $25 new scout fee.  As always, please reach out if you need financial assistance.  If you are looking to donate to our scholarship fund, please click here.

Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner!  Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17.  Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout.  A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23.  Please fill out this interest form.

Fundraiser: Camp Cards
This year we’ve decided to participate in selling Camp Cards through Old Hickory Council.  These are discount cards for places in Forsyth County and can be used multiple times during the calendar year.  The cards are $10 each, and $5 will be put into a credit account for each scout that sells.  This is a great way to pay for your resident camp fees!  If you are a family that does not plan on attending camp but are interested in helping us refill our scholarship fund, please consider selling camp cards for that purpose!  Please see Alicia for more information and to pick up cards.

Hiking Club
Our next hiking club dates and locations are as follows:
February 19, 12:30pm: Reynolda Trial
March 12, 1pm: Gibson Park in High Point

Leadership Needs
We are in need of a pack treasurer and a fundraising/events chair starting in March.  Please see Alicia, Bryan, or Jim if you are interested.

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The last ski day is March 5. 

Upcoming Events

February 19, 12:30pm: Hiking Club, Reynolda Trial
February 21, 7pm: Pack Meeting: Please NOTE this change

February 24, 5:30pm: AOL Ceremony
February 24, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet

February 28, 7pm: Den Meeting

March 7, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 10, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-In

March 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: NO Scouts

March 18: District Pinewood Derby Race

March 19: Scout Sunday (Service TBD)

March 21, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting

NO Den Meetings Tonight

There are no den meetings tonight because of our Pack Committee Meeting.  If you are interested in volunteering, please consider coming this evening at 7pm. If you are doing God and Me, classes will continue at 6pm this evening.  This email has a lot of important information, so please read it carefully!

Blue and Gold Banquet

Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet will be held on Friday, February 24 at 7 pm.  Tickets can be purchased here. We have a very special guest that will be with us as our keynote speaker: Jahmal Banks, wide receiver for Wake Forest University.  We would love to have as many scouts as we can to hear him speak – he’s got a great story to tell!

Blue and Gold banquet is also an awards ceremony.  We will recognize Pinewood derby winners and coolest car winners, along with our outgoing leaders.  There will be cake. 😉

Our recharter campaign is right around the corner.  Dues for the 2023-2024 scouting year are $75.00 and you will be invoiced through Square.  Please pay as soon as possible; if you miss the recharter deadline you will have to fill out a new application and pay the $25 new scout fee.  As always, please reach out if you need financial assistance.  If you are looking to donate to our scholarship fund, please click here.

Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner!  Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17.  Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout.  A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23.  Please fill out this interest form.

Fundraiser: Camp Cards
This year we’ve decided to participate in selling Camp Cards through Old Hickory Council.  These are discount cards for places in Forsyth County and can be used multiple times during the calendar year.  The cards are $10 each, and $5 will be put into a credit account for each scout that sells.  This is a great way to pay for your resident camp fees!  If you are a family that does not plan on attending camp but are interested in helping us refill our scholarship fund, please consider selling camp cards for that purpose!  Please see Alicia for more information and to pick up cards.

Hiking Club
Our next hiking club dates and locations are as follows:
February 19, 12:30pm: Hobby Park
March 12, 1pm: Gibson Park in High Point

Leadership Needs
We are in need of a pack treasurer starting in March.  Please see Alicia, Bryan, or Jim if you are interested.

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The last ski day is March 5. 

Upcoming Events
February 14, 6pm: God and Me
February 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts!

February 21, 7pm: Pack Meeting: Please NOTE this change

February 24, 5:30pm: AOL Ceremony
February 24, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet

February 28, 7pm: Den Meeting

March 7, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 10, 5:30pm: Kaleideum Camp-In

March 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: NO Scouts

March 18: District Pinewood Derby Race

March 19: Scout Sunday (Service TBD)

March 21, 7pm: Den Meetings

March 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting

Den Meetings Tonight & Pinewood Derby Information

Den meetings continue tonight at 7pm.  If you are doing God and Me, classes will continue at 6pm this evening.  This email has a lot of important information, so please read it carefully!

Pinewood Derby
Pinewood Derby is this weekend!  For our new families/new racers, all cars must be brought to the church between 5pm and 8pm this Friday for impound.  No cars will be allowed to race on Saturday that are not impounded.  Back by popular demand, we will have a zoom link for your friends and family to watch you race!  Den leaders will be sharing that with you shortly.  

On Saturday, please show up 10 minutes prior to your race time.  This is a Class A event.  A couple of girls from Troop 964 will be on hand to sell food as a fundraiser – please support them!  There will be donuts and coffee in the morning with a switch to a hot dog lunch later in the race.

Race Schedule
0800 Lions
0900 Tigers
1000 Wolves
1100 Bears
1200 Webelos
1300 AOL
1400 Championship Race

A link to our Pinewood Derby Rules can be found here.

Blue and Gold Banquet
Our annual Blue and Gold Banquet will be held on Friday, February 24 at 7 pm.  Tickets can be purchased here.  We have a very special guest that will be with us as our keynote speaker: Jahmal Banks, wide receiver for Wake Forest University.  We would love to have as many scouts as we can to hear him speak – he’s got a great story to tell!

Blue and Gold banquet is also an awards ceremony.  We will recognize Pinewood derby winners and coolest car winners, along with our outgoing leaders.

Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner!  Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17.  Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout.  A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23.  Please fill out this interest form.

Fundraiser: Camp Cards
This year we’ve decided to participate in Camp Cards through Old Hickory Council.  These are discount cards for places in Forsyth County and can be used multiple times during the calendar year.  The cards are $10 each, and $5 will be put into a credit account for each scout that sells.  This is a great way to pay for your resident camp fees!  If you are a family that does not plan on attending camp but are interested in helping us refill our scholarship fund, please consider selling camp cards for that purpose!  Please see Alicia this evening for more information and to pick up your cards.

Hiking Club
Our next hiking club dates and locations are as follows:
February 19, 12:30pm: Hobby Park
March 12, 1pm: Gibson Park in High Point

Leadership Needs
We are in need of a pack treasurer starting in March.  Please see Alicia, Bryan, or Jim if you are interested.

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The dates are February 5 and March 5. 

Upcoming Events
February 7, 6pm: God and Me
February 7, 7pm: Den Meeting

February 10, 5pm – 8pm: Pinewood Derby Impound

February 11: PINEWOOD DERBY! 

February 14, 6pm: God and Me
February 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts!

February 21, 7pm: Pack Meeting: Please NOTE this change

February 24, 5:30pm: AOL Ceremony
February 24, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet

February 28, 7pm: Den Meeting

5th Tuesday Meetings

Tonight is the 5th Tuesday of January, which means we typically do not have den meetings.  However, some of our den leaders are having meetings tonight to catch up.  You should have received an email from them; if you did not please reach out directly to your den leader if you are unsure.  We will have God and Me classes tonight at 6pm.

Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner!  Camp this year will be held June 14-June 17.  Camp costs are $180 per scout and $85 per adult – one adult is required per scout.  A deposit of $50 will be due on April 23, with the balance due on May 23.  Please fill out this interest form.

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The dates are February 5 and March 5. 

Upcoming Events
January 31, 6pm: God and Me

February 7, 6pm: God and Me
February 7, 7pm: Den Meeting

February 10, 5pm – 8pm: Pinewood Derby Impound

February 11: PINEWOOD DERBY! Race times TBD

February 14, 6pm: God and Me
February 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts!

February 21, 7pm: Den Meeting

February 24, 5:30pm: AOL Ceremony
February 24, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet

February 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting

Alicia Lemar and Andy Jones will be at the Old Hickory Council building on Saturday, January 28, from noon to 5 to cut your pinewood derby cars.  The council office is located at 6600 Silas Creek Parkway.  We will be cutting cars at the shelter; you can only reach it by walking, so park your car in the lot and then head back up toward the road.  We will have templates that your scout can choose from.  ADULTS WILL BE THE ONLY PEOPLE ALLOWED TO CUT CARS.  We  still need volunteers to help cut, and if anyone has a scroll saw, we would really appreciate borrowing it (even if you can’t stay the whole time).  If you are interested in volunteering, please text Alicia at 812-604-8560. 

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The dates are February 5 and March 5. 

Upcoming Events
January 28: Pinewood Derby Car Cut Date: We need volunteers

January 31, 6pm: God and Me

February 7, 6pm: God and Me
February 7, 7pm: Den Meeting

February 10, 5pm – 8pm: Pinewood Derby Impound

February 11: PINEWOOD DERBY! Race times TBD

February 12: Scout Sunday at Mt. Tabor UMC

February 14, 6pm: God and Me
February 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts!

February 21, 7pm: Den Meeting

February 24, 5:30pm: AOL Ceremony
February 24, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet

February 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting

Den Meetings TONIGHT
Den meetings  continue tonight at 7pm!  If you are signed up for God and Me classes, please note that you will meet in the Cub Scout room at 6pm.  

Scouting for Food
Our annual Scouting for Food program starts on February 4th and runs through February 11.  Bags will be available at tonight’s den meeting; please do not distribute them to your neighbors until Saturday, February 4.  Scouts should deliver donation bags to their neighbors; hanging bags in or on mailboxes is prohibited.   All food donated should be brought to the Pinewood Derby on Saturday, February 11.  

Our pinewood derby is just around the corner!  Here are the rules for PWD – please pay special attention to them!  This year, we will be hosting a pinewood derby cut day for those of you that don’t have the fancy tools to cut your car.  I’m looking for volunteers with scroll saws, etc., willing to meet on Saturday, January 28 at Old Hickory Council and help cut cars.  If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form.  Currently, we only have 2 volunteers.  Please help!

Council Ski Days
Please follow the above link to signup for council ski days at Winterplace in West Virginia!  For $80 you get a full day lift ticket, a 90 minute group lesson, equipment rental, and a meal voucher.  The dates are February 5 and March 5. 

Upcoming Events
January 24, 6pm: God and Me
January 24, 7pm: Den Meeting

January 28: Pinewood Derby Car Cut Date: We need volunteers

January 31, 6pm: God and Me

February 7, 6pm: God and Me
February 7, 7pm: Den Meeting

February 10, 5pm – 8pm: Pinewood Derby Impound

February 11: PINEWOOD DERBY! Race times TBD

February 12: Scout Sunday at Mt. Tabor UMC

February 14, 6pm: God and Me
February 14, 7pm: Pack Committee Meeting: No Scouts!

February 21, 7pm: Den Meeting

February 24, 5:30pm: AOL Ceremony
February 24, 7pm: Blue and Gold Banquet

February 28, 7pm: Pack Meeting